Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

: Hante (7) you will regret it!

Teresa’s words, the whole harem group was full of fog.

Princess Axia frowned slightly, picking up the cherry mouth and seemed to be thinking about something.

But soon, the slightest glimmer of her eyes was shrouded in dark fog.

"Teresa, what are you talking about, how can we not understand?"

Princess Axia touched her forehead and murmured. "It must be the black magic in your body. Haven't you cleaned it yet?"


Theresa is very eager to scream.

But this does not meet her current appearance and identity.

"I mean, we, our girls must be self-respecting and self-love, want to be a self-improvement of their daughters, no need to rely on men's lives, all day thinking about how to please men!"

Teresa finally couldn't help but waved a small fist. "We are a risky group. Right? Let's go to the **** battle. Aren't they all good, but we have so many sisters. The mission in the mercenary group is not necessarily just to "dedication" to the black Jack, which is ridiculous!

"Sister Natasha, you have been a mercenary leader. I believe that you must not be like this at that time? Risk, we can take it ourselves, monsters, we can fight ourselves, prince or princess, we can also ourselves Rescue, what are the physiological needs of the sisters, we can all solve it ourselves - what, black Jack adults must be very tired, let them sleep well, don't bother him, then solve it yourself. !"

Teresa finished her breath, her hands on her knees and a big breath.

Really damn, how can this body be so tired and excited?

He felt that the hormone secretion in his body was as irregular as a violent whirlpool. When she spoke, she wanted to cry again.

The beriberi gently bite the lips, she is forcing the crystal in the eye socket, full of expectation to look at the sisters of the harem group.

The girls looked at each other and there was a huge silence in the air.

"You, understand what I mean?"

Teresa asked cautiously.

"do not understand."

The dragon girl Hera and the head of the maids Natasha shook her head at the same time.

Subsequently, the two very powerful big sisters waved their hands, and the girls once again gathered like zombies. A pair of hands and high-handed hands lifted up and sent Teresa directly to Black Jack's tent.

"Hey, let me go, let go of people, don't be so rude, hehe..."

Teresa’s tears flowed out of disappointment.

She only felt a whirlwind, and she was picked up on a big bed covered with velvet and fluffy clouds.

In terms of the standard of camping in the wild, this tent is a luxury.

The floor is covered with a wool blanket, surrounded by tapestries and embroidery. The exquisite wooden shelves also ignite hundreds of candles mixed with special spices, a thick and indecent fragrance, hovering in the air.

Black Jack wore a thin, silky black silk robe.

The perfect stalwart body, presented in front of Theresa in a thrilling way, gave her the feeling of a dog's eyes.

“Is there anything wrong?”

Theresa shouted in her heart. "This guy went to the fallen forest and the **** battle to take risks. He even brought such a luxurious tent, a velvet bed and hundreds of candles. Would you be so coquettish? Come out to pick up the girl!"

Think about it, this guy is really a **** possibility to be a professional pick-up girl, by the way.

However, he also has the ability to fool himself into so many races and professional girls, all of whom are desperate for him, no regrets, follow him and take risks, and help him with so many picking tools, and his mother helps. He soaked the girl, and the whole harem group was so harmonious.

I thought that when I was still the "Xinghai Cannon King", I also smashed the universe, swept the empire, and madness and thousands of girls, and lived in love.

I never thought that the lost magic world, the emerald continent, the doomsday mountains, the fallen forest, and the Jackie thunder, this strange guy, seems to be a little outrageous.

It’s really more human than people, mad!

Black Jack didn't know what Teresa was thinking.

He filled two glasses of wine and swayed it, letting the spirits of the spirits disappear.

“‘The Amoeba’ Eric is really a court magician of the past. For the sake of wine, there is still some taste.”

Black Jack smiled and took the wine and walked over to Teresa. "This lion's heart has been hidden for at least a hundred years. It is very rare on the market. It is said that it can greatly enhance the five senses of the Terran, especially... touch.

"Baby, look at your nervousness, do you want to try it, I promise that after you have finished drinking, you can even sway in the bottom of a feather with a feather.... It’s shocking."

Black Jack's handsome and unremarkable face showed a chic and awkward smile.

Teresa stared at him, suddenly, covering her mouth with both hands and vomiting again.

Black Jack's smile solidified, split, and disappeared.

"Sorry, the state of people today is really not very good."

Teresa really said, "Probably stayed in Eric's magic tower for too long, and was weakly affected by the black magic. Anyway, people are disgusting now, especially seeing men - the more handsome men The more disgusting you are, the more you come, the more likely people are to spit on your dog's blood, then it's not good, isn't it?"

Black Jack narrowed his eyes, but although he stopped, the light in his eyes was more intense and intense.

"You are special."

Black Jack sipped his cup of "Lion's Heart", and the **** wine sputum ran down the loose collar to the chest, sketching his strong and full chest muscles, and more and more The explosive manhood is so stormy that it is enough to dump all the female creatures in the magical world.

And Teresa's response to him was another intense retching.

It’s not a slap in the face, it’s really a physical nausea, and tears are coming out.

"You are so too... different, my Miss Teresa."

Black Jack looked at her with great interest, and did not feel uncomfortable for her rejection. Instead, she was full of excitement of "chess and opponents." "When I first met you, I was only attracted by your peerless beauty, but only half a day. The contact, but I found that your mysterious soul seems to be more fascinating than the appearance, Teresa, my Teresa, what kind of girl are you really? I really can’t wait, I want to To open your heart and see the most real you."

"Trust me, you still don't want to open the hearts of others."

Teresa is very sincere, "Otherwise, you will regret it."

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