Tianyuanjie. To read the book · 1? k?a book nshu·

The city is an inflated body.

The empty high-rise steel frame is like a twisted bone. The broken road and the bridge are like broken limbs. The burning shuttle bus is like a rotten internal organ. Under the sun, everything looks like a soak in the stink. In the blood, there is silence and silence. Only the crows in groups are satisfied with the meal.

On the far horizon, there are more than a dozen huge mushroom clouds, like a long, crazy mushroom, with a cold and hard luster that covers the sky.

Layers of mushroom clouds, like a deformed tumor, and like a rugged face, coldly watching the dead earth.

Li Yao quietly crouched in a broken wall, and the collapsed reinforced concrete was pressed against him, completely integrating him with the ruins.

In his sniper rifle scope, the Yuan Ying period cultivator who was 1,730 meters away, is training his subordinates, subduing the burning planet emblem of the real human empire, bursting with a **** luster, perhaps It is the only bright thing in this gray world.

This is the fifth year after Li Yao returned to the Tianyuan world.

Since the restart of the Ice God plan, the progress of refining the "cosmic slingshot" has been very smooth. It took only one and a half years to complete the transformation of the ice king and return to the heavenly world through the "cosmic slingshot".

However, it is still a step later.

In the fight against the blood demon world, the Xingyao Federation has been greatly hurt and is on the verge of collapse. The advent of the small day robbery has brought disaster to the top.

Under the temptation of the immortal, many Tianyuan people have given up the road of comprehension. They firmly believe that only by embarking on the road of cultivation, can they fight against the blood demon and save Tianyuan.

As a result, a much larger starry sky gate was quickly established on the synchronized orbit of Tianyuanxing.

When the expeditionary army of the real human empire appeared in the sky above the stars, many people realized that they were deceived. It is a late night of regret.

Today, under the double shackles of the blood demon world and the real human empire, the Tianyuan world has completely turned into ruins, and 9% of the cities have been destroyed. 7o% of the people were buried in the sea of ​​fire, and the survivors would have to hide in the depths of the underground fortress. Otherwise, they would be in vain resistance, such as moths fighting fire. ? Read a book??·1?k?a want n book s?h?u·Leave the last mark of the Tianyuan Terran civilization.

Around the scope of the scope, a total of nine glittering stars were swirling. As Li Yao's breathing became more and more uniform, nine stars gradually flew to the temple of the Yuan Ying period.

Five... six... seven...

As long as all the nine stars condense into the head of the cultivator, the "Nine Stars and Souls" in the sniper rifle can directly attack the brain and spirit of the Yuan Ying. Even if he does not die, he will pay a heavy price!


The Yuan Ying monk, the perceptive keenness reached the limit. When the eight stars locked his brain, the temple of the Yuan Ying monk suddenly fell deeply. Immediately after the figure was blurred, he even rushed in the direction of Li Yao!

The Yuan Ying monk is fully sprinting, and the speed is absolutely faster than the bullet, less than two kilometers. For Yuan Ying, it is just a step!

In the twinkling of an eye, Yuan Ying was in front of Li Yao, and the overwhelming momentum shook the cement of Li Yao’s body into powder, and the steel bars were all out of the metal fatigue of “吱吱”!

Li Yao was a big laugh, and the realm of Jin Dan suddenly exploded. Chasing the dragon feather knife whistling out, the sharp and unparalleled knife mans, straight to the neck of this Yuan Ying!

This is originally the trap set by Li Yao.

He is not good at sniping. However, it was deliberately letting the other party sniper guns exist, so that the other party mistakenly thought that a sniper was hiding here.

Generally speaking, the sniper's melee ability is always weaker.

Chasing the dragon feather knife is the real killing trick of Li Yao.


The head of Dou Da is rising from the sky, and the flower of blood suddenly blooms. The headless corpse still maintains a forward-looking posture, and “bangs” and plunges into the ruins!

Li Yao’s brain is a bell-bell, and there is a faint voice telling him that everything is an illusion. The other party is not killed by him. Instead, he is in a mental attack and falls into a illusion!


Li Yao tried his best to shift more than three hundred meters to the left. He almost escaped the frontal bombardment of a crystal cannon, but the surging waves still flew him out.壹~www.readwn.com~ People are still in the air, they hear the shouts from all directions:

"That is Li Yao!"

"Don't let him run!"

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Li Yao’s heart seemed to fall into a hole that was not bottomless. He finally understood that this was a well-planned trap designed to capture himself!

There are at least seven or eight Yuan Ying period immortals in the surrounding area, and even the old monsters of the gods.

"Don't care for me, go!"

Li Yaochong screamed in the depths of the ruins, but a sigh of resilience rose to the sky and rushed toward him.

It’s Ding Ling!

Her crystal enamel was riddled with holes, and her head was burnt with a scorpion, and her face was red and black. Only the eyes were still shining, shining and firm.

"Go walk together!"

Ding Ling screamed and slammed Li Yao’s hand, and the two men stood out together!

At the same moment, the surrounding ruins burst into bursts. More than a dozen small spar battleships vacated, and the crystal magnetic guns were intertwined into a dense fire net, completely escaping the escape route of the two!


A crystal magnetic gun whizzed toward the two people. Under the entanglement of hundreds of swordsmanship, Li Yao nowhere to dodge, but was knocked open by Ding Ling!

Ding Linglu replaced him, blocking the crystal magnetic gun. Under the turbulence of thousands of arcs, the pieces of the whole body were broken and turned into a flying butterfly!


Li Yao roared, the spirit could mix the blood from every pore in the body and spurt out, surrounded by three cultivators, regardless of the two flying swords deep into their own internal organs, just want to go to Ding Ling The direction fluttered, but a flying sword seemed to fly from the sky, and it was unpredictable. It appeared in front of him in an instant, and it was nailed into his left eye!


Li Yao’s left eye burst, and the painful octopus, the eight-claw octopus, caught the whole brain and made him feel uncomfortable and unable to think.

The blood and tears flowed from the left eye socket of Feijian. Before the soul sank into the nine clear yellow springs, the picture of Ding Ling’s being entangled in thousands of arcs was deeply rooted in his heart, which made him lingering. Big fear.

Li Yao has a non-human jealousy:

"This kind of future is absolutely unacceptable!"

"I... too weak!"

"Strong, I want to continue to cultivate, become stronger! The ultimate Jin Dan is not enough, completely unable to compete with the real human empire!"

"Hey, strength, I need more powerful power! No matter what means, no matter what the price, I have to get ... new power!"


Li Yao suddenly woke up.

It was like a live shrimp thrown into a frying pan, and it suddenly bounced.

The left eye is still very painful, the clothes are completely wet and sweaty, and the intense heartbeat can be clearly seen through the chest.

He has a dry mouth and can't speak for a long time.

The left eye is getting more and more painful, and it is seen that the world that goes to it is also a blood red. When you touch it with your hand, your palm is blood and tears.

The left eye is really hurt.

Li Yao stunned for a long time and stimulated the camera function of the crystal brain.

The mirror light curtain is familiar and unfamiliar, the face full of sweat is pale, the right eye almost loses its light, but the left eye is a bloody, bloody, life-like surge. Like a demon, it is like a flame.

After a dozen seconds, the blood of the left eye gradually faded, which made him return to normal, and gradually remembered where he was.


Li Yao was relieved for a long time, and some tiredly wiped the cold sweat on his face.

The Ice God Project has only just started for three months. They have not yet returned to the Tianyuan World. This is the University of Meteor, a special training room dedicated to him.

Everything just now is a nightmare.

Perhaps he is too concerned about the Tianyuan world, perhaps he is too worried about the power of the blood demon world and the real human empire, perhaps his soul has not completely recovered from the self-destruction of the star child. In short, after this wake up, he often Will do some strange dreams.

For the dream, Li Yao is no stranger. Since he has memories, he often dreams of a place called "Earth". After he absorbs the memory fragments of Ouyezi, he often learns 40,000 through the way of dreams. Years ago, the refining technique.

But these two different dreams are completely different from the latest **** dreams.

The new dreams are even more cruel, bloodier, and darker. Almost all of them are destroyed by the heavenly world. The relatives and friends of Tianyuanjie lost their lives, and the whole world was completely conquered by the real human empire.

With Li Yao’s cultivation today, it is possible to control his brain cells to a certain extent and control the dreams.

However, the new dream is like a skeleton, lingering, and even worse.

In the beginning, only in deep sleep, will it enter the dream.

Gradually, even if it is an ordinary sleep for an hour or two, it will enter a dream.

Until now, even if he didn't sleep at all, it was just that the cultivation was too crazy, some fatigue, and when he took a break, he would involuntarily enter the dream and experience the terrible destruction of the heavenly world.

Just like now, he clearly completed a set of squats in a 50-fold standard gravity environment. When he was resting between groups, somehow he fell asleep at a glance.

"Probably my soul, I haven't fully recovered yet, and I am too tired."

Li Yao gently licked his left eye and muttered to himself.

However, deep in the left eye, soon burst into a firm light, he bit his teeth, "not tired, although it is only a dream, but the scene of the dream is very likely to appear!"

"No, my cultivation is still too slow. If this continues, what year and month will it be able to condense Yuan Ying?"

"You must think of a way to gain new strength..." (to be continued.)

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