Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

: Han Te Chuan (51) Hong Chao's nightmare

A variety of beautiful halo haunts it, and the trajectory and floating turrets seem to form a special ecosystem. It is not just a "star-rated" warship, it is like a whole galaxy, constantly absorbing Cosmic matter, a constantly expanding living galaxies!


Teresa was too late to be shocked by the beauty and grandeur of the "Galaxy Battleship" and saw something far behind them.

It is simply the most horrific scene in the universe. It is a nightmare that cannot be described by pen and ink. It is a figuration of the doomsday that destroys everything!

At first glance, it was a meteorite rain, vast, roaring and rushing toward them.

But as the starship scanning system continues to grow and delivers clearer images and richer data, Teresa is able to see the details of this meteorite rain—across the numerous asteroid-sized meteorites. In the cracks, countless ugly tentacles have emerged. These tentacles are intertwined with each other, weaving countless meteorites together and turning into a vast network that almost devours the entire universe.

If you have a big net of life, you are coming from all directions to their fleet.

With the continuous gathering and squirming of the big net, the ugly halo on the surface of the meteorite has become a face of countless intelligent life with a grotesque smile, threatening or tempting to the exile fleet of Yuanshi civilization.

Even though the cosmic vacuum couldn't deliver sound, Theresa could still hear their ridiculous laughter and howl.

It’s strange that this disgusting picture and the sound of piercing the eardrum should make her feel very disgusted, but her mind actually swayed and gave birth to a kind of “what kind of escape is what it is to be a head, it’s better to stop. The idea of ​​ending everything early."

This year's head is a black snake, tightly wrapped around her, making her breathless, her hands cold, and the nerve connection to the starship is almost cut off.

At the same time, another cone-like sound emerged in the deepest part of my mind, with only two words:

"Hong Chao."

Teresa was shocked and instantly recovered.

If she didn't guess wrong, this is the true face of the flood – at least, the true face of a small spray that devours the flood of the heavens.

The floating turrets circling hundreds of thousands of kilometers outside the starships fired one after another, and a ray of light hit the other side. However, these were enough to evaporate the destruction of the entire asteroid, between the vast dark stars and dust. However, it is like a candle in the wind, faint and swaying. Even if it can hit the flood, it can't cause the other party's loss. Instead, it will irritate the flood, making the living meteorite rain, creeping and flying faster.

"The distance is too far."

Teresa's instinct as a gunner and fire controller gradually awakened. She thought, "At such a long distance, the other side is like a certain cluster life, and there is no obvious weakness and core. This level of bombardment does not at all. May hit the other side."

The commander of the Yuanshi civilization exile fleet should not be ignorant of this, why should it waste energy and ammunition without meaning?

Teresa quickly understood why the commander had to fire at a distance.

The flood is getting closer and closer, the firepower of the fleet is getting stronger and stronger, and the dead light finally condenses into a sharp scalpel, tearing the flood into thousands of pieces without a sound.

However, in each piece of debris, new tentacles have been re-growth, and hundreds of tentacles are swinging backwards at the same time, causing a steady flow of three-dimensional space. These torrents are like octopus in the deep sea, speed. Instantly lifted to the limit, even faster than the full speed forward starship!

The flood tide has the ability to jump in some kind of ultra-short distance Xinghai.

The so-called tentacle swing, not wandering in a vacuum, but a "frog jump" in a vacuum, moving in a moment.

In order to completely destroy this wave of torrents, you must first tear it to the most basic unit that can no longer tear, and then smash all the materials and annihilate all the things.

A task that is almost impossible to complete.

It is also the test that Teresa will face.

A large amount of information flowed into Teresa's mind. She obtained the operation authority of hundreds of floating guns at 12 o'clock. It must form a solid defense line to withstand at least one hour of the rushing debris. Fight for the emergency star of the exile fleet.


Every floating cannon has become an extension of her thinking and limbs. She can clearly sense that the reaction core of the floating cannon is tremble at high speed, and the beautiful rays form a mottled and finely colored oil on the black canvas. The tidal debris that had been hit by it crashed into a mess.

Under Teresa's fast calculations and precise control, a large number of tidal debris were hit and torn by her.

But the tidal debris after the tear still has the ability to squirm and attack, because the body becomes smaller, more flexible and quicker.

Finally, half an hour after the two sides contacted, there was a flood of debris that broke through Teresa's artillery defense line and threw her onto the floating turret.

The two sides are close at hand, and Teresa can finally see the true face of the flood debris.

It is the kind of **** that does not appear in the most terrible nightmare. A group of rocks, metal and flesh and blood are mixed together. It is clear that no life can be born, but it is slightly twitching in the cold universe. Creeping and breathing.

Through the outer shell of the starship wreckage, Theresa even saw an organ like an eye with a vicious smile.

Subsequently, a large amount of flesh, fiber and crystal cable tentacles, from the depths of the Hongchao debris, 狠狠 inserted into the floating turret, accompanied by a burst of "咕噜咕噜, 咕噜咕噜" current noise, it will completely devour the floating turret.

The picture of this floating turret turned into a black and red interlaced.

In the picture of the surrounding floating turret, it can be clearly seen that the floating turret is wrapped by the tidal debris and becomes a huge konjac. The oyster shell is quickly chapped, brand new, flesh-and-blood, rusty, various The mucus quickly solidified, and the ugly floating turret was born.

However, this new floating turret is no longer controlled by Teresa or any Yuan Dynasty.

It became part of the flood, turning the direction and firing at the surrounding turrets.

Teresa’s firepower network was suddenly smashed, and some of the computational power had to be taken to deal with the polluted floating turret. As a result, more and more tidal debris came in, like Like bacteria and viruses, it erodes the defensive layer of the exile fleet. Even a few fish that have slipped through the net drive straight into, close to the body of the diamond warship.

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