Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

: Skinning mice 18 side by side

After a long night of trek, they successfully crossed the hinterland of the “Northern Deserted No Man's Land”, despite several dangerous situations along the way – such as the quicksand zone, the super-radiation zone, the poisonous fog-contaminated zone, which was not recorded on the map. I also encountered several sand worm attacks, but they were all experienced and experienced.

The night is slowly, dark clouds, and there seems to be no trace of the vulture’s scouting eagle behind it. Perhaps the poisonous gangs and vultures are afraid of the dangers of the “Northern Deserted No Man’s Land”, and dare not chase such a deep place. ?

According to the boss of the Golden Teeth, if you go forward one day and one night at the current speed, you will be able to reach the destination. Although he did not say what it is, it must be hopeful to see his confident self-confidence.

But people's luck always has limits.

Especially in places like the **** wilderness, "lean sorrow" is simply the normal state of existence.

When the sky was bright, the lead clouds on the horizon once again infiltrated the bleak blood. They were looking for a place to stop and rest, and they heard the sound of "嘶嘶" in the desert not far away. Soon, two The silver-gray objects were drilled from the gravel and gravel, and four long, pointed walking feet were stretched out of the elliptical body. They flew toward the off-road vehicles at an incredible speed, like two Huge mechanical spider.

"Terrorist robot!"

The faces of the three people have become particularly ugly.

"Terrorist Robot" is a special weapon developed by the "Alliance" with Doomsday Technology. It is a miniaturized unmanned warfare machine. It is known for its small size, flexibility and agility. It has many kinds of anti-infrared, optical and sonic sensors. , lock mode, specifically for enemy tanks, armored vehicles and other vehicles to carry out attacks.

Although it does not carry a long-range attack weapon itself, it is equipped with a powerful magnetic bomb inside. Once it is drilled into the enemy tank or under the chassis of an armored vehicle, it can be destroyed with the enemy and replaced with a "terrorist robot". The main battle tank is a very cost-effective business.

Of course, if the enemy does not have vehicle and armor protection, only the scattered soldiers who have placed the orders, the terrorist robots will never mind to use their sharp and profitable foot to completely shred the scattered soldiers.

In the long war of "Alliance" against "convention", the Alliance has put countless fully automated terrorist robots on the earth. If there are no enemies around, they will automatically go to sleep and even absorb solar energy and radiant energy to give their batteries. Charging, therefore, can maintain a standby time of five to ten years, once the engine sound is detected, it can immediately wake up and launch a ruthless attack.

Terrorist robots are the enemy they are least willing to encounter now.

Not to mention two!

Two silver-gray four-legged mechanical spiders quickly approached the off-road vehicles. In the twinkling of an eye, there were only a few hundred meters left.


The boss of Jinya took a sip of his mouth and pressed Wanzanghai to the driver's seat. "Open the door, or else everyone will die!"

He clearly has a body of wild boar and rhinoceros, but at this moment it is as smart as a monkey, and once drilled into the back seat, the partition behind the off-road vehicle and the rain-proof canvas are all opened, revealing a A cannon fixed on a welding firing track.

"Little devil!"

The golden tooth boss yelled at the white deer, "Help me to keep the chain!"

The two terrorist robots are divided into two ways, from the left and right, and draw two insidious arcs, getting closer and closer.

"Booming and banging!"

The machine gun of the Golden Teeth boss began to speak, and the strong recoil force blew all the wounds that had just been crusted in his body, bursting out with a violent blood arrow, just like the flying smoke from the bullets on the sand, becoming a blockage. Vertical and horizontal sand walls.

However, the flexibility of the terror robots far exceeds their imagination. The slap-up of the golden tooth boss only delays the attack of the terrorist robot on the left. Even if it breaks one leg, it does not hinder it. The other three legs continue to move forward, and the speed is only slightly delayed.

"Change the chain!"

The golden tooth boss quickly shot the broken armor and screamed at the white deer.

"But, right -"

The white deer is scared.

"Change the chain!"

The golden tooth grows roaring.


The new chain is in place. The gold-toothed boss does not look at the terrorist robot on the right. It still throws a heavy armor-like armor, and throws it all to the "three legs" on the left. After all, this terrorist robot has been injured and the agility is slightly. Lowered, finally, after a few seconds, it was completely locked by the Golden Tooth boss. The fire line of the cannon was like a thorn and a long whip. It sucked it and suddenly shot a riddled hole, and the remaining three legs were interrupted. Boom, the explosion exploded.

However, in this way, the terrorist robot on the right is only 30 meters away from them.


The terrorist robot leaped high and launched a deadly fly to them.

"Direction to the left to kill!"

The golden tooth boss screamed like a thunder, and used a toe to pick up a compressed fuel bottle of a flamethrower scattered in the back compartment and flew out in the air.

Wan Zhaihai desperately hits the direction, and the off-road vehicle is almost violently rotated by 360 degrees, but there is no sign of rollover. It seems that the car skills of Wanzanghai are not as simple as beginners.

"West Virginia, Mother Mountain -"

The golden tooth boss threw away the hot and boulded cannon, crossed his hands to the back, and pulled out two Huang Chengcheng giant pistols from his waist. He smiled and said, "The country road, take me home!"


The flame sprayer's compressed fuel bottle draws a beautiful arc in midair, just in front of the terrorist robot, and is shredded by the bull of the golden tooth. The compressed fuel inside is suddenly vaporized, inflated, and bombed by Mars. Ignite, "嘭", turned into a dazzling fire!

The "squeaky" sound of a terrorist robot came from the fire.

Although these mechanical monsters are difficult to break with ordinary bullets, their sensing components are weak. At extremely high temperatures, the sensing components are likely to fail, causing them to lose their enemies, even better luck, and detonating them with high temperatures. The magnetic bomb carried on it completely abolished it.


Although this terrorist robot did not blew itself, it also burned into a black scorpion, unable to fall from midair and collapsed into a mass in the gravel.


The grandmother of the golden tooth grinned, and the golden giant pistol smashed two beautiful guns and took back the waist, "MAGA!"

But this time, Wan Zanghai screamed.

The off-road vehicle seems to have hit the invisible air wall, hard to brake, the golden tooth boss and the white deer are falling in the carriage.

In front of them less than 50 meters away, they even drilled a third terrorist robot.

It turned out that this is a group of three terrorist robots hunting squad, the latter two are just bait, this ambush in the forefront is the deadly kill.


The distance is too close, Wanchaihai's car skills are more sophisticated, and it is also a young boy who has not yet grown up. He can't do it. He can only watch the third terrorist robot and get into the bottom of the off-road vehicle.

The off-road vehicle immediately violently bumped, like a drunken madman.

"Five seconds, take the necessary supplies and firearms, and abandon the car!"

The golden tooth boss said with a grin.

The terror robot has been firmly attached to the chassis, and unless there is a state-of-the-art repair shop in front of it, the gods will be saved.

They had a maximum of five seconds before it blew.

At this time, I couldn’t care about who the guns and ammunition were in. The three people grabbed the package closest to themselves and jumped over.

Fortunately, Wanzanghai has already reduced the speed to a minimum, and the outside is soft sand. None of the three were injured.

The white deer had just landed, and he heard a deafening explosion coming from behind him. The strong air wave turned him to the ground, and he couldn’t breathe for half a minute.

When he finally calmed the **** waves in his brain and chest, he heard the gunshots coming from behind him again. He looked up and suddenly looked pale.

Their off-road vehicles and a lot of supplies were finished with the third terrorist robot.

However, the second horror robot burned by the flames was not completely scrapped, but it was dragging the black scorpion's limbs, like a deformed steel monster, crawling toward them step by step.

The golden tooth is in the forefront, kneeling on one knee, holding a gold giant pistol, and calmly firing - only a pity, the pistol is not a cannon, the ordinary pistol bullet is not a broken armor, it is difficult to effectively affect the terrorist robot hurt.


I don't know when, Wan Zhaihai creeped up behind the white deer and pushed him. "When don't you go, wait when?"


The white deer snorted, "Now?"


Wan Haitang, "Do you still want to die with the Golden Teeth boss?"

"Do not……"

The white deer looked at the golden and savage and savage figure, and shook his head. "We can't walk. Here is the depth of the 'Northern Wilderness Area'. There is no help from the Golden Teeth, and there is no transportation. We Can't go out, let alone don't help the Golden Teeth boss to kill this terrorist robot. Maybe it will break us all and die faster."

Wanzanghai has a slight glimpse.

"It makes sense."

He looked at the boy up and down, like the first time he knew the white deer.

"Golden tooth boss!"

The white deer gritted his teeth, no matter how Wan Zhaihai looked at him, he endured severe pain, climbed up, took out an automatic rifle from his rucksack, and rushed over to sweep, "I will help you!"


Wan Zhaihai’s eyeballs turned and took out the weapon from the rucksack. He first hid a pistol in his trouser pocket, stuffed a dagger in his boots, and picked up an assault rifle. He also rushed over. “Persevere, we Come, we - fight side by side, die together!"


Three firepower staggered, and hard to stop the momentum of the terrorist robot.

In particular, the golden tooth boss, after taking over the heavy firearms that the two little ghosts have thrown over, is like a tiger, and is transformed into a fixed fort.

The horror robot was covered with fuel, and was slammed by flames. The defensive power was greatly reduced. Where could not stop the three people from madly shooting, after ten seconds of stalemate, "bang" and finally exploded. It is.

"Cry, snoring, snoring!"

The three people sat down on the ground, and at this time they could feel the pain of the bruises, watch the burning wreckage, and look at each other's horror, and couldn't help but laugh.

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