Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3267: Friends and relatives group (fifth!)

Ark on the island.

Since Li Yao’s “Super Giant Soldier” was swallowed up by the silver-white giant, the opposing sides have fallen into a quirky silence. In the face of the “death battle” that has just been suspended, both the prisoner and the prisoner feel that they are themselves The battle was ridiculously ridiculous and lost all meaning.

However, such a state of silence does not exist forever, or is abruptly changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the "super-powered soldiers" had just been swallowed up by the silver-white giants, because the two sides were almost the same size, the silver-white giant's appearance was seen as a horn, as if it had been filled with "super-powered soldiers."

However, as time passes by, the silver-white giant gradually becomes round and smooth, and gradually develops toward an absolute sphere. It is like... It puts the "super-powered soldier" with Li Yao , thoroughly digested and absorbed the same!

With the "super-powered soldiers" and Li Yao's melting, the clouds are re-aggregated, the squally showers become more violent, and the lightning is like a fierce beast after the transformation. It goes to the deep sea, the earth and the beings, and releases it most unscrupulously. Ugly power.

"It seems that it is not quite right!"

Zhang Da Niu slammed a raised reef and prevented him from being swept away by the storm. The raindrops made him barely open his eyes. "Li Yao's breath is getting weaker and weaker. I can't feel his existence. How to do?

"Hey, I said everyone, we can't be indifferent, sitting here and watching Li Yao alone to save the world. He just said that no one can save everything. What we are, what the world looks like, we You must save yourself!

"If, if this is really a world where ‘strong imagination can reverse reality’, ‘emotion is endless, and will is unlimited’, then, then we can’t do anything else, at least for him to shout and cheer for it.

"Everyone is doing it with me, okay, it is necessary to see that these people are doing their best - Li Yao will win! Long live the humanity! Li Yao will win! Long live the human!"

Ms. Gray and Sparta have many awakened people who face each other and don’t know if they should be crazy with Zhang Daniu.

“Is this useful?”

Ms. fog can't help but ask.

"It seems that something is worse, not aggressive, exposed, murderous."

Zhang Da Niu indulged for a moment, "On such a passionate and magnificent battlefield, it seems that we should shout a more overbearing line. The "global will" we face is also known as "Tiandao" in many online novels. Is it almost a meaning? It is easy to handle. I am familiar with the lines in this respect. I will make a demonstration first. Everyone will roar with me and release your blood, passion and will.

"Listen, it is like this - my life is not for me, my Zhang Daniu will be against heaven today!

"In the case of God killing God, killing the devil, killing, killing, killing, killing!"

"The thief, I am going to kill you today, hehe!

"Oh, why don't you roar with me? Look at me so stunned!"


Ms. Gray and Sparta looked at each other and said, "We are still brewing."

"No, it’s not easy to burn your eyebrows. Isn’t that simple?”

Zhang Da Niu picked up his sleeves, bite his teeth, and pointed his **** at the dark sky. If the voice rang, "I want this day -"

No one expected Zhang Da Niu’s “screaming and cheering” to really work.

Therefore, when there was a louder than the Thunder, and the deafening sound was louder than the Thunder, everyone was shocked, including Zhang Daniu himself.

He had some cramps for the whole person, and the **** trembled and stabbed into the sky, as if piercing a hole between the clouds at least thousands of kilometers in diameter, exposing the big universe battlefield outside the dark clouds and the atmosphere.

No, not a hole, but thousands of holes, appearing on the high wall of the seal round of jail, hundreds of millions of dazzling stars are like a billion-dollar flash, piercing high walls, atmosphere and dark clouds. Sprinkle thousands of golden lights on the ground.

Ark Island, no, is everyone on the whole planet, staring at the sky.

The sky seems to have become a translucent and magnificent stage, with countless silhouettes of super-starships that are comparable to the moon and even beyond the moon, overlapping in the depths of the stage, hundreds of millions of thunders erupting from billions of turrets, making lightning and volcanoes The eruption is eclipsed, and the most dazzling position under the spotlight belongs to a steel **** who is hundreds of meters, several kilometers or even tens of thousands of meters high. Every steel **** is surrounded by the wreckage of countless star ships. If you have a spectacular meteor shower, pounce on the earth!

"this is--"

Zhang Daniu muttered to himself, "I have a mother, this is the main force of the big universe battlefield!"


Deep in the flood.

Li Yao is about to get lost.

Lost in remorse for the past, and fear of the future.

"There is no road ahead!"

"All goodness can be resumed, we will have eternal life in the infinite reincarnation!"

"The big purge agreement, the fast collapse, the singular respect of the Lord, the devour of the ancients - you do not know the horror of these forces!"

Such ripples, such as the magic sound, fill the brain, bit by bit eroding his soul.

He groaned, ignorant, even the silver-white ball slowly drifted behind him, drowning and swallowing him without notice.

First, the legs, followed by the waist, then the hands, chest and neck, and finally the nose and mouth, he gradually merged with the silver-white ball, which is completely integrated with the flood - this time, even the blood The demons are also "digested and absorbed" with him, and no one else can save himself.


Li Yao has never been alone in fighting, never.

"Lee Yao!"

He suddenly heard a very familiar scream, the most cheerful and bright voice in the world.

"and many more!"

He glanced at the head from the lost silver labyrinth. "It seems like... my wife is calling me!"

In the depths of the flood, in the endless starburst, there is an unusual shackle, as if there is some kind of power to drill from the outside, and a channel and a window are opened.

In the window, there is a scene that is happening in the round of jail, and the numerous resistances from the battlefield of the big universe are wrapped in tens of thousands of star-shaped shipwrecks that break into the atmosphere.

Perhaps the super-high-speed friction between the wreckage and the atmosphere is more likely to be the distortion and conflict that they have forcibly impacted the “three-dimensional five-dimensional space” from the “three-dimensional universe”. The whole sky is burning, and the magnificent fire will be over the sky. The torrential rain burned out and dried up, burning a blue sky and a long day.

Although appearing in the window, they are all powerful steel devils, but Li Yao clearly can see the myriad of familiar familiarity between the cold metal and the hot flame.

"Wife, there are Li Jialing, Long Yangjun, Hande, Boxing, Yan Yiren, Bai Bo, Xiao Ming, Wen Wen, and... thousands of friends and compatriots, you, all of you are here. what!"

Li Yao muttered, could not help but shed hot tears, broke through the seal of silver, "This, what is going on here, how many years have passed outside, how can you break through the Pangu universe and come to pluralism?" The central part of the universe has even become a pioneer in fighting against the flood?"

"Several days in the mountains, the world has been a millennium, and the flow of time between the inside and outside of the round is not consistent. I don't know how long you have been here, but it has been many years before!"

Ding Lingzhen is still the same, driving a steel **** like a raging red lotus, most of the sky is the flame of her teeth, as if hundreds of millions of red dragons spurt out from her fists, she 狠狠I waved my fist and roared at the window. "I said, without my permission, I don't want to take away my husband in any existence or anywhere. Even if it is Jiuyou Huangquan and Ten Hall, I dare to touch you, I am They have dismantled its ancestral hall, pinched its three souls and seven scorpions, and smashed it into tens of thousands of corpses, and survived, and could not die!

"How are you Li Yao, this **** has touched you a few hairs?"

"Oh, okay, not a few."

Li Yao was a little dizzy, and he was bumped into the waist by happiness. "No, I have spent countless reincarnations here. Since it has been outside for many years, you, what are you doing now? Nothing..."

"It’s a long story. Since you were transported by the Rainbow Bridge, there have been many things happening in the Pangu universe and the whole multi-cosm sea. Each of us has a thrilling and dangerous adventure, including me. The place called 'Fighting Universe' ignited a small revolution that turned the universe upside down, then went to the center of the multiverse sea, crossed the black hole fortress, found the Alliance of Resistance, and came up with it. The method of using text to convey information."

Ding Ling screamed passionately. "We must explain the adventures and stories of each of us. Even if we spend another ten days and ten nights, we can write a novel of ten million words. Killing thousands of knives, everyone will drink and eat meat and talk slowly. The point now is that we are here, everyone is coming, we want you to remember deeply, always believe, no matter where, any place, any Under the desperate situation that seems to be dead, you are not alone, you have me, you still have us, you still have the whole universe!"

"Yes, Dad, you have saved us countless times, now it is our turn to save you!"

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen said in unison - the two little guys are driving two satellite-like super battles, and they snorted. "There have been countless interesting stories on both of us, and they have evolved into an incredible state. Say it to you!"

"Yes, Yao Ge, we are here!"

Li Jialing is driving a golden light, and if the lions are wing-like steel gods, they are low-spirited. "Imperial, federal and sacred are very good, you can rest assured!"

"Yao Lao, I am here too!"

Hante’s steel gods are surrounded by a mysterious, mysterious and mysterious fog, which is supposed to be extremely exciting. The voice is entangled in lingering sorrow. “I also... paid a terrible price. I have cultivated into the invincible ultimate magister of the universe. Hey, anyway, I am very powerful now, let me use magical power to save you!"

"And I."

White boss laughed. "I heard that as long as you defeat the flood, you can get the power to enter the four-dimensional universe? Very good, then come!"

"And I."

The voice of the boxing champion is like a cannon. "My ultimate goal is to 'be the strongest in the universe." Then, the flood is the object that I must down."

"Hong Chao, come out."

Yan is a faint person, "wash your neck and die."

"Actually, I don't think much about it."

Long Yangjun yawned, "But everyone is hard to pull me, I really can't help."

"This, this is..."

In the depths of the flood, it was half confused and half angry. "What are the people!"

"They are all my friends and relatives."

Li Yao’s tears were criss-crossed on his face, but his smile was like a splendid trumpet flower. He murmured, “I’m coming out to cultivate this year, if I don’t bring a group of friends and relatives, how can I marry the universe and laugh at the stars?”


The fifth time, suddenly found that this written, in fact, can be divided into two days.

This, calculation mistakes, no way, boasting of Haikou, with tears in the night to be finished...

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