Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

: Han Te Chuan (34) Death Squad

No one opposed Black Jack's opinion.

Everyone can see that it is impossible to let the six-family coalition army defeat the mountain. Otherwise, it will only allow the Kuba al-Qaeda to cover the sky and thoroughly suppress the entire blood-devil world, and then free up his hand to deal with the brilliant world.

We must find a way to maintain the balance of power between the prisoners and the rest of the six races, at least to delay the introduction of the "deep red palace" variable, in order to give birth to new hope.

"Follow Black Jack, fight!"

The girls are fighting high.

They are not the flowers in the greenhouse, but the best women of all races in the emerald continent.

Natasha, the head of the maids, is a warship on the front of the battlefield. The dragon girl Hera is a very powerful dragon magician. The catwoman is the top assassin and stalker, and the rest of the girls. They also have the best skills, and they are not dead to Black Jack, comparable to the dead soldiers who have been raised since childhood.

In a word, Black Jack made them enter a certain state of hypnosis, death, and screaming to go to the battlefield.

At this time, between the prisoners and the six-member coalition forces, they also entered the most violent white-bladed direction.

The horror scenes that were fired by the prisoners and the guns were shocked. They were more fierce than before. It was really the devil who stuffed the intestines from the wounds on the belly and climbed over the prisoner’s cannon. Kicked down and was crushed into meat by the beast.

In addition to the artillery to guard against enemies rushing from all sides, the main task is to clean the cannons and high-pressure boilers, carry and fill the magic projectiles, and prepare for the second launch.

Everyone knows that the victory and defeat of the battle, and even the situation of the prisoners and the rest of the six races, and even the future of the **** and demon world and the glorious world, are maintained on this prisoner's cannon.

"Chong, kill!"

"Open the gun! Open the gun!"

"Destroy the prison cannon, victory belongs to us!"

All kinds of strange grotesque language like the beasts of the beasts, accompanied by swords and armor, the flesh and bones colliding, echoing between the confined space and the scorching smoke, just like a sudden and low-pitched hell. .

Two Medusa witches ecstatically rushed to their own camp to report the good news of the arrival of Black Jack to Queen Medusa.

Black Jack led dozens of girls, stalking from the flank around the prisoner.

At this time, the shock wave brought by the robbers of the prisoners was shivering, and they were attacked by the six-member coalition forces like crazy. They also reached the limit. At the beginning, no one noticed. Black Jack is an eccentric "small squad".

Even if they noticed, they didn't put the whole army on the leather armor, and did not carry any heavy weapons and giant Warcraft detachment in the eyes.

It was too late to wait until Black Jack’s harem group tore open the fascinating camouflage and expose the sly fangs.

"killing, killing, killing, killing!"

Natasha, the head of the maids, rushed to the forefront. It was originally a tall, body-building figure. It was inflated for several rounds in a moment. One handle was wider than the door, and the two-handed axe heavier than the stone mill waved like a windmill. There will be several prisoners wearing heavy armor, even with a belt armor and even a straddle of the World of Warcraft in two halves, blood and broken bones condense into a forward arrow, the barbarian baboon born in the Great Northern Ice Storm The blood is full of doubts.

Dragon Girl Hera also began to recite magic. Compared with ordinary magic, the biggest advantage of Dragon language magic is that it is silent, almost no need to read the sound, and there is no need to prepare all kinds of cumbersome materials. There is a fireball, ice arrow and acid rain. Using the raw materials in the blood of the corpse on the ground, the skull headed the brain and went to the prisoner to smash the past.

Not to mention the Dragon's innate "Dragon's Breath". If an invisible flame lingers around, the imprisoned demons who have just been imposing, just look at it, they will be involuntarily fearful, their legs will tremble, yet Holding the weapon, he was cut off by Natasha and others.

In this way, the squad inserted into the weakest part of the Prisoner's Army, and instantly killed the hunter, a chicken and a dog, and turned to the head.

The Six-member coalition also discovered their existence. Although they did not know their way, they also saw that their flags were clearly on their own side, and the military was in great vigour and the offensive was in full swing.

The commander of the prisoner was also a mediocrity, and soon found the reason for the turmoil.

Numerous blue-faced fangs, grotesque hunters, hangs the quirky armor of "screaming" steam, "嗷嗷" screaming at the girls, slamming the hole.

The artillery has speeded up the cleaning and filling, and will fire for the second time.

Natasha, the head of the maids, and Hera, the dragon girl, were struggling.

The most brave Natasha has already scored a few arrows. The thick leather armor is full of black arrow feathers, making her like a weird hedgehog, but it makes people laugh.

Vera, a girl from the elves, constantly releases treatment and blessings, allowing a circle of milky white aura to spread out, helping Natasha and others to maintain their combat power, but they are tired and pale and crumbling.

Princess Axia was very hot-hearted and worried. She also wanted to help the Elf Vera to release the treatment together, but she was caught by Teresa.

"Danger, don't go up!"

Teresa was not willing to pay for her girlfriends, so she died in vain, or she stayed at the bottom and was safe.

"But Natasha, Hera and Vera, they need us!"

Axia princess aggravated the tone and anxiously said, "Black Jack is a man who needs us!"

"Yes, he really needs us to distract the enemy for him. This task has been done very well."

Teresa slammed her head up. "Next, should we take care of ourselves for Black Jack?"


Princess Axia looked in the direction of Teresa's mouth and found that Black Jack did not know when to climb down the pipe to the top of the dome.

Above the dome of the Qianmen Mountain, like the gas roots of giant banyan trees, many things like vines or intestines hang down, fluttering in the wind and swaying.

I don't know if it is a broken rubber pipe or a kind of hyperplasia and variant of humus.

Black Jack climbed up to the hanging "vines" and slowly swayed toward the prisoner.

In fact, there are many Mozus in the midair.

Some of the Mozu ribs have wings, some of them are riding lions, and some of them are even carrying high-pressure jets or propellers.

But Black Jack is on top of their heads, temporarily in a visual blind spot!

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