Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

: Reproduced 24 meteorites yesterday

The white deer has been ridiculed, denounced, and even prepared to eat a bottle of gold.

Who knows that the Golden Teeth boss was silent for a moment and answered his question.


The wilderness dominated, "I have been there before."


The white deer did not know how to speak, and they all knew that they should not continue to ask.

"She is the best girl in all the farms. It is a hundred times better than the old John's wife. She will sing a lot of songs. When she sings, her hair shines like the brightest sunshine."

Jinyao Old Avenue, "She is also a good hand to work, can do anything in the farm, she always wants to own a winery, not big or famous, even if the winemaking workshop can be, as long as it is Just do it.

"We have already saved a lot of money, and the winery is also optimistic. As long as I complete the task of 'grabbing Yuri', I can leave the army and start a new life. - By the end of the night, she told me that she was pregnant, waiting for me to come back. Everything will be different.

"But, huh, the next thing you already know, I became - so."

The gold-toothed eldest forked the index finger and the middle finger, pointing to their own two scarlet eyes.

"I am sorry."

The white deer bowed.

"No, even if I have not been taken away by Yuri, the result is the same, the nuclear war will break out, our winery will be razed to the ground, and the situation is even worse."

The golden tooth boss whispered, "At least for now, I am still alive."

"What about them?"

The white deer blurted out and regretted it.

"I do not know."

The golden tooth boss slowly shook his head. "I have been in Yuli's X camp for ten years, and I have been struggling for ten years in the wasteland. When I returned here, the old farms and wilderness have already turned into rolling yellow sand, all familiar. Everything is gone, my wife and... children, who knows?"

"do not worry."

The white deer didn't know how to comfort people. Some of them were awkward. "The Kyrgyz people have their own natural world. They must be alive. You can definitely find them."

"Alive, hehe, live."

Jinyao Old Avenue, "So you are stupid, little devil, you are also 'live' in this wilderness. Do you really feel that living like this is better than death?

"I don't want them to be alive. I hope they are already dead. At the moment of the nuclear war, in the ignorant sleep, they are completely melted in thousands of degrees of heat - this is the happiest result."

"Maybe, they fled to the ground in time and lived in the underground city without any worries?"

Bai Xiaolukou said dryly, "You are an elite SEAL, a martyr who sacrificed for the motherland to carry out dangerous tasks. Should your family be treated preferentially?"

As soon as this was said, the golden tooth boss took out the wine from the nostrils.

"Ha ha ha ha, sacrifice, hahahaha, martyrs, hahahaha, preferential treatment!"

He opened the bottle and stared at the white deer. The red mans in the eye became an extremely dangerous flame. "Little devil, have you not heard what I said? For several years, I have been brainwashed by Yuri." For his minions and killing machines, help him perform the dirtiest and **** missions! So, in the 'above' eyes, I am not only a self-sacrificing martyr, but a despicable 'traitor', the most dangerous 'variation' 'How can I give my family a little favor?

"Not to mention, hey, hey, even if it is the family of the victim, there is no special situation, and don't want to enter the underground city and become the underground family."


White Fawn is strange, "This is not fair!"


The grandmother of Jinyao sneered, "As the scale of the war is getting bigger and bigger, the casualties of the participating countries are counted as 'ten million'. How many of their families are there? The space in the underground city is so large, so much resources are given. The family of the victim, what about those people?"

White Deer Road: "Which, who?"

The golden tooth boss whispered: "Those on Wall Street, 1% of those people, those who waved flags, those who are dressed in suits and squats, who are comfortable sitting in the office, blowing air conditioners, operating computers People, those who are full of 'the motherland' and 'sacrifice'!"

The white deer didn't know what to say, he was not a very chatter.

"Forget it, don't say me."

The golden tooth boss waved his hand in a blank voice. "You, little devil, in addition to sharing a physical brother with you, what other relatives do you have, your parents?"

"I still have a twin sister. She is normal. I mean she is separate from us, but now her legs are not very good. As for the parents -"

This incident, the white deer should not say, but he hesitated, still said, "Our mother died very early, just like many women in the wilderness, as for the father, we, we have no father."

"You don't know who your father is?"

The golden tooth boss smiled. "It doesn't matter, it's normal. The children in the wilderness don't know who the father is."


The white deer shook his head. "We are not ‘I don’t know who my father is,’ or ‘no father’, at least when my mother is alive.”

"What do you mean?"

The golden tooth boss said, "What is ‘no father’?”

"In the vicinity of the village where we live, a very strange meteorite fell a long time ago. The plants near the meteorite grow very lush, and there are often many strange animals that are unseen."

White Deer Road, "There was a mother who stumbled into the depths of the 陨石丛林, as if she had slept under the rock. After she came back, she would have us."


The golden tooth boss couldn't help but laugh.

"We also feel ridiculous, not knowing why mothers make up such lies."

The white deer blushes. "This kind of thing is very common in the wilderness - people are always born like beasts, die like beasts, breed like wild animals, and nine out of ten children don't know who their father is. This again What is the relationship, at least, there must be a father, I really don't understand why the mother has to lie like this, this is not a shameful thing.

"My sister and I have repeatedly asked the mother - it doesn't matter who is who, we can accept it, even if she doesn't remember, at least tell us that there is a father, we are satisfied."

"But the mother insisted that there is no such person. She just touched the meteorite before she became pregnant. She said that our three brothers and sisters are all ‘the son of the rock.’ It’s true, hey, she has been crazy since then and soon died.

"Do you know, boss, for a while I hate my mother very much, hate her crazy words, why do she have to use such absurd jokes to deceive us? Why do we have to say that we have no father?

"If we have a father, even if we don't know who he is, we can all think about it. He may be an invincible hero. It may also be a very bad villain. It is a demon king of evil and terror. The passer-by, or the handsome, underground, is very good, right, that's fine.

"But, ‘the son of the rock,’ a broken stone that fell from the sky! This joke is not funny at all!”

"It's not funny."

Golden Tooth Avenue, "But don't hate your mother, maybe she has a hard time."

"Of course, we haven't hated her for a long time, just think she is pitiful."

White Fawn sighed. "In any case, on the wilderness, we have nothing, even if we don't have a 'father', it doesn't matter."

Having said that, the two were silent again and didn't know what to say.

Perhaps coincidentally, their gaze was simultaneously directed at the center of the carpet, the "Lord" played by the old father and son.

His eyes are very sticky and he can't break free for a long time.

"Little devil, if one day, you found your father."

Golden Tooth Road, "What do you want to say to him, what to do?"

"I don't know, what about you?"

The white fawn shook his head. "If you find your child, what would you say to him and what to do?"

"I don't know, I never thought about such a thing, they have already died, should."

The golden tooth boss finally regained his gaze and spit out a sullen gas, unable to wave his hand. "You should rest, I should take a good rest."

"……it is good."

The white deer struggled to move, and moved to the door one inch and one inch. He grabbed the door frame and stood for a long time. He suddenly turned back and trembled. "Old, boss, "Music" is fun?"


The golden tooth boss sat up and looked at the white deer. "Maybe it is fun."

"That, can you teach me to play?"

The white deer felt that he was about to cry.

He thought that the Golden Teeth Congress refused, at least hesitated.

I didn't expect the lines of the golden tooth to become soft at once.

"Come on, kid."

The golden tooth boss waved, smiled, knocked on the carpet next to him, "Sit down, I teach you to play."


They played "Master of the Chess" for a long time.

Say that I only play one game, but I play a plate and a plate. Probably "Music" is really fun.

"This is the 'opportunity card'. This is the 'public fund card'. If you go to this question mark, you will draw a card. Do you understand?"

"Hah, I have a water plant and a railway company, you are dead, little devil!"

"In this way, so that all three plots of the same color can be bought together, the rent can be doubled, is it, boss? So you have to pay me, right? Boss?"

"Hey, jailbreak card!"

"What and what, but also pay income tax? There is such a thing!"

"I won, this won me again, right? Boss, hahahaha, boss?"

They played in a game, and the two pieces were smashed and smashed on the "street" that had already been turned into ruins. They lost again and again, and the white deer completely plunged in, forgetting that they were deep in the wilderness. Purgatory at the place.

"Come back, come back!"

The boy blushed, waving a toy banknote and a title deed, excitedly shouted, "This time I will beat you!"

This time, the golden tooth boss crossed the five fingers, caught the chess pieces and the scorpion, and shook his head toward the boy.

"Enough, kid, it's over."

The golden tooth smiled and the voice was hoarse.

The white deer squatted, and the smile and blush on his face gradually solidified, stiffened and dissipated.

"Can't you play another game? Just one game!"

The boy pleaded, and he wanted to cry again.

"Playing another game is still going to end."

The grandmother of the golden tooth spreads the palm of his hand, letting the chess pieces and the scorpion roll in the palm of your hand, colliding, muttering, "All that is going to end, you listen, the music is over."

The song of "Reappearing yesterday", I don't know when to stop, in the small living room, only the boy can not help but cry.

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