Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

: Peeling mouse 02 snake

The fleshy market, which was originally hot, was frozen.

The customers who were still coveted, the throat was like a block of wet hair, and they couldn’t make a sound.

The boy barely looked over his face and saw a very "wet" man.

Ignore the sarcoma on the forehead like a cobra. This man is actually decent, but his sweat glands seem to be affected by radiation. The yellow sweat is flowing all the time. Under the faint sunlight, it is like a layer of yellow. Brown scales.

"Snake, Snake..."

Just now, I was still awkward and controlled the overall butcher. At this moment, the six gods have no idea and stuttered. "I, I don't know if you are going to sell. This sheep is brought by the fourth brother. He said, say..."

"Yeah, Serpent."

The boy saw the strong man who had just tied his five flowers and nodded in front of the "Snake Lord". He laughed and said, "This kid has been in the gambling squad for three consecutive days. Today, he was arrested, according to the rules. To compensate for the loss, touch his pocket, half of the bullets are not, the chips are stolen, and this is worth the money, so..."


The snake smirked, like Mu Chunfeng, "Why don't you tell me?"

The face of "Four Brothers" suddenly became whiter than the butcher, and both legs trembled, and the voice became more and more distorted. "I, this, you, your old man is not busy with the **** for the past few days." I think, small thoughts, don't bother with this little thing-"


The snake put a thin, long finger on the thin lips and sighed at the "four brothers" and smiled. "The fourth, the snake does not like what?"


"The Four Brothers" was so swallowing that he screamed, "The Snake Lord doesn't like to hear excuses."


The snake no longer looks at him, narrows his eyes, half of his cold eyes are directed at the butcher, and the other half is given to all customers, faintly, "say again, this sheep, do not sell, is there a problem?"


Everyone in Tombstone Town knows that the big boss of the "Sirius Chamber" doesn't like two things at all.

An excuse.

And the problem.

"Snake Lord, you, the old man brought the sheep back, I really don't know!"

The butcher said with a sad face, "I will send you another 50 pounds of double-headed beef. You don't have too much old. Recently, the acid rain is too strong outside, and the meat is not good..."

"No, I don't know if you are not guilty. This does not blame you."

The snake smiled and caught the boy's ankle with one hand and picked him up. It was like a newly born lamb. "Today's business is that people in my gambling are not doing things well, delaying you. Half-day business, take fifty chips in the gambling house in the evening, and the snakes will send you."

"Thank you, Grandpa, thank you, Grandpa, thank you, Snake!"

Hearing the word "chips", the butcher's eyes were beaming, his face was swaying, and he also drooled like the customers.

"Don't thank me, thank you for your ‘fairness’.”

Zombie said, "Everyone on the tombstone town and the **** wilderness knows that the snake Lord likes justice."

After saying this, the snake boy raised the boy and walked out.

The crowds, such as the tide of splitting, have given way to them. Although many people have a "squeaky" voice in their throats, they look at the boy's eyes almost bursting with bleeding, but no one dares to say half a "no".

However, exceptions are always there.

"Hey, it’s rare to have such a good sheep. After waiting for a long time, half a bit of flesh will not be cut. You will do things in the tombstone town. It’s too bad!"


A strong man dressed in three-level armor and tattooed in front of the snake, he smashed a thick canvas backpack on the ground, which was heavy and was scrapped from the spring steel and the freshly knives.

Spring steel is a good raw material for the manufacture of war knives, especially the spring steel of heavy trucks, and the smashing knives made by the doomsday technology after the nuclear war can really break most of the armor.

Therefore, this thing, like bullets, is a hard currency on the wasteland.

"Money, what Lao Tzu has!"

The tattooed brawny stared at the boy's hand and licked his lips. "Life is a snake, I only need one hand!"

The snake looks at the brawny.

The strong man looked at the snakes inferiorly, and the two companions behind him were tightly packed with spring steel rucksacks, holding the sharp knife and pistol at the waist.

“You are the steel merchants of the 'Steel Flower City’.”

The snake smirked, "A scrap iron gang, isn't it?"


Tattoos and brawny are proud of themselves. "The material of our scrap iron gang can create the fastest knife on the **** wilderness!"


The snake nodded, "I want to eat?"

"Want to eat!"

The tattooed strong man said, "We have money, we have eaten the sand for half a month on the wilderness, and we have to eat one hand today!"


The snake does not return. "The fourth child, give me the dagger, let the friends from the steel flower city come to know the hospitality of the tombstone town."

"Yes, the snake."

"The Four Brothers" did not understand what the Snakes wanted to do, but the guilty conscience and fear still made him react quickly, and his hands touched a delicate dagger wrapped in calfskin.

In the scene that happened next, no one saw it, and no one thought of it.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

After the three sounds were lighter than the wind, the scabbard scabbard was empty, and the left hand of the "four brothers" flew high into the air, and was sharply sharpened by a sharp knife. Tie a pair of wear, and this fast knife is firmly copied in the hands of the snake.

Everyone's face has become extraordinarily ugly.

The tattooed strong man looked at his empty crust scabbard at his waist, and his face was like a gray ash.

Scrap iron can also help the knife, can beat the fastest knife on the **** wilderness, and naturally can also throw this knife the fastest speed.

But his knife went to the snake's hand, and he didn't see what was going on.

"Four brothers" is even more stunned and looks at the left arm of his own wrist, sweating like rain, half a word can not be called, do not dare to call.

The snake lord wants to slap his hand, then he is guilty of even spurting blood.


The snake master slowly, slowly, and slowly handed over the other's knife, together with the left hand of the "four brothers", "the hand you want."

The lips of the tattooed strong man moved, like the "four brothers", the sweat on the forehead, and the boy who was still being lifted by the snake, did not speak.

"I know, you suspect that the meat of this hand is too old to want to eat the hand of this sheep, but I tell you that the owner of this hand was the best place to watch the gambling gambler. His hand is used every day. Soaking, and activities many times, each piece is live meat, not old, but also chewy enough to ensure delicious."

When the snake **** looked at the tattooed and strong man, he almost had to smash the tip of the knife into the nose of the other party. "Just, the snake is doing things, absolutely fair."


The tattooed strong man looked at the sharp knife tip and said, "Xie Zheye, then, then we need this hand, how much, how much?"

"Fifty spring steel."



The tattooed strong man has widened his eyes. "Snake Lord, we can't afford it. You know that in the **** wilderness, how many knives can be played by 50 spring steels, how many hands can you lick, and then bargain!" ”

"Yes, one hundred spring steel."


"This this!"

The tattooed strong man trembled, "Snake Lord, we scrap iron help --"

"Two hundred spring steels."

The snake smiled. "This is my last bid, but it is not a hand. It is seven, seven hands, two hundred spring steels. The price is very reasonable."

The snake master smiled as he looked at the tattooed and strong man and the hands of two companions.

Three scrap iron gangs, two hands per person, add up to six.

The scrap iron helps six hands, plus the "four brothers" one hand, is it just seven hands?

The tattooed strong man understood.

Look at the serpent, look at the knife on the snake's hand and the hand on the knife, and then look at the countless pairs of eyes that are not well-intentioned. He bites his teeth, screaming, and swearing: "...good, deal, But there are only fifty here, and the rest of the inventory is in the nigga's warehouse."

"It doesn't matter, the snake **** believes in you."

"Shu Zidao said, "The people who like to eat are very tasteful. The reputation of people with taste is not too bad. Everyone is a good friend. Tombstone Town welcomes all distinguished guests. If you have time at night, you may also go to Sirius gambling. One hundred chips per person, the snakes are offered free of charge. If you are lucky, you may win back two hundred spring steels overnight."

The eyes of the three scrap iron gangs, like the butcher, lit up.

"Reassured, no one dares to play tricks in the Siege gambling."

The snake trembled the boy in his hand, "unless he wants to become the flesh on the chopping board."


The tattooed strong man has some regrets. "The fairness of the snake is also well known in Ganghua City."

The snakeman smiled and kicked the spring steel on the ground. He said: "Butcher, come over, call the steel here, how many, change the meat, and divide it to someone at the place. It is the snake lord to compensate everyone for the loss. After eating the meat, I came to the gambling house to sit down, one person and ten chips, all recorded in the Snakes account!"

Inside and outside the meat market, I was cheering and cheering.


The boy was lifted by the snake and left the meat market all the way.

The whole world turned upside down, and the lead clouds and purple days seemed to become a swaying sea, while the stinking and sticky land became a black pressed sky.

They passed the "Old John Cars" that were carrying armor and smashing on the off-road vehicle. After passing a strong **** smell, they were carrying out a black boxing tent. After a full day of deafening noise, the **** helped. The knife shop, after a stinking smoke, dozens of cauldrons do not know what to smash the witch medicine workshop.

Those who are full of abscesses, those who have sarcomas, those with scales and claws, those who are dressed in blood, those who wear armor and swaying with a shotgun, the heads of the people who are asking God to go up, the group dances, If you are a ghost.

In the end, the boy was caught back to the beginning of the five-flowered tied to the beginning of the meat market, Sirius gambling.

The boy was a little scared, and he was so upset that he couldn’t think.

When he recovered a little, he found that he had been taken to the deepest part of the gambling room in a room he had never seen before.


The snakes locked the door, only two of them in the room, and the only ventilation window was welded by the iron fence.

There is also a cabinet, a TV, and a bed.

This bed is big and comfortable.

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