Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

: Reproduced 26 God of War yesterday

The white deer quickly forgot this dream.

Most people can't remember dreams for too long, but this time the strange dreams dissipated too quickly and too strangely. Almost blink of an eye, he completely forgot all the details in the dream, even forgetting that he had dreamed.

It’s like there is a wave that completely erases the dream.

Then the white deer heard the roar of the golden tooth boss, and was smashed out by the golden tooth boss from the cover.

"The reinforcements are coming?"

The white deer blurted out, but it was not like watching the face of the golden tooth.

"Not a reinforcement."

The golden tooth boss bit his teeth, one word and one word out from the tooth gap. "It is a poison gang and a vulture."


The white deer was shocked.

"Don't be afraid, the reinforcements will definitely come today. We only need to get through this wave, but there is only one entrance and exit here. It is a dead place. You can't stay here. Otherwise, people will block the entrance and exit, and the smoke will burn. We will When you are finished, you must go to the ground and rely on the ruins of the winery to have room for manoeuvre."

The gold-haired boss took out the white deer out of the room and woke up Wanzanghai. He asked him to pack up the weapons and ammunition. He took the opportunity to whisper to the white deer. "Reassured, the reinforcements are a 'conventional' secret special force, which is fast and all-terrain. , will definitely come."

"Do you trust them so much?"

White Fawn suspicion, "Why?"

"Because the commander of this special force, my captain in the 'sea seal', Colonel Sterling, that is, in the operation of 'grabbing Yuri', was rescued by me and the other three brothers. Man, if it is not our sacrifice, he will be caught by Yuri and put into the X camp!"

Jinyao Old Avenue, "When I went through the hardships, when Colonel Stirling took care of me a lot, he also helped me to prove my loyalty, and re-engaged with the 'contract', if I was in the **** wilderness And if the 'contract' also trusts someone, that is him! I am only willing to hand over the 'tip cutting water technology' to Colonel Sterling, and he will certainly save us!"


White Deer Road, "After a few days attacked ‘New Jinshan’, he also smashed you and did not tell you the information of the magnetic blasting infantry factory.”

"No, that's not his business!"

The grandmother’s forehead, the blue-and-golden forehead, swears, “Colonel Sterling came to the secret base in the northern part of the **** wilderness a year ago and trained a new special force. He didn’t know it. If he knew the truth, he would never sell it. I will never!"

The white deer was frightened by the fierceness of the golden tooth boss and nodded subconsciously.

"Believe me, believe Colonel Sterling, we must be fine, you must be fine, just like yesterday's stepping on mines, just a false alarm, a false alarm."

The golden tooth boss greeted the two little devils and climbed up to the ground again.

On the horizon, the wind and sand rolled, and dozens of columns of smoke were rolled up, like a demon with claws and claws.

In the sky, countless eagle hovering, eager to try, want to dive, just like the minions of death.

Through the telescope, you can see the team of the poison gangsters and the vulture gangs. The two teams are distinctly decorated and decorated with great features. The scorpion scorpion is surrounded by numerous giant poisonous scorpions to act as “reactive armor”. There are often one or two hooks hanging behind them, which are used to smash the enemy's chariots, and they are like the tails of the scorpions; the vultures are completely covered with colorful feathers, like the decoration of the sergeants. same.

Regardless of the poisonous gangsters or the vultures, there are numerous metal hooks and hanging rods welded on the vehicle, which can allow a large number of squatters to climb on it. An off-road vehicle can carry at least a dozen soldiers.

Looking at it, there are at least thirty or forty chariots, that is, at least three or four hundred soldiers, the poisonous gangs and the vultures help the most elite forces, and come out.

On their side, there are only three people, one boy, one teenager, and one dying person.

Three, for three hundred, the ending seems to have been doomed.

The teeth of Wanzanghai began to fight and made a "giggle" sound.

The white deer did not know what happened to him, and he was not afraid at all.

"Our weapons and ammunition are running out, and it is not the way to attack the enemy here."

The grandmother of Jinya glanced at the firearms and ammunition on the canvas, and sighed. "These are all for you. Don't lick the bullets. Try to open the fire to attract the attention of the other side. I walked around and killed them. Grab some weapons and ammunition back."


White deer stunned, "You, what are you doing?"

"Reassured, nothing."

The boss of Jinya grinned. "You didn't feel it. The wind is getting bigger and bigger. Soon it is a big wind sand. The visibility is very low. No one can think that I will suddenly kill it. It will definitely kill the individual and turn it over. ”

"But there are hundreds of people there!"

The white deer wants to go to the sleeves of the golden tooth, but they don’t dare.

"Hundreds of people, huh, huh..."

The golden tooth boss did not take a light shot on the shoulder of the white deer. "You know, why is my ability called ‘legion?’?”


The white deer did not understand why the Golden Teeth boss said this, "Because your ability to launch can stimulate the morale and combat effectiveness of the entire legion?"

"Do not."

The golden tooth boss said faintly, "Because my ability is stirring to the limit, I am a soldier, a soldier!"

He rushed out one step and rushed into the sand and rushed into the blood-stained wasteland.

The claws of the teeth are like a demon-like column of smoke, gradually approaching them.

The white deer burst into tears and the teeth were deeply embedded in the lips, tearing the bitter blood.

Wan Zhaihai's eyeballs turned around and they were eager to move.

"do not move!"

The white deer glanced at him, his expression was awkward, and he said with awkwardness, "If you don't beat these cockroaches, you will not be able to escape to the ends of the earth. You will be caught by them, alive and smashed, and smashed the ribs!"

Wan Zhaihai looked at the blue veins on the face of the white deer, and then he saw that he was holding the gun, could not hold the shaking hand, touched the nose, and the eyes did not turn.

"Okay, I don't move."

Wanzanghai huddled between the ruins of the ruins of the winery and whispered. "It’s a pity that the boss of the Golden Teeth has moved. Do you think he will attack the team of the drug gangsters and the vultures? How many hundred people can you play? Maybe he just wants to use our attention to attract the attention of the enemy, smearing oil on their soles, sneaking and running away!"

"To shut up."

The white deer squinted and said a word, "Give me, shut up."

Wan Zhaihai’s heart trembled and looked at the boy’s expression without expression, and he did not dare to speak.

"Hey, hey!"

The white deer aimed at the gang team not far away and fired first.

Such a long distance, such a large sand, of course, is impossible to hit, but it is enough to attract the other party's firepower, such as pouring rain towards the ruins of the winery, hit the gravel splash, fire everywhere, everywhere is "噼里啪啦" The boy and the teenager could not lift their heads.

"You are crazy!"

Wanzanghai screams.


The white deer curled up in the corner of the wall, only the handle and the gun extended to fight back, attracting a more dense barrage.

"He left us and has run away!"

Wanzanghai yelled.

"Let your mother's fart!"

The white deer is arrogant.

The young man squatted on the ground and smashed a bullet-proof vest on his head. The boy picked up the second gun and opened the bow left and right. He shook the tiger's mouth and numb his arms. The bullets did not know where to fly.

The enemy is getting closer.

The sound of the off-road vehicle can be heard in the sand, the other party's clear fire, and the sound of the slap.

In the sky, a red-eyed mutated eagle, suddenly shouting, like a string of arrows descending toward the white deer, the speed is fast, the white deer can even smell the stench of it.

The white deer bites his lips, and his brother's brain is hot and hot, helping him to accurately lock down the dive down monster. "Hey," a beautiful shot, the mutated eagle turns into a smashed smash meat.

In the sands not far from them, the guns and laughter of the gangsters came to an abrupt end, turning into horror, screams and screams.

"this is--"

The white deer glimpsed a little, and was overjoyed, desperate to put his head out of the low wall.

"He didn't go?"

Wan Zhai did not believe it, swallowed his mouth, and also put a small half of his head out of the wall.

Rolling sand, strong smoke, visibility is extremely low.

However, the strong sand and the thicker smoke can not cover the burning of the golden tooth to the limit, the vitality of the exuberant and embarrassing.

This is the hegemon of the **** wilderness.

Yes, the **** of war above the waste soil.

The white deer saw that the golden tooth boss had been lurking in the gravel and used camouflage camouflage to integrate himself with the earth until the team of the drug gang and the vulture gang drove slowly from him, suddenly bursting like a fury. The rhinoceros suddenly knocked over an off-road vehicle.

The white deer saw that the golden tooth boss was in a no-man's land. A dagger and a dogleg chopper spurred two savage knives. No matter how many layers of armor they wear, several pieces of bulletproof vests were cut off by him. The road ahead is full of internal organs and broken limbs.

The white deer saw that the golden tooth boss continued to spread out the naked golden cockroaches visible to the naked eye. All the enemies shrouded in shackles, the speed and reaction were slowed down by half a shot, and they became the chickens and dogs that were allowed to be slaughtered.

The white deer saw that the golden tooth boss constantly grabbed the grenade from the enemy, and then threw it into the off-road vehicle next to him. He created numerous fireballs of explosives in front of him. Countless enemies were blown up by him, but he was like a storm. One of the towers is still standing still.

He, where is he going to "grab a few weapons", it is clear that he must rely on his own strength to kill all the cockroaches and all the cockroaches!

Of course, the golden tooth boss is also a human, there are limits, the number of the other party is too much, even if the visibility is low, the other party's reaction is slow, after all, there are many bullets, smashed through the body of the golden tooth.

But the golden tooth boss is like copper pouring iron casting, no response, continue to move forward, all the way, all the way to explode, continue to advance all the way!

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