Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3264: Parallel universe

Li Yao did not expect that the speed of the silver-white giant would increase tenfold in an instant. I didn’t expect it to tear the wound into a vast mouthful of blood. It’s too late to escape. The whole world was swallowed up by the silver waves. "Super Giant Soldiers" fell into the bottomless gap between the silver-white giants.

Li Yao feels that he is like a constant fall in the endless abyss, where he can't find a little bit of strength around him, and he can't perceive the existence of the body and super giant soldiers.

The whole part gradually changed from a chaotic darkness to a star-shaped spot, followed by a fine sand-like starburst like a waterfall, as if he had returned to the vast universe through the body of the silver-white giant.

However, this is not a common universe.

The starburst here is too dense.

You know, in the "real" universe, the distance between stars is actually very distant, even if the violent light and heat, after passing tens of light years, will become dim, so sail in the stars, It's like an ant passing through a sealed, dark box. At most, the box will occasionally be pierced with a few pinholes, and there are several faint rays coming in, just like that.

But the stars here are too dense, too bright and even too glaring, just like all the stars in the heavens and the world are attracted to the head of Li Yao, or ... hundreds of millions of universes, overlapping.

"here is--"

Li Yao’s heart glimpsed and instantly understood, “It’s the inside of ‘Hong Chao’!”

I want to go deep into the enemy's back, and give Hong Chao a "center flowering". Now people really open up all the bans, and let them drive straight into the house, but the scene inside the flood is far beyond his expectations. The information and data hidden behind the stars are deeply addictive, but completely unresolvable.

Li Yao can only rely on the wave of the flood, and slowly push himself forward, the star is the most dense, as if hundreds of millions of suns exploded at the same time.

For a moment, endless energy poured into his spirit, making him feel completely irresistible, and the spirit of the spirit must be smouldering.

However, after gradually adapting to the indescribable light of the ink, he “sees” or “feels”. On the brilliant sea of ​​fire, there are countless blue planets floating in the sky. The planets all have their own small and fascinating galaxies as "protective hoods", and the outer surface of each protective cover is also faintly covered with a glimmer of golden light. I don't know whether it is a kind of protection or a seal.


When Li Yao’s consciousness extended, the information of these azure planets poured into the depths of his soul instantly. He could clearly see the similar terrain of each azure planet, the mountains and the stars. The towns, as well as the mortal beings living in the towns, the smiles of the living bodies that claim to be the "spirit of all things", joys, sorrows, sorrows and sorrows.

Countless earths, countless human emotions, wills and imaginations - as the roots of intelligent life, they are transformed into some kind of pure and powerful force, sucked out, and continuously sent into the brilliant sea of ​​fire.

Such a scene, Li Yao feels very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

By the way, it is behind the scenes of the sacred alliance, super artificial intelligence "Fuxi"!

Fuxi has opened up countless “humanity laboratories” in the virtual world, which are used to collect big data and support its ideal country.

The actions of Hong Chao are different. They should be said to be more "advanced" because most of Fuxi’s "human laboratory" is virtual, while the flood is using the real planet, or Say it has the ability to create a real earth in a three-dimensional universe to harvest what it needs!

No... The more I observe, the more I feel terrible, and everything that appears in the depths of the flood has exceeded the range he can understand. It is like a collection of countless “parallel worlds” and countless “parallel earthes”. Dance in the sea of ​​infinite glory.

"Is this the truth of the round of jail?

“Every time the cycle is over and it is about to be restarted, the old ‘Earth’ is not completely destroyed, but all data and informationization are input into the depths of the flood and transformed into a “parallel earth”.

"It seems that the computer system runs for a period of time, after a large number of data changes and calculation results, all the data is copied and saved, transferred to another storage space, and then restarted.

"So, how many 'parallel earth's have been born, how many times have happened? The flood not only controls the emotions and imagination of all the spirits on the earth, but also controls countless 'parallel earth'. On, the power of countless spirits!"

These thoughts, such as a series of Mars, burst into the depths of Li Yao’s consciousness.

Although the fog of darkness has been broken, it has also caused him to become more confused. If this is the case, the power of the flood is far beyond their imagination, not by them, at least not by his little intelligence.

But the flood did not attack them with the power of countless "parallel earth."

This horror to the incredible quasi-god-level existence, what should we do with such a huge force?

"Now, should you believe me?"

After Li Yao, there was a faint voice. "This is not an illusion, but a myriad of 'parallel earths' that exist in reality. I have such a huge force. I don't care about the harassment of your little bug. You and those who resist. Your noise and bite have no meaning at all for me."

Li Yao was shocked. When he looked back, he saw the silver-white ball like a balloon, hanging lightly behind his head.

The silver-white ball has no facial features and expressions, and the round-shaped mirror is just a cold reflection of Li Yao's own funny expression.

"However, your wisdom and courage, or meanness and stupidity, have won me a glimpse... moved."

The silver-white ball continues to send information to Li Yao. "Because this silk is 'moving', plus the vast energy that you have provided me, I can make you die. No, it should not be said to be 'dead'. But it should be said that in the distant past, reborn."

Li Yao did not know what kind of reaction he should make. He was completely lost in countless "parallel earths" and numerous stars in the overlapping, interfering, splitting and reborn.

The silver-white ball and the information link between him instantly swelled up.

If hundreds of thousands of stars and giants like the huge data, such as the flood of water, Li Yao's souls come to the scene, in the simplest or even the wrong way, to Li Yao to paint an incredible and even unimaginable picture of the universe.

Everything starts with quantum mechanics.

Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that studies the movement of microscopic particles in the material world. It mainly studies the basic theories of atoms, molecules, condensed matter, and the structure and properties of nucleus and elementary particles. It breaks through the scope of classical physics and fundamentally It has changed human understanding of the structure of matter and its interactions.

Different from the classical mechanics that can be verified intuitively, in the category of quantum mechanics, there are many things that are contrary to common sense or even unimaginable. For example, the common people's understanding of quantum mechanics is almost from the "Schrodinger's cat" The famous thought experiment began.

Li Yao now knows that "Schrodinger's cat" is not a ghost of Hong Chao, but a thought experiment that actually appeared on the "original earth" hundreds of millions of years ago. It was proposed by the famous Austrian physicist Schrödinger. Trying to explain the problem of the quantum superposition principle at the microscopic scale from a macro scale.

This thought experiment is like this: Suppose there is a live cat in a box with ideal conditions and a small amount of radioactive material. After that, there is a 50% probability that the radioactive material will decay and release poison gas to kill the cat, while 50% The probability of radioactive material will not decay and the cat will survive.

According to classical physics, one of these two results will occur in the box, and the external observer can only know the result if he opens the box.

In the quantum world, when the box is closed, the entire system maintains the wave state of uncertainty, that is, the superposition of the cat.

Whether a cat is dead or alive must be determined after the box is opened and the external observer observes the substance in the form of particles.

This famous ideological experiment aims to demonstrate that quantum mechanics is beyond the common sense of understanding and understanding of the microscopic particle world, which makes microscopic uncertainty into macroscopic uncertainty. Cats live and die in violation of logical thinking.

Schrödinger’s cat itself is a hypothetical concept. Even Schrödinger’s own experiment throws this experiment with a bit of sarcasm. However, with the development of technology, people have realized “Schrodinger’s cat” in photons, atoms and molecules. State, even found that Schrödinger's cat state is a quantum superposition state, which itself is universal in life.

This has caused the human being's originally stable, unique, and determined world to be greatly shaken.

Even the concept of "parallel universe" has been derived from this.

The reason is very simple - because all the microscopic particles are "inaccurate", in the non-life, non-left, and non-right, non-involved quantum superposition states, and all macroscopic objects include the entire universe. They are all composed of countless microscopic particles. Then, in theory, the macro universe should also be "inaccurate" and in a superposition of "everything is possible", if we do not perceive such "superposition" and " It’s only because there are countless parallel universes that are roughly similar but have subtle differences. We only live in one of them. “I don’t know the true face of the mountain, but I am in this mountain.” That’s all.

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