Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

: Han Te Chuan (57) is cut off!

"Hong Chao? Devouring the Empire?"

Teresa was shocked and worried.

She must find a way to escape and tell this amazing information to the emerald continent and everyone in the Pangu universe.

The Chief of Kuba, however, made a scream of laughter, with a particularly feminine face, a strange sense of disharmony.


Just then, the deafening explosion sounded, and Black Jack’s position was suddenly shrouded in flames and smoke.

It was the second reinforcement of the prisoners, which was directly transmitted from Qianmen Mountain to the Crimson Palace, and also brought a small prisoner.

"My king!"

The loyal and sorcerer of the prisoners of the prisoners swarmed.


The Chief of Kuba did not look at them, but it was in the direction that Black Jack should be shredded. He vomited spit and blood spit. "Take you a flood or devour the empire, my family, never give in!"

"is it?

The ghostly voice, but suddenly appeared from behind the Kuba, the squirming of thousands of tentacles, Black Jack re-emerged his tall, handsome, chic, full of manly charm of the figure and face.

Unfortunately, the more handsome his face, the more terrifying the feelings he brings.

"That... it’s a shame." Black Jack faintly said.

Then he was not light and heavy, and he made a snap.

In the twinkling of an eye, those girls who were controlled by his tentacles and who were about to **** dry, like a sly, all moved.

Their appearance is as dry as a scorpion, speed and strength are faster and stronger than the demon in the abyss, stepping on a stiff and strange pace, manipulating rusty weapons, and jumping out of a dance of death.

The prisoner of the sorcerer was shocked and stunned, but when he was reluctant to resist the black jack's harem, he was entangled and stabbed by the tentacles. The witches of these were turned into black Jack's captives. In a moment, they were transformed into the same terrible 骷髅Soldier."

Seeing their glory of piety and happiness, as if paving the path of Black Jack's ambition with life, it is the true meaning of existence.

Get their sacrifices, Black Jack's momentum is getting stronger and stronger, it is like a raging tornado, hidden in his expanding body.


The lord Kuba took a deep breath, and the whole battle was also "squeaky", unable to withstand the violent amount of violence between the muscles and bones, bursting from the inside out.

Sure enough, as Teresa guessed, his "deformation" was not completed, and the body hidden under the armor, although able to see a few exquisite curves, was quickly obscured by the muscles that were inflated.

Rather than turning him into a "woman", it is better to say that he has become a female archaic beast.


Uncle Kuba gave an amazing roar.

The waves of the sea are filled with the entire dark red palace.

Every step of the way, they set off the momentum of the catastrophe, and the surrounding demons and Black Jack's harem all flew out.

"It’s slippery and slippery."

Black Jack's tentacles also swelled several times in an instant, like a strange sea squid, with whiskers waving, tearing the air, visible to the naked eye, and spreading rapidly.

"Boom! Boom!"

The two strong, like two monsters, collide together.

Teresa hugged her head, don't mention how embarrassing.

The two monster-level powerhouses were fully fired. It was not that she was able to resist. The raging waves had already become internal injuries, and they had to guard against poisonous snake-like tentacles to stab her eyebrows.

If he is captured by Black Jack and becomes his "woman", this is the most disgusting thing Teresa can think of in his life.

"How to do?

"I can't die, at least I can't die here, I have to bring the information back. - The flood has not been solved yet, and it is even more embarrassing!"

"Think about it, think about it. If Yao is here, what kind of sinister and deceitful, shameless, mad, and maddening the humanity will he escape from birth?

"Surrow, surrender to one of the two monsters, go to another monster, and then fight, do you have a profit?

"But, watching these two monsters kill so so happy, the look of a set of wars, it is impossible to accept my surrender!"

Theresa had no idea at all.

Cold does not prevent a strong wind from coming behind.

She rolled on the ground, her hands naturally gripped the knife, and a maneuver on the squat, trying to give the enemy a smash.

However, when she saw the attacker, the knife tip was chaotic, and the danger was rubbed from the other's cheeks, without hurting the bones, leaving only a scarlet scar.

"Axia sister!"

That's right, it is Princess Axia.

She was also entangled by Black Jack's tentacles, lost her self, with numbness on her face, her eyes hollowed out, and she became a puppet without soul.

However, when Teresa exclaimed her name, there was nothing in the depths of her eyes, a faint shackle, but like lightning, struggling with reluctance.

Her movements were obviously hesitant.

The true will, and the command of the tentacles, are going through a difficult confrontation, as if her flesh and bones are in conflict, flesh and blood want to go east, but the bones have to go west.

There was a tearing sound of "噼噼啪啪" in her body, and there was a real pain in the numbness of her face.

Looking at her appearance, Teresa is heartbroken and even more furious.

"Axia sister, I will help you!"

The high-rising sword did not hesitate for a moment, and could not attend the question that would be discovered by Black Jack, and changed the angle to draw a perfect arc.

When the blade flickered, there were countless runes around, and the first thing to flock into the blade, which made this ordinary sword become a crystal clear artifact.

This knife condenses all of Teresa's magical power and all the anger and heartache. Even if the ancient demon comes, she will be cut off by her.


Black Jack's tentacles were cut off by Teresa cleanly, and a large group of pale gold liquids spurted out from the fractures, like the snakes hit by lightning.

Black Jack noticed Teresa's existence, and his eyes were projected to her with some surprise. He didn't seem to understand why Teresa was not tempted by him all the way, and he persisted until now.

Teresa's response to Black Jack is a gesture that is not on the emerald continent - two straight middle fingers.

Black Jack narrowed his eyes, and although he did not understand Teresa's meaning, he also understood the will she would never yield.

With a cold scream, I was trying to manipulate more tentacles and squirmed toward Teresa. The Kuba, who was bloody, screamed more and more violently, and he grew up with numerous bone spurs, rushing toward him, and suddenly he Fell to the ground.

The two monsters are entangled again.

The Axia princess who lost control was softly planted backwards.

Teresa hurried forward, holding her in her arms, stripping off the broken tentacles, and then soothing her frozen body with her own hot temperature.

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