Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

: Hante (62) permanent change

"The repair of the Jadeite has not been completely completed, and it has been forced to wake up. More than 90% of the areas and functions are still dormant, and the energy is seriously insufficient."

Emerald is a calm or semi-dead tone. "Most of the internal defense weapons cannot be activated. Even if the defensive laser in the ramp is activated, it takes more than an hour to cool and recharge after a launch.

"If you can completely introduce the heterogeneous life of the intrusion bridge into the ramp after an hour, perhaps we have 50% confidence that it can be completely eliminated.

"Otherwise, just cutting off a few tentacles will not have much impact on its combat effectiveness."


Teresa scratched his head. "Black Jack is bad, but not stupid. Now that he has seen the laser, how can he still stupidly hit it inside? Well, if we can't destroy him, what can we do? ?"

"Although the active defense measures cannot be activated, the passive defense system has been initially restored. Now, we are protected by both energy shields and liquid alloys. The other party is absolutely inaccessible within 72 hours."

The emerald said and waved.

The incredible picture began to unfold in front of Princess Theresa and Axia.

The isolation of the core area of ​​the bridge and the liquid metal walls outside were gradually transparent. They and Black Jack seemed to be separated by a thick layer of glass.

Through this layer of "transparent metal", they can clearly see the outside situation.

The lord Kuba was rescued by his savage demon man, and after leaving the corpse of the corpse and the wreckage of the two prisoners, he retreated to the corner outside the Crimson Palace.

The Crimson Palace was completely occupied by the Black Jack and the Harem Group. The Harem Regiment was responsible for resisting the Kuba and the Prisoner. The Black Jack himself was full of anxiety and walked in front of the ramp leading to the core area.

His face is distorted, and the whole body is violent, and between the breath and the breath, the pale golden tentacles flutter like a jellyfish, jumping out of the beautiful dance of destruction.

Suddenly, Black Jack whispered, condensing a punch of Jin Mang, and rushing to the road.

Standing in the perspective of Princess Teresa and Asha, I only saw the layers of ripples on the “transparent glass”, and the circle circled around.

The liquid metal smashed by Black Jack, after a strange squirm, if you have life, you can proliferate indefinitely and re-populate.

The effect of Black Jack’s fist is equivalent to bombarding the sea. No matter how many tons of seawater he has blasted, how many meters of the huge waves are stirred up, and after a while, it will be restored.

"Is it? This is the nano-defense system in the core area of ​​the Jade Bridge. It is this system that has not been able to completely devour us."

The sound of the emerald, with a faint pride, "At least 72 hours of heterosexual life can be blocked here, enough to allow us to accumulate more energy and complete the activation of the next stage."

Its voice has not fallen -

Black Jack's face became extremely serious. When a wave of unrest was taking place, the second punch slammed into the position of the first punch, and the entire arm was inserted into the liquid metal.


Black Jack’s eyes instantly turned into gold, like a ghost.

The tentacles connected to the harem group inflated three or five times in the same way, accelerating the efficiency of the life and soul of the corpus.

The face of the members of the harem group instantly became pale, and they were more angry than the dead.

There were even two sisters who were shuddering and twisted and twisted.

Black Jack did not care about the lives of these women, but was absorbed and swallowed by madness. Then, the life and soul of the harem group were released into the liquid metal!

For half a second, the eyes of Princess Theresa and Asha seemed to be stabbed by 10,000 gold needles, and nothing could be seen.

When the golden needles were pulled out from the depths of the pupils, they couldn't believe their eyes.

Known as indestructible, the liquid metal wall that can be repaired at any time like the sea has been blasted with a shocking depth of two or three meters.

Even more frightening is the orange-red light shining in the hole, like the rotting intestine of a metal monster.

The surrounding liquid metal has lost its function of deformation and reproduction under the extremely high temperature of burning. In the form of molten iron, the drip has been dropped.

The jade is stiff at once.

It protects Teresa's liquid metal walls and makes a faint "squeaky" sound, as if calculating the horrible destructive power of Black Jack, how long it takes to penetrate.


After a full half minute, it finally came to the conclusion, "Reassured, my defense is strong enough to at least last us... twenty-four hours."

"You just said 72 hours!" Teresa is going crazy.

"It seems that the combat power of heterogeneous life is slightly beyond my calculations."

The emerald faintly said, "However, from the analysis of the cells on the tentacles, as well as the comprehensive scanning analysis of his combat form and energy fluctuations, he is still in the very weak primary stage, and is not strong enough to be invincible - As long as the 'Witch Gene' in your body is fully activated, we still have a chance."

"Do you really want to completely activate the witch gene?"

Watching Black Jack madly devour the life of the Hougong regiment, the murderous and fierce bombardment of the wall, Teresa's face became extraordinarily ugly.

Princess Axia’s feelings for the sisters, Bitreza is a hundred times deeper. When the sisters suffer such pain, they will not be stopped. They will be sucked into the shackles by Black Jack. She is even more anxious, and she is screaming at Teresa. Hands and palms are sweaty, hot and cold.

"I have to figure out one thing first --"

Theresa is indefinite. "Now I am the 'Women Gene Carrier', I have already made this look. If I completely activate the Witch Gene in the body, what will I look like? The chest and **** are ten times bigger and can be Men in the universe are so fascinated... Living and dehydrating and dying?"

"No, the full release of the witch's gene is mainly carried out from the cell layer to deepen the transformation of you, including the nerves, the brain and the body. The shape will not change much. It will only completely fix the current form." Road.

"That's good."

After listening to the first half of the sentence, Teresa breathed a sigh of relief, but in the second half of the sentence, she made her beautiful again. "What do you mean, completely fixed, never going back?"

"It's not 'forever', just under current conditions, it's hard to change back. You know that the witch's gene in your body is still in a semi-dormant state. It can also be separated from your own genes and extracted, once it is fully activated. The witch gene is fully integrated into your gene chain, forming a seamless whole. Unless you have the highest level of genetic technology, or you can cultivate the superb realm that can change the shape of the cell at will, it is impossible to separate, forcibly separate, dangerous. The coefficient is very high."

Jade sees Teresa's concerns and understands, "Of course, if the Jade can be repaired to 100% perfect state, there will be facilities on the ship that can perform the highest level of deformation surgery and turn you back to the original. appearance."

"So, how long will the jadeite be, what conditions can it be repaired 100%?" Teresa asked again.

"...Insufficient conditions, unable to calculate. From the maintenance progress of the past 10,000 years, it will not be too long, and with sufficient resources and manpower, there will be almost three or five thousand years." Jade said.

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