Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 813: God is fighting!

Every word that Li Yao took out was accompanied by the drums of his gods, and he was in the dead sea of ​​stars.

Every feather on the golden wings is turned into a small dynamic array. Countless dynamic arrays simultaneously emit dazzling sparks. The fire swells hundreds of kilometers, making him feel like a piece from the depths of the endless sea of ​​stars. The meteor shower that roars!

Under the impetus of countless dynamic arrays, Li Yao's speed instantly reached its limit, and the soul of the soul and the sword of the stars merged into one, and in an unstoppable position, it was inserted into the big face of the star child's chest.


It is like a red-hot steel knife, inserted into the ice and snow, the star ship wreckage of the star child's chest all melts, evaporates and dissipates!

With a big face and a grin, it shows a very painful expression.

Li Yao’s spirit is spinning wildly, and the wound quickly becomes a huge vortex, expanding into the whole body of the Xinghai, completely smashing the body composed of thousands of crystal warships!

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Star child made a scream of screaming, revealing the true face of the soul in the tremor, it is a group of crazy purple fire, like a huge mutated octopus, waving hundreds of thick tentacles!

In all directions, countless gods and magical illusions, all surged and integrated into his body.

Every time he absorbs a god's magical phase, his soul will grow stronger, his tentacles will be stronger, and he will grow a lot of sucking cups, fangs, spikes and barbs. At the forefront of many tentacles, it is like the opening of the octopus. The same cracked, like a **** mouth.

Ten thousand meters high purple octopus spirit!

A few kilometers high golden light wing soul!

Take the universe as the battlefield, use the stars as the weapon, the Galaxy weapon and the sword, and their roar and shouts turn into a series of nebula storms!

"Even if there is still a self-cultivator in the Tianyuan world, it is just a fish that leaks under the imperial sword. More ants, under the iron hoof of the empire, are the arms of the car!"

Stars are roaring, and hundreds of tentacles are infinitely elongated. The wreckage of the spar battleships in all directions was dragged again, kneaded and squeezed, and turned into a group of spar bombs containing ultra-high compression psionic power and extremely unstable. Then these "Starship Bombs" were thrown at Li Yaozhen!

"Booming and banging!"

Li Yao was swallowed up by countless devastating fireballs. However, after only 0.01 seconds, he broke through the sea of ​​fire and sprinted quickly. The soul also released thousands of threads. The wreckage of all the surrounding crystal warships has been attracted to the whole body, and it has been compressed into a huge piece of feathers. Each piece of feathers is several tens of meters long. The surface is covered with exquisite spiritual patterns, and the fire is lingering like a piece of gold. scale.


Li Yao and Star Child, two supernatural souls, facing each other!


Hundreds of purple tentacles, entangled in Li Yao, spikes and barbs. He felt the pain of heartbreaking, and the sucker madly absorbed his power!

Li Yao gritted his teeth and could not break free.

The star child laughed, but the laughter was quickly interrupted by the wreck of the wreckage, and the octopus was full of holes and holes.

They are falling stars!

The soul of the six Yuan Ying monks also swelled to the upper kilometer, attacking the octopus blame of this clawed claw!

"Lee Yao, we are here!"

"Flying Star Monks and Tianyuan Monks, fighting side by side, together in this dark forest. Killing a **** road!"

Yuan Ying was angry and turned upside down. The whole thinking palace was shaken by the mountains, and there were cracks at the end of the deep Xinghai. As the spider web expands rapidly, the background of the pieces peels off, exposing the gray chaos!

Li Yao's eyes are hot, feathers are flying, like tens of thousands of golden flying knives, smashing the star tentacles. Tearing his body.

"This is what you forced me!"

The star child was furious, and the soul swelled in an unstoppable manner. The rounded body spurred more tentacles, making him more embarrassing and ugly.

"I originally wanted to leave a few small lives for you, stabilize the situation of the flying star world, and contribute to the imperial hegemony!"

"Since you are obsessed with it, then I have to destroy all your souls!"

The star-dropper sucked in a cold air: "How is it possible that his power of the spirit is still expanding? Is it that he has not done his best?"

"This is his last strength!"

Li Yao shouted, "He must have stopped the manipulation of most of the Taixu warriors and the gates of the stars, and put all the computing power into this thinking palace!"

"As long as you hold on to this wave, he will be finished!"

Star children laughed, thousands of tentacles, like thousands of snakes entwined in the whole body, the tip is aimed at seven people at the same time, slowly splitting thousands of blood basin mouth.

"Lee Yao, you are really smart!"

"But, can you resist this wave?"


The real world, the edge of the spider star.

The starry sky is arranged in a diamond-shaped crystal form. The star torches are lit up one after another, flashing with some mysterious laws. The invisible light sends weak information to the billion-year-old light through the four-dimensional space.

70% of the star torches are illuminated, and the flashing light will soon form a complete pattern that will transmit the precise coordinates of the flying star world.

It was at a critical moment, and it stopped abruptly.

Similarly, in the Tiansheng City, most of the Taixu soldiers are in the manipulation of Star Boys, besieging the next millennium conference hall and important magic treasure warehouse.

At the same time, at the same time, the second time was strangely calm and entered the standby state.

Only a myriad of hearts and minds, panting, and full of ruthless comprehension.

Star Boy temporarily gave up the manipulation of the gates of the stars and the vast majority of the treacherous warriors, leaving only a small part of the imaginary warriors to protect their true bodies.

In this way, he can concentrate most of his computing power and suppress Li Yao and others!

Star brain control room.

The true body of the seven comprehensions, such as Li Yao, was suspended in the unpredictable golden brain under the invisible force. The limbs were unable to hang down, and if they fell into a deep coma, they only had convulsions from time to time. Showing a trace of life.

The calculation arrays and processing wafers, such as high-rise buildings, all burst into a rush of red awns, and the cooling array is also running at high speed, emitting a "beep" sound and spraying a lot of ice crystal water mist.

This is so, and occasionally there is a squad of explosions.

The star brain has also reached its limit.

now. In the inconspicuous corner of this "high-rise building", there are five rounds of crouching, chubby liquid metal, and the surface is bursting with ripples. Exchange information in an extremely secret way.

"What happened, the external defense of the star brain suddenly weakened 95%?"

"Most of the defense bans have failed!"

"And the Taixu warriors guarding it, most of them have entered the standby state, it is an empty door!"

"Is it a trap?"

Professor Mo Xuan hammered the tone: "Can't hesitate. The machine can't be lost, the loss is no longer coming, we will start the invasion immediately!"

“Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!”

Five liquid metal, like pervasive mercury, sneak into the interior of the astrology, find the most critical computing matrix and process the wafer, swallowing and destroying!

“Hey, such a rich amount of computing power is just a big meal!”

"Wow. This kind of processing of the structure of the wafer and the engraved embossing, I have never seen before, completely beyond the level of both Tianyuan and Feixing, quickly swallowed it, and then can simulate the same wafer in a virtual way. It!"

"Damn, these couples can't be swallowed up, just destroy it!"

The five protoss are like mice that have fallen into the rice cylinder. Eat it!


Deep in the brain, thinking palace.

The huge soul of Star Boys formed a total suppression of the seven comprehensions and thousands of tentacles. Such as poisonous snakes, like thorns, the soul of the seven people lingering, the sucker constantly swallows the power of the seven souls, and the fangs turn infinite fear into venom, injecting the soul of the seven people.

"Too. Too strong. His body 'Star Brain' is the most powerful super crystal brain in our flying star world. It also has the main power matrix of the illusion, providing a steady stream of psionic support. We, not His opponent!"

"Don't waver, this level of consumption, he can't wait for a long time, now see who is more resilient!"


The soul of the seven comprehensions, under the shackles of the star children, is in jeopardy and crumbling!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Star child laughed wildly. "Is it regret now? It’s too late!"

"No, I won't let you go away, it's too cheap for you!"

"I will keep a glimpse of your glimpse, let you see the end of the meteor world with your own eyes, and see the entire meteor boundary become a sea of ​​fire. Everyone has become the lowest miner and test body of the empire!"

"Right, there is Tianyuanjie! The tens of billions of people? Oh, great, you will be the fire of human civilization, the best fuel!"

Behind the star children, there are numerous illusions, and there are countless pictures. They are all ordinary people mining in the depths of the environmental resources of the planet, or in the laboratory, testing new exercises and supernatural powers, being tortured to death.

The six Yuan Ying monks gnaw their teeth and grieve, and under the disturbance of the miserable scenes, the soul of the soul is shaken again.

Only Li Yao’s face was expressionless, and the eyes were cold and cold. Even the deepest blood of the eye was almost frozen and turned into a cluster of red crystals.

He is waiting, waiting for the last chance to appear.

"Despite the arrogance, I am not your opponent."

"But I am not alone in the fight!"

"I believe that Professor Mo Xuan, they must be outside, in another way, fight with me!"

"Insist on, stick to it, never give up, miracles will definitely happen!"

Under the suppression of Star Boy, Li Yao's spirit is getting more and more bleak, and each piece of the wing is covered with a layer of black venom.

The remaining six Yuan Ying monks, suffering hard support, in addition to boring, almost no sound.

The laughter of Star Boy is getting more and more harsh, replacing the drums deep in Li Yao’s soul and becoming the only voice in this universe.


The laughter of Star Boys came to an abrupt end, and it was replaced by a strange exclamation.

On his body, suddenly five huge "sarcomas" were raised, still squirming and moving, as if there were five "things" to rush out from inside the body!


Finally, all the five "sarcomas" were blasted. From his body, five chubby golden silkworms were drilled out, like the mulberry leaves, which quickly swallowed his spirit and computing power!

This is the form that five black spirits, such as Mo Xuan, are transformed in this thinking maze! (To be continued.)


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