Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3270: The last knife! (The legendary eighth!)

"So, if we fail?"

Zhang Da Niu was nervous and looked at the silvery white giant who had swollen to the top of the horizon and even swallowed half of the sky. Hong Chao was furious and screamed, completely tearing off the calm camouflage, devour all the huge whirlpools and deformed variants of the Octopus. a mixture of.

"If we fail..."

Li Yao smiled and put a heavy burden on him. "You have to keep in mind everything that happened in front of you, shocking and moving all the sounds and pictures you observe, the noblest and the most despicable, the most heroic." And the most bloody, all transformed into the strongest obsession.

"Listen to every word I say, whether you believe it or not, if we fail, then time will go backwards, everything will restart, no, not just a few decades to restart, but hundreds of millions of years, directly reset to The beginning of the timeline, the original 'original earth', and everything in front of you, the whole world you cherish, all the emotions and dreams of all the people living in this world, hope and despair, flesh and blood and freedom The will will be erased and gone.

"But I still don't believe that the so-called 'back in time' can really erase everything. At least, I believe that the most noble will of mankind, the strongest obsession, can resist the invasion of the flood, so as long as your obsession is enough Strong, even if time really falls back hundreds of millions of years, everything returns to the state of 'the source of the earth', perhaps under the disturbance of your obstinacy, there will also be a brand new you, write "the 40,000 years of comprehension!"

"If this is the case, then you must seize the opportunity to finish the "Fifty Years of Comprehension". You must write everything that happened today and tell those people after the 'timeline reset' to let them know. Hong Thong's conspiracy, knowing all the glory and dreams, knowing that he is not just an ordinary planet, the ordinary hairless monkey is so simple, they - we can be the center of the universe, is the observation ', is born, unique existence, is the most powerful fighting race in the stars and seas, is the master of the stars, is the adventurer, challenger and winner of the multiverse and multidimensional space!

"As long as they dare to dream, dare to fight, dare to block everything for the hope of ambiguity, dare to ignite the impulse of the deepest part of their soul, dare to release the most splendid fire of life in an instant, everything is possible!

"This is your mission. The chances of victory and failure are half and half. If we fail, we may have to rely on you to come back. Remember, Teacher Niu!"

"I, I seem to remember."

Zhang Da Niu’s look was firm, he nodded slowly, and he indulged for a moment. Suddenly, “I’ve figured it out, maybe it’s not so interesting. Because there are countless parallel universes, every parallel universe has subtle changes. In theory, There are countless me who are not bad, and countless of me are interfering with each other by virtue of 'mindfulness'. As long as my obsession here is strong enough, I can influence another me in another universe. He does things that I can't, I don't finish, want to do and have no chance?"


Li Yao said with excitement, "Mr. Niu's understanding is correct. Therefore, let's accumulate your 'consistency'. As long as we win, in a parallel universe, you will be able to finish the "40,000 years of comprehension." !"

"Who cares about that?"

Zhang Da Niu is excited to dance. "Who still manages the "40,000 years of comprehension" is the end or the end, it doesn't matter, anyway, what you mean is that as long as I try hard to think hard and use the strength of breastfeeding, I will I think, in a parallel universe, I can create a very popular block, very popular, super money-making popular net text, no other care, anyway, it is fire, I really can write it? Then You can get into the gold, the beauty of the car, what?


Li Yao stunned for a long time. "In theory, there are infinite universes, infinite hopes, everything is possible, and it cannot be said that there is absolutely no such thing happening?"

"Receive, understand!"

Zhang Daniu’s body suddenly burst into an infinite momentum, and his voice was thick and strong. "That's a battle, let this **** flood, look at the power of humanity, take it, this is my strongest." Obsessed!"

Zhang Da Niu raised his hands and conveyed to Li Yao his inexhaustible obsession.

Not only him, but all the other awakened people also have extraterrestrial visitors. He heard Li Yao and his dialogue, and also stirred up the soul and resonated with Li Yao.

In the incomparably strong resonance of the soul, the time wrinkles that shrouded the outside of the round of jail, finally split, blast, crashed.

"This, this is --"

All the spirits on earth saw an incredible scene at the same time.

The sky seems to "disappear" all at once, and they are directly exposed to the vast sea of ​​stars.

In an instant, in the way of glimpses of light and information, the memory of countless generations has been awakened, including the glory and dreams of the universe, the roaring universe, and the roaring of the stars.


The spirits looked at each other and clenched their fists and smiled. "We have been sleeping for too long, it is time to fight and decide, our own destiny!"


Take the endless Xinghai as the battlefield.

Numerous sealed "parallel earths" are surrounded by sinuous pearls around the floods and the resistance.

The sun, the moon and the stars are all disturbed by the flames of the mad dance, which seems to be eclipsed.

Hundreds of thousands of kilometers of arcs and flames divide the dark vacuum into criss-crossing boards, or a desperate downfall.

With Li Yao’s “Super-Shenbing? Dream-seeker” as the core, hundreds of millions of heroes have gathered together, and not far from it seems to be immersed in the flood of half of the universe, cold and cold confrontation.

In this dreamlike battlefield, Li Yao raised a sword called "Hope" and took the first step toward the flood.

"I suddenly realized one thing."

Li Yao stared at Hong Chao and said a word. "This battle is also what you have been looking forward to and even guiding. Your 'time back to the big array' still lacks the last energy, only between us. The 'ultimate showdown' will be able to spur enough energy to complete your plan that is both evil and stupid."


The flood turned into a three-headed, six-armed, silver-white monster with staggered teeth, and sharp teeth were drawn toward the resisters. "You finally understand that everything is under my control, and you have no chance."

Li Yao smiled, and further, the sword was raised higher and straighter.

"Do you know that I have encountered a lot of opponents who boasted that 'everything is in control', but in the end, they all failed, which is probably not a coincidence, but a certain necessity."

Li Yao said coldly, "In this world, there is only change, and only the dead, the human will and the soul, which can be absolutely controlled, can never be enslaved, controlled and manipulated. Those confidence can control everything. Guys tend to self-destruct on 'out of control'!"

"I am different from them. I am no longer a human being. I am the universe itself."

Hong Chao responded, "I control the near-infinite 'quantum energy', and I can release countless 'parallel cosmic chain reaction energy' by wave. According to my precise calculation, I have 99.9999% in this multi-universe sea. The winning percentage, your winning percentage is only one in a billion!"

"No, not one billion, but 50%, remember ‘Schrodinger’s cat’, death or birth, always 50%.”

Li Yao smiled and confidently filled the third step. It seemed to have crossed several galaxies in one step and turned countless planets into dust under his feet. "I even think that our winning rate is far more than 50%. We should say that we must Winning is undoubted, and you only have one billionth of a million chances to know, why?

"Because from the moment you choose 'Back Time', you lose the courage to face the future. Once you encounter a slightly difficult enemy, you will get used to thinking naturally whether you can 'run off the line'. Then 're-start', so that you can't move to 'repent" or even the rogue of the table, how can you become a real master?

"So, your failure has long been doomed. Of course you are not a human being, but it is by no means a 'quasi-class civilization'. In the final analysis, you are a shrinking tortoise that is greedy and fearful of death.

"The turtle like you, who is not qualified to be our enemy, hurry up and put your head on and die, don't hinder us from entering the broader universe!"

"You are despicable!"

The flood was so angry that he gnashed his teeth.

However, in the face of Li Yao’s sneer, it can’t say a tit-for-tat rebuttal. It can only be rehearsed. “You don’t know...”

Not waiting for it to finish, Li Yao has taken the last step.

The sword that carried out the Xinghai was also lifted to the limit.

The bright blade reflects the light of hundreds of millions of stars, more like the most brilliant will and the most moving hope of hundreds of millions of spirits.

Li Yao knows.

He knows how many mistakes human civilization has made, how many detours he has gone through, how many sins and remorse he has caused.

The power of the flood, the coldness of the "great purge agreement", the desperation of "the fast collapse", the sorrow of the "singularity of the Lord" and the violent temper of "the devour of the beast", he also rushed from the information sent by the recent flood I understand some, even if I can't calculate, at least I can imagine.

How difficult the road ahead is, how dark the distance is, how much blood is used for glory to cast, and how many sacrifices to use to smooth the thorns. These, he knows, all know.

However, the end of time, the long river of time, rushing to the depths of the endless universe, they can only sing the sword, all the way forward, never go back.

Say goodbye to the past and temporarily ignore the future.

Now, at this moment, this is the second.

Behind him is a group of friends and relatives and hundreds of millions of heroes and hundreds of millions of compatriots. Everyone, like him, waved the sword, the sword and the iron fist to the limit.

In front of him is a deep universe with stars of infinite crisis and hope.

The tidal wave between him and the stars is like a tiny stone.

The sword in his hand, like the heart of his madness in the depths of his chest, has already been hot enough to be sent.

So, the vulture Li Yao face the flood, picking up the knife and making the final roar:

"Let's come over, the universe!"

[Finishing for 40,000 years, passing on, ending, spreading flowers]


I should write a final testimonial.

But it is too tired. Everyone knows that the old cow has not saved the manuscript. Now it is written now. Today, I wrote eight chapters, which is 25,000 words. I feel that I really have to urinate.

Repentance should not, ah, underestimate the skill of their own irrigation, as early as this, do not boast at noon, divided into two days, four chapters per day is also considered "explosion", right?

Tomorrow, I will make up for you to finish your testimonials. Let’s talk about the feelings of the past three years, and talk about the creation of new books and the like.

So what, the biggest feature of this book is that the protagonist has no sense of existence, sometimes it is quite noisy and very annoying, so other books can not be written, this book is definitely necessary, and I don’t think there is any Li Laomo in the extravagant articles. Trouble, other "protagonists" can finally make a big splash, think about it, there is a little excitement, so please look forward to it, everyone!

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