Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

: Fish girl eight black and white

"Let me go, Reach, let me go!"

"I hate you, Reich, I hate you, I don't want to talk to you anymore, you let me go!"

"How can you become like this, how can you and Dad become like this, become unrecognizable, I don't even know you at all! Are you really my brother and father, you should not be invaded by any starry aliens? , won it?"

"I beg you, brother, you can't do this. Shannua is innocent. It didn't make any mistakes at all. On the contrary, it has been protecting us, even sacrificing its limbs more than once! It needs us, we also need It can't be treated like this cruelly!"

"Brother, think about when we were young, did you not like Shanuya? I remember that at that time, you gave birth to a dreamer who dreamed more than me. You like Shanuya more often than I do. I ran to tell Shannuya to tell stories. Both I and Shannua are your loyal listeners - why have they changed now? Since you grew up, everything has changed and it has changed!"

The girl struggled on her brother's shoulders, her legs were scurrying, her hands were scratching, but she couldn't stop her brother from being like an expressionless cold statue, and took her to the hospital of New Hope City.

It was originally a large comprehensive hospital, not to mention the people living in Shannua, even the residents of many asteroids with mining, who are seriously ill will come here to treat - but with everything around you In the same way, it is a very distant past. Now, people have built medical boats with advanced facilities and beautiful environment. Most people go there to see a doctor. Only some of the monks and psychiatric departments of the Dream Control Bureau are left. Experts are still stationed here.

Pepe once did not understand what psychiatrists are still doing here.

Now she knows.

My brother put her in a white room with six sponges and nowhere to hit the wall. She rubbed the scars on her arm and she was silent.

The girl was angry and stared at her brother. He said: "Rickey, you have changed!"

"of course."

My brother is like a little dad, calmly said, "Everyone, no, all life will grow up, it will change, I will change, Shannua will also change."

Pepe spoke for a while, and for a while, he reluctantly said: "No, I and Shannu will always be like this, and will never become like you and Dad... as dark!"


My brother laughed. "The reason why we become so dark is that we hope that the people we guard will always be bright and never become us."

Pepe opened his mouth and really didn't know what to say. The anger of Tianda could not be sent out. He could only cry weakly and pleaded: "Brother, do you really have to do this? There is no other way? Can you go and Dad asks for grievances, either, or you let me go, let me go to Shannua? There is always a way, we can always come up with a solution that does not hurt anyone."

"Let you let me tell Shanuya, are we going to kill it?"

The brother asked calmly. "Can you predict how Samoa will react after hearing such news, and how many people will it kill? How do people who still live on it, and the people around it? The fleet - five million, ten million, fifty million or more?

"Yes, Shannua is very kind and very poor. Its life is of course precious. The innocent and kind girl like you can't bear to watch it die in ignorance. It's normal."

"But our compatriots, the five million, ten million, fifty million or more human beings, including all of your little friends, are also very innocent, very kind, and very poor. Those who have just been born, Baby who knows nothing, they also have the power to continue to survive.

"If you are willing to go it alone, in order to save Shannuya, and ignore the lives of hundreds of millions of people, I don't think this is a kind of true kindness. Perhaps, from the perspective of all mankind, this is the biggest. evil."

Pepe was struck by lightning and was speechless.

My brother sighed and slammed down.

"Don't blame Dad's heart, Dad can't do anything. You know that a lot of things aren't the dream control bureau, and it's not even our small fleet."

My brother continued, "No matter what the father is, the commander of our fleet, in front of the 'highest joint operations meeting', are small people, small characters, monitoring of every empty hunter, has always been a major matter of supervision by all the fleets of all mankind. Just when our empty hunter threw out the question 'Who am I?', the hundreds of fleets under the Supreme Operational Conference passed the gravitational wave communication and received an alert and closely followed our disposal of the Nether Hunter— - According to the "Emergency Plan", in the event of the worst result, that is, the Nether Hunter is completely out of control, destroying or even enslaving the entire fleet, all the other human fleets are free to attack us and bring us together with the uncontrolled void. The hunter is completely destroyed!"


For the first time, Pepe heard such an amazing "emergency plan" that the girl could not understand at all. "How can this be?"

"It's not like this, what is it like? Is it because the hunter hunts the human fleet and analyzes all the secrets in the fleet and the human brain, and further develops into a horrible demon we can't imagine?"

My brother sighed again and said, "In fact, Dad and our commander are very conservative in their attitude towards the Nether Hunter. They all like the Nether Hunter, like the traditional way of life, hope for humanity and the void. Hunters can live in peace and continue to maintain the symbiotic relationship they need, really!"

"How can it be?"

Pepe is suspicious, "Dad is obviously going to kill Shanuya!"

"The explosion was to regenerate and kill Shanuya, so that the "anti-empty hunter" in the top combat conference could not find a reason to completely eliminate the Nether Hunter."

The older brother said, "With the advancement of the refining technology of the starship and the enrichment of a large number of caves, the human civilization has undergone earth-shaking changes in the past millennium. Before the millennium, most humans relied on the Nether Hunter. At the core, build their own towns and fleets, but now, of the more than 100 human fleets, only less than 20 are still centered on the Nether Hunter, and the remaining fleets either find new inhabitable planets or become The complete starship civilization, in short, the new human civilization that is constantly rising, does not need the empty hunter."

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