Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 848: Genetic information

"The purpose of the younger generation is very simple. It is to find such things in advance, master the secrets of the ancestors of the secluded springs, and thus gain the upper hand in the confrontation between our Jinwu and the Quanquan countries, or use this thing to exchange some of the ancestors of the sacred springs. Political interests."

"Unexpectedly, the ancestors of Youquan valued such things, greatly out of the expectations of the younger generation, and risked a complete break, sending disciples to kill the younger generation!"

"It seems that the words of the elders of Chaos are not exaggerated. This thing is very likely to determine the future of the entire blood demon world!"

"Predecessors, the younger generations rushed to death, so it seems that this thing is a hot potato."

"If the purpose of the predecessors at the beginning is this thing, then there is nothing to say, things have fallen into the hands of their predecessors, and they can kill the younger generation and then grow away."

"But if the predecessors have nothing to do with this matter, but they are accidentally involved, the predecessors and the younger generations are in the same line, and they have become the enemy of the ancestors of the secluded spring."

"With the younger tricks of the younger generation, naturally, they are not qualified to fight with the predecessors. The former generations have the ability to pass through the sky, and they will not scruple a demon, but the ancestors of the secluded ancestors ruled the world of Zerg, a famous dead entanglement. The rotten fight, the ghost does not scatter, if it is wrapped up like a skeleton, it will inevitably bring some minor troubles to the predecessors."

"If the predecessors put a younger generation, the younger Jin Wuguo, just can help the seniors to help, block these troubles, is it not to save the predecessors a little strength?"

"Moreover, my father is the commander of the Wanhui United Army, and he is most concerned about the world's heroes. When the situation changes, if the seniors go to Jinwu, they will be useful!"

Jin Xinyue was really daring, and he calmed down a little. In the words, he immediately revealed the meaning of recruiting Li Yao.

Li Yao smiled lightly and said: "The thing has been pierced, and there is a strange green liquid inside. It is infiltrated into your body and makes a lot of changes."

"Do you think your body is extremely weird, and the demon can't work? It's not that I have a ban on you, but the role of this quirky green liquid."

Jin Xinyue heard the words. His face changed greatly, his hands involuntarily touched the back, where did he still feel half a feather?

She took a deep breath and carefully sensed the body demon, trying to stimulate the cells. The original shape is present, but the body is empty, and the innate power is like a mud cow into the sea, disappearing without a trace!

At the bottom of Jin Xinyue's eyes, for the first time, there was a deep confusion. Quiver: "Predecessors, can the younger generation extract some magic weapons and monsters from the Qiankun ring, and test their own cells?"

Li Yao blinked his eyes and asked: "Cell? What is that?"

Jin Xinyue smiled bitterly: "Cells are the most basic structural and functional units that make up a living body. They are a new concept that was born in the last 40,000 years. Both the demon and the human race are made up of cells."

"For our demon people, cells are more important. Studying cells is the foundation of modern demonism."

Li Yao "Oh" gave a gesture and gestured to Jin Xinyue.

Jin Xinyue fixed the god, and rubbed a silver-white 乾 戒 ring on the tail finger with his thumb. He recited a word in the mouth and spit out a series of extraction codes. Three or four kinds of magic weapons were extracted from the Qiankun ring.

One of the dark gold magic weapons, Li Yao is quite serious, and there is a delicate nameplate on the base, engraved with the word "deep sea".

It turned out to be the holy land of the refining division of the Xingyao Federation. The magic weapon produced by the deep sea university refining system!

Jin Xinyue reluctantly controlled the trembling hands, picked up the hatch of the magic base, and stuffed a standard spar into it, inspiring the magic weapon.

The seven crystal eyes above the magic weapon slowly swirled.

Jin Xinyue explained: "Predecessors, this magic weapon is called a portable microscope. You can enlarge things up to 800,000 times. If you look at mustard seeds like you, you can see the world of infinite mystery."

Li Yao raised his eyebrows and put on a look of curiosity, but he was unwilling to ask questions.

Although Jin Xinyue was in a state of confusion, he was still laughed by Li Yao’s expression. He continued: “Microscopes are also divided into two types: the psionic microscope and the biochemical microscope. The former is the leader of the Terran, while the latter is the Yaozu. For respect."

"The psionic microscope of the younger generation is from the hands of the best refiner in Tianyuan, and the younger generation should use it to analyze their blood.

Jin Xinyue carefully took two pieces of water that were polished to a very thin, almost nothing, pricked the fingers, squeezed a drop of blood, sandwiched in the middle of the wafer, inserted into the fixed slot of the psionic microscope, and buried it for half a day.

Gradually, her face became paler than the dead, and the sweat could not stop rushing out, as if she had been swept away from the spine, her eyes were lost, and she fell down on the ground, like a heavy drop on the ground. Fish.

"No wonder, the ancestors of Youquan must get this thing at all costs!"

Jin Xinyue took a long time to breathe back, sucking his fingers, laughing more than ugly. "He, he was actually doing such a terrible experiment, but also made a breakthrough, actually, can actually be a demon body Demonized cells, all become ordinary cells!"

"Predecessors, younger generations... younger generations..."

Jin Xinyue tangled for a long time, still decided to tell the truth.

Although the other party does not know anything about the cell, it does not mean that the other party is deceiving. The reaction that she just had out of control has already explained many problems.

This is an old monster that can kill the demon king with a moving finger. Jin Xinyue is very clear. In front of this old monster, it is best not to say half a lie.

"The younger generation finally understood why the ancestors of Youquan had to kill the younger generation at all costs, and even the fathers of the younger generation could not care."

"Because, what he lost is really an extremely important agent, a medicine that can infect demonized cells and turn demonized cells into ordinary cells!"

"Speak more straightforwardly, a potion that can turn the Yaozu into a human race!"

"I seem to be infected with this drug, it has become... it has become a person!"

"The wisdom of the older generation, of course, knows how big the waves of this kind of potion can be, and it should be known that after being involved in it, no matter how the original intention of the predecessors, it is impossible to pull out easily!"

"The only way at the moment is to ask the seniors and the younger generation to return to Jinwucheng and ask the family to ask for a long-term plan!"

Jin Xinyue said that he was righteous.

Li Yao’s heart is bright, and this demon woman is nothing more than a free bodyguard. Maybe she is still calculating the ancient secrets and magic weapons from her own body, 40,000 years ago.

However, the psychological quality of this enchantress is really strong, and if it is changed to Li Yao, if it suddenly turns from a person to a demon, it may not be as calm as her.

"Don't be so arrogant, your reaction is very calm."

The **** demons, I don’t know when I got out of the depths of my brain, and smiled. "You are infected by the blood-stained family. Some of the cells in the body are different from normal humans. Are you still calm?"

"If you really want to say it, now Jin Xinyue is 1% pure human, but it is you, more like a Yaozu!"

Li Yaozhen inspired a spirit of lightning, but the **** demons were in the moment before being struck by lightning, sneaked into the depths of their minds, leaving only a series of strange smiles.

The glory of Li Yao’s eyes flashed a few times, and his face said: “You just said that you have mastered a lot of new demon repairs that have been created in recent tens of thousands of years? What are you, come see me!”

"The younger generation obeyed."

Jin Xinyue knows if his own life can still be saved. It depends on whether the next thing can evoke the interest of this old monster. She ponders for a moment, and the fiber is gently licking the blue silk, one hidden in the The back of the ear is in the palm of his hand, and he has extracted six jade slips and a miniature crystal brain.

"Predecessors, this is a modern jade, different from the ancient jade, you need to use a special magic weapon 'crystal brain' to stimulate, although the steps are cumbersome, but its capacity is hundreds or even thousands of times the ancient jade In addition to storing simple text information, you can also store a large number of light and shadow images!"

"Predecessors, please see, these six jade slips, all store the magical skills that our Yaozu has been painstakingly researched for tens of thousands of years. It is the essence of the entire Yaozu civilization. Every door is overbearing to the extreme, and it is called the peerless supernatural power. !"

"These supernatural powers are just a glimpse of all the demon classics. In the Tibetan Buddhist scriptures of Jinwu, there are a lot of more mysterious supernatural powers, waiting for the seniors to study in depth!"

Li Yao was so curious that under the service of Jin Xinyue, he excited the crystal brain and inserted several jade slips. The light curtain suddenly showed the names of these demon classics:

Advanced Cell Biology!

Applied Microbiology!


"Cultivation of Cannibals"!

"Methods of cultivation of highly differentiated adenocarcinoma cells"!

Introduction to Genetics!

Li Yao: "..."

Jin Xinyue is very humble, but he is not proud to introduce: "Predecessors, these are the classics of our modern Yaozu master, perhaps not as simple and clear as the ancient Yaozu practice, but once deep into it, thoroughly The insight into the mystery of cells and even genes, the magical power that is stimulated, is really a hundred times more powerful than the ancient demon repair, thousands of times!"


Li Yao snorted with dissatisfaction.

Jin Xinyue immediately bowed his head and pretended to be in a treacherous manner: "The younger generations have more mouths, and the former generations are like a torch. Naturally, these classic values ​​can be seen at a glance!"

Li Yao dropped his eyelids and asked slowly: "What is the gene?"

"Genes are aggregates of genetic information hidden in the depths of our cells, which determine our life, old age, disease, death and strength. 'Base' is the foundation and foundation. 'Cause' is cause and effect. Together, genes are life. The origin, everything in life!"

Jin Xinyue quickly explained.

"Genetic information?"

Li Yao raised his eyebrows.

“Yes, genetic information.”

The heart of Jin Xinyue shines with a touching spark. "The thirteen ancient demon people from the ruins of the ruins, the information that was passed on to us, even before the Thirteen Ancient Yaozu, Pangu, Yuanshi Tianzun and the Heavenly Devil, the information that was passed on to us. !" (To be continued.)

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