Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

: Reproduce 21 mines yesterday

The word "mine" makes the air in the rolling dust instantly solidify, and the temperature is almost reduced by ten degrees.

The white deer did not dare to move, and Wan Zhaihai jumped up and screamed, fearing that he would step on the mine. After confirming that there was nothing under his feet, he went back two steps and screamed at the white deer: "How is this? accidentally!"


The white deer can't speak, and the upper and lower rows of teeth fight with the skeletal muscles.

"Don't move, don't panic, keep calm, let me see."

The red eye of the golden tooth boss continued to expand and contract, and the depth of the temple made a "squeaky" noise. He reached the foot of the white deer, slowly pulled out the dagger, and turned the dagger into a feather with the softest technique. Gently and gently open the dust under the white deer's right foot.

A full two or three palms, like a canned anti-infantry mine, reveals a corner.


The golden tooth boss laughed ugly. "We won the prize. This is the K141 jumping anti-infantry mine in the 'contract'. It is nicknamed 'Bird'. Do you know what a 'bird' is?" It is Papua. A giant spider unique to New Guinea, the hunting method is very strange, not silky netting, but ambush in the dark, when the birds fly over, they leaped high, such as hungry tigers and sheep kill.

"The same is true of this 'Bird's Mine Mine'. It contains a bounce warhead that can jump up to four or five meters. The warhead is equipped with more than 500 diamond-shaped fragments. Once it bursts, it is enough to kill. All the enemy squadrons within a hundred meters of the square, almost no dead ends, even wearing third-level armor, the casualty rate is still more than 85% - the devil, you will step on!"

"so smart!"

The white deer was too scared to say anything. Wan Zhaihai screamed first and consciously ran two steps away from the 100-meter. After thinking about it, he returned and went to the golden tooth boss: "Uncle, it is too dangerous, you Come over!"

"Boss, I..."

The white deer's brain is blank, and he wants to ask for help from the golden tooth boss. He doesn't know what to say. Everyone used to use each other's relationship. They are not lucky. They stepped on such a deadly weapon. How can they let their family bury themselves? !


The grandmother of Jinya took a look at Wanzanghai in the distance, and smiled like a smile. "Do you want to abandon your ‘classmates’?”

"This, of course not."

Wan Zhaihai had a big red face, coughed and turned his eyes. "I walked hand in hand with the deer. It was very difficult. Everyone's feelings were deep, but he stepped on such a powerful mine. What is the solution? We can't save him at all! It's better to go to the winery in front of us and find out if there is any tool to dismantle the mine. If it doesn't, we will go to the place where the uncle originally wanted to go - you have to go The place, there must be a lot of professionals and professional tools? At that time, we must come back to save the deer! Deer, you can rest assured, 'Do not abandon and not give up' is my motto, you must hold on, bite your teeth, wait for assistance Really, no one or two days, three or five days, the reinforcements will definitely come."

The white deer was stunned and thought about it, but there was nothing to say.

He endured tears and trembling, trying to maintain his last dignity, and trembled: "No, yes, boss, let's go, I am here... nothing, I can."


The golden tooth boss continued to bury his head at the foot of the white deer and continued to lick the gravel around the mine. Until most of the "birds" were exposed, it was relieved, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and hit the Wanzanghai. Gesture, "What else is in our rucksack?"

"Uncle -"

Wan Zhaihai is stunned and stuttering. "You, what do you want to do, not to say that the mine's radius and power are so great? You must not die in vain. The next journey depends on you. I can't do it alone!"

"I let you take the rucksack."

The golden tooth boss stared at Wanzanghai and said one word at a time. "Then, one hundred and ten meters away, two pits were dug. Two pits were enough to accommodate us. The depth was more than one meter and completed within two hours. ——The soil used in this area was very fertile. Now there is only one layer of floating sand. It should not be difficult to dig. After you have dug it, you can hide 150 meters away. Is it clear?”

Wan Zanghai opened his mouth and looked at the scarlet gaze that the golden tooth boss had almost sprayed. Then he looked at the golden giant pistol that he was trying to move around his waist. He stopped talking and threw the rucksack up and dug himself. went.

"At the end of our luck, it's not too bad."

The golden tooth boss found a few simple tools from the rucksack. "There is a screwdriver, a few razor blades, and a sticky gel that helps the wound stop bleeding."


The white deer felt pain and convulsions on his calf. "Here, can this tarantula mine be dismantled?"

"Try it, but fortunately we have a sticky gel."

The boss of Golden Teeth explained, "Listen, then I need you to maintain absolute calm and calm, especially the power exerted by the right foot on the mine, and there must be no change.

"Then, I will slowly and slowly remove the shell of the mine and fill it with some sticky gel.

"This kind of mine is very sensitive, your strength has changed a little, 'Boom'! Who wants to remove its inductive parts, 'Boom'! Who wants to freeze its sensing parts, 'Boom'! Who wants to use something else? To replace your right foot, 'Boom'! However, if you just inject some sticky gel into the sensing part, you should be able to delay its jump and detonation time, about delay... Ten to fifteen seconds? ”

"Ten, ten to fifteen seconds?"

The white deer flies quickly. "That is, we have to run a hundred meters in ten seconds and jump into the ‘ballistic crater’? I can’t do it!”

Before the nuclear war, the human limit of 100 meters has just exceeded ten seconds, but that is the result of repeated attempts by professional athletes under the most perfect conditions.

Although the radiation variation causes some of the Mozu to have an incomparably strong body, it does not mean that they can trample on the limits of human speed at will, let alone the white deer and the golden tooth are all bruised and bruised, and after two long nights, they are on the verge of collapse. edge.

"If you can't do it, then go to hell."

The golden tooth boss looked up and looked at the white deer deeply. "There is nothing like you in the **** wilderness. There are still many children who can't do anything. Later, they are all dead. No one cares about your life and death except yourself. ,nobody."

He did not expect the white deer's answer, continued to bury his head, concentrated on dismantling the mines, and quickly dismantled the curved outer casing and gently removed it with the scalpel's generally precise hands to reveal the delicate internal structure of the watch.

"I, I can't hold on."

The white deer saw the piece of overlapping, cold and devastating fragment, imagining that he was shredded by fragments, turned into countless pieces of broken meat, scenes of being vultured, his heart, lower abdomen and calves twitching. When I got up, the voice brought me to cry again. "I can't stand, boss, run fast, go to the 100 meters, or I will kill you."

"You better stand for me, stand firm, stand up."

The old man of the Golden Teeth did not lift his head. "Otherwise I killed you."


The white deer really can't understand, "Why save me?"

"Stupid little devil, you figured out one thing for me - no one wants to save you, I just want to extract the password from the 'tip cutting water technology'!"

The golden tooth boss gnashed his teeth and said, "If you are blown up into a piece of broken meat, who will help me hypnotize another little devil, get the password?"

"This, this is not important at all!"

The white deer can’t help it. “Wan’s sea is re-invigorating, but it’s a teenager. I don’t believe that you’ve been an elite SEAL, and you’ve been a wilderness for more than a decade. I can’t think of it. The way torture tortures him - many modern penalties, completely breaking the limits of the human body, any secret can be tortured out!"


The golden tooth boss stunned for a long time, gently snorted, said, "So, what about my investment in you? I have to rely on you to revive Citigroup, so I will teach you Yuri's 'spirit notes' Your life is mine before you take back all your investment!"


The white deer cried. "My brother said that you are going to die. For a dying person, what is the point of reviving what Citi helps?"

Golden Tooth Boss: "..."


"Smelly, you are really, you will die without speaking!"

The golden tooth boss bit his teeth, "Shut up, from this moment, you give me a complete shut up, or else, I really leave you here to die!"

The white deer screamed.

However, it is strange to say that after a conversation with the Golden Teeth boss, his heart, lower abdomen and calves have been calmed down, and there is no pain or convulsion at all.

Looking at the golden tooth boss to save his life, the boy's heart seems to have raised a colorful cloud of radiation, can not tell what it is.

Although it is clear that there is no such thing as "indiscriminately falling meat", but if it exists, even if it is only once, only one second, how good it is!

"All right."

The golden tooth boss left the remaining one-third of the canister viscous gel gently into the mine's combat unit and the sensing component. It was difficult to stand up, and the stiff hands and feet were activated. The bones made a "squeaky" sound. Listen to me counting up to three, get ready to run."

"So fast?"

The white deer was shocked and the muscles twitched.

In fact, it is not fast. The time has passed two and a half hours. Wanzanghai has dug the pit in the distance.

The white deer should have been in seconds.

"I, I can't seem to move."

The boy is weak.

"Look at my eyes, little devil, I believe you, you just did a good job, really didn't move."

The boss of Jinya used the big fan to hold the face of the white deer, and he slammed the word. "I still believe in you. I believe you can run a hundred meters in fifteen seconds. You must believe me. Believe in every word of mine, do you believe me?"

The white deer nodded.

"Good, you believe me, I believe in you."

Jinyao Old Avenue, "This way, we can all live."


The white deer cried and said, "You told me a few days ago that no one is trustworthy. Those who scream "trust" are the ones who will slap the knife behind me."


The golden tooth boss took a deep breath and took a white deer, "Three! Run!"

The wilderness tyrant took the boy and smashed out like an arrow!

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