Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

: Han Te Chuan (five-five) emotional power

"The Lord of Devouring? It's a joke!"

Along with a sharp sing, on the giant sword of the Kuba's hands, there was a criss-crossing pattern of light, which was separated from the blade and the blade, spreading like a nerve, and then the blade followed. The light lines bulged outward, turning into countless serrations, jagged friction, and igniting the violent black flame, like a roaring raging dragon, pointing to Black Jack. "It’s just a small reptile, kill me!"

The prisoner of the prisoners rushed to the front and roared.

Black Jack's tentacles are more strange and swift than the thorns and vines of the first few dark spaces. They instantly pierced the eyes of dozens of prisoners, and even the skull and helmet were blasted. The scene was terrible.

No, carefully identified, he treats the prisoners differently.

All male demons were killed by him without mercy.

But for the witch of the prisoner, his tentacles are gently glued between the other's eyebrows, and along the tentacle, the light gold power is input into the brains of the witches, and from the brains of the witches. At the same time, extract a hundred times the return.

"Where are you from the corner of the **** battle, the despicable monsters that climbed out!"

The prince of Kuba waved his sword with both hands and fell to the top of Black Jack.

Black Jack smiled awkwardly, his hands open, countless tentacles entangled his own long sword, and also expanded into a mighty domineering sword form, and confronted Kuba's Maharaja.


The confrontation between the two giant swords provoked the movement of the prisoner's cannon to fire. The shock wave formed a wave of realism, and the circle circled outward.

The girls of Teresa and the harem group were all flying out.

However, in the next second, there were countless pale gold tentacles that smashed into the eyebrows of the women in the harem.

Teresa had long been sick and disgusted with Black Jack, and was wary of his every move. Seeing his ugly true face, his heart was shocked. When the tentacle shot, the instinctive reaction was partial and not absorbed by Black Jack. live.

But Princess Axia, the dragon girl Hera, the head of the maids, Natasha, including the catwoman, the elf Vera... all along with her day and night, fighting side by side, teaching her to use the "Feng Bao" girls They are all tightly wrapped by tentacles.

The tentacle is sucking, and if you are a fascinating and greedy quirk.

The girls’ faces were stunned, their eyes were disappointing, and the corners of their mouths evoked a smile that was so happy after sacrifice.

With the infinite capture of Black Jack, the magical power of the girls, even their skin and flesh and blood, withered at the speed visible to the naked eye.

The Black Jack deity in the center of thousands of tentacles has become more and more tyrannical and domineering.

At the beginning, it was the great sword of the cousin of Kuba, who was the enemy of the enemy.

But as he draws more and more power from all the girls around him, gradually, he has been able to compete with the Kuba's Maharaja, even faintly prevailing!

"When it is!"

Finally, Black Jack’s great sword, the great sword of the Kuba’s Maharaja, was opened, and even the Kuba’s lord’s deity was knocked out by him.

In this fight of pure power, Black Jack has the upper hand and defeated the strongest of the **** demon world for thousands of years, the Chief of Kuba!

Not only the girls of the harem group, but even the witches of the prisoners, as long as the forehead is absorbed by the black gold tentacles of Black Jack, or even influenced by the black Jack’s gas field, they all cheered for Black Jack and forgot the library. The Ba Dajun is their master.


The elder King Kuba spurted out of blood and couldn't believe the witches under his knees.

"you guys!"

This time, he was really angry and scorned the witches of the prisoners. "What are you doing?"

"It's not in vain, they won't obey your orders again, because they have dedicated their souls and lives to me and become... my woman."

In the center of the cobweb composed of thousands of tentacles, Black Jack embraced his arms and smiled with his face in his face. "Until this moment, you still don't understand what you are facing, what a terrible enemy?" The despicable monster in the depths of the **** battle Oh, you will regret it, use this vocabulary to insult a 'swallowing master'."


The prince of Kuba took a sip of blood, his face looked ugly and looked around, but the depths of his eyes were blooming with unruly light, and he spit out two words, "The reptile!"

"Yes, 'reptiles', this is the first impression of the creatures in this ridiculous universe after I came to this timeline. Do you know that for a moment, I was desperate and thought great? The engulfing empire is about to end so ridiculously in all the universes of all timelines. Fortunately, I don’t know how long it has been wandering. I found this small and ridiculous universe, and you, a barely able to count as 'smart life'. Reptile," Black Jack said with a smile.

These words, in the heart of Theresa, screamed.

She is full of fog and water, and it is not clear what Black Jack is. What is the meaning of the so-called "timeline" and "swallowing the empire".

It sounds like it is a different thing from Hong Chao?

Is Black Jack actually a monster more terrible than the flood?

"Don't waste your small and barren wisdom to think about my existence. The complete life form of my family is that your life is on a one-dimensional timeline, only creeping in one direction, pity The three-dimensional life can never be understood, even if I lose 99% of my power in the jump, I still have the ability you can't resist."

Black Jack’s mood is very pleasant, and there is a game of playing cats and mice. “We are engulfing the rulers of the heavens and the masters of all wisdom, because we can directly use the most powerful power in the universe. - 'Emotions of Wisdom Life'.

"As far as I am concerned, I can make any one of the opposite **** fall in love with me easily, and from their strong love like magma, draw powerful power, the stronger their love, the more power I can draw. Powerful, can also cast this power on them again, forming a virtuous circle, making them sink deeper and deeper until they die.

"As you can see, I spent several years searching for the most powerful women on the emerald continent, making them a stable source of energy for me.

"Now, even the witches of your prisoners have become my captives. I am willing to sacrifice their souls and lives to me and become my ‘human flesh battery.’ How do you fight with me?

"Oh, I almost forgot, you live in the middle ages, the limbs are developed, the mind is simple and low life, I am afraid it is difficult to understand what the meaning of 'battery', huh, this starship falls into your hands, it is I am so angry that I am coming, it will be the starting point for the revival of the empire!"

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