Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 854: Confrontation again

"Now, some of the cells in my body have been restored to the form of ancestors in the era of billions of years ago. With the help of these 'red-scarred cells,' I can naturally stimulate a more powerful supernatural power!"

Li Yao used to follow the original "Tie Shen" to practice the martial arts. The so-called "original martial arts" is to awaken the "power of the wild" in the body!

Originally, Li Yao, who is a refiner, has always been unable to understand. In the modern era of comprehension, why do people still have powerful magic weapons, but they must rely on physical struggles.

At this moment, he finally understood that the path of cultivation of the original warrior and the road of cultivation of the Yaozu were all in the same way, and they all tried to bring themselves into a certain "returning ancestor state" to awaken the deep gods in the depths of the body. Magic power!

However, the original warrior pays more attention to the excavation of the "spirit of the gods", while the practice of the demon family is more focused on the transformation of the cells!

"So, there is no such thing as a 'demonized cell'. The so-called 'demonized cell' is just a normal cell. After returning to the ancestors, it shows the form of the ruined era!"

"The question is, if the 'demonized cell' is actually a 'flooded cell', then what is the Yaozu?"

The history of the Xingyao Federation is very clear. The Yaozu is the end of the ancient era of 40,000 years ago. In the first civil war, the biochemical weapons were prepared by the spirits.

At this moment, Li Yao completely does not believe this statement.

This problem, it is a headache to dig deep, Li Yao is black, and the tiredness is like a flood.

He knows that he must not sleep under the hundreds of millions of tons of rock, clench his teeth, and activate the recessive genes of some cells in the left arm, so that the left arm appears in the form of dragon scales and minions, struggling to dig upwards. .


Ten minutes later, on the ground that was slightly sunken, a volcanic mud and dust blew out. Li Yao shouted and jumped out. The illusion is suspended in midair, staring at a messy land.

The environment of the blood demon world is bad, and the air composition is not suitable for normal human breathing. It is equivalent to floating a layer of strong suffocating air forever. In the past, Li Yao was making a breath.

But now, after the lungs strengthened by the wilderness cells, breathing this "suffocation", but there is no discomfort, but a faint taste of a hint of sweetness.

"This taste is very similar to the era of the wild!"

Li Yao smiled slightly, his eyes swept away, but the cash heart huddled not far away, gray face, shivering, a look of trepidation.

Li Yao said strangely: "What are you doing, not letting you practice well?"

Jin Xinyue was so scared that he couldn’t even produce the thoughts that he secretly complained in his heart. He said: "Disciples, the disciples were originally concentrating on cultivation. However, they met the ancestors' great achievements, the momentum was amazing, the sky was broken, and they were released. The boundless demon makes you feel like you are in the waves! The disciples are suppressed by their ancestors, their hands and feet are so soft, they are unable to get up, and they still hope that their ancestors will sin!"

"This old, old. Bloody ancestors, what did you do just now, the land of the five-mile radius has been collapsed by him!"

Jin Xinyue was "old" for a long time in his heart, still did not dare to call Li Yao "old monster." Instead, use the title.

After this scare, she was completely stunned by Li Yao, and she couldn’t give birth to a little bit of disobedience. She even felt that the strength of this **** ancestor was so tyrannical, and she really wanted to be his disciple. Can get a lot of benefits.

Li Yao looked around. Some embarrassed to scratch my head, naturally will not tell Jin Xinyue, just this time, but his cultivation is out of control, almost caused by fire.

Fortunately, there is a "blood-colored demons" in his body. In other words, Li Yao is now in a state of ignorance.

A person who has already gone into flames can no longer escape the fire.

Li Yao’s mind is very clear. Just this time, he almost collapsed his cell. In actual combat, he absolutely cannot afford such a powerful destructive power.

However, demon?

Li Yao mentions his nose. Indeed, he has a breath that is not in the past. It is extremely weak. The average person can't even perceive it. It can't be said to be unpleasant. It is like a mixture of war and blood.

"It's really demon!"

Li Yao has a slight glimpse.

In the past, he only knew that when the strength of the Yaozu is raised to the limit, a large amount of demon will be released. Just as the comprehension excites the strongest form, the whole body will release a circle of psionic fluctuations.

Demon is one of the most important features used to identify the demon.

Li Yao blinked and blinked, and once again, he sneaked into the body, searching through the inner view, searching for the source of the demon gas, and quickly searching for a few wild cells, around the mitochondria.

“It turns out that after the enhanced mitochondria, the energy efficiency is three to five times that of the original. Such high-intensity operation naturally produces a lot of waste.”

"These wastes permeate outside the cell through the cell membrane, and through the capillaries and lymph, gradually come to the body surface and are excreted in the pores in a gaseous state."

"The so-called 'demon' is the exhaust gas released when the intensity of the wild cells is running. This is like the spar being stimulated, and when the psionic energy is generated, it will also produce a lot of waste gas."

"In this case, in fact, the mitochondria of the comprehension will also produce some waste, but the use of psionic power by the comprehens is different from that of the demon, and there is no use of the psionic to bombard the cells, causing the cells to be highly variable, so The 'exhaust gas' produced in the cells of the comprehension is not much and can hardly be perceived."

"This is the mystery of the demon!"

This is what makes Li Yao surprised and confused.

Now, he has a lot of "flooded cells" like "demonized cells", even if he accepts the blood test of the Yaozu, he does not have to worry about being exposed to human identity.

What's more, as long as his mind is moving, the mitochondria in the wild cells are running wildly, and they can release a savage and unremarkable demon. No need to detect it, anyone will regard him as a peerless demon!

However, if he has a large number of wild cells in his body, he can release a strong "demon". Is it still a "human"?

In the moonlight, among the bamboo trees, a fairy is wearing a gauze. The jade-footed toes are dotted with red sakura, and the figure is elegant and flowing. Dust out of the custom, do the dance of the goddess.

No one can think of this fairy who is a singer, just a few days ago, still a demon.

Li Yaopan sat on a large bluestone not far away. Hold your hands and watch the Jin Xinyue practice.

In my mind, there is a new contest.

When the blood-colored demons were confused by his identity, he again attacked and tried to shake his heart.

However, this time the image of the **** demons is no longer ugly, but replaced with a quaint robe, gentle and elegant.

Even Li Yao saw its shape and was shocked. I didn't expect to wear the costumes myself, but I can still be so handsome!

“The people in front of me are really interesting.”

The **** demons are not warm and smile, "Imagine that the soul of a human being has been drilled into a body of the demon's body; and the spirit of a demon has a 100% human body. Then, among the two, who is the person, who is the demon?"

Li Yao’s heart is strong. Flying fast: "What is a person, what a demon, a heart, that is, a soul."

"From a legal point of view. Now the Starry Federation is giving all human rights to the ‘Ghosts’ and equating them with human beings. The ghosts are made up of human spirits and metal bodies. How can the shells be changed? People are people!”

The **** demons shook their heads: "No, otherwise. The ‘Soul of the Soul’ is nothing, can anyone make it clear?”

"How much difference does the spirit of man and demon have?"

"Imagine if one day, for some reason, Jin Xinyue suddenly woke up, and abandoned the dark speculation. In order to steal and steal, he betrayed his own race and truly regarded himself as a person."

"So, is her soul still a demon soul? Is she still a demon?"

Li Yao thought about electricity, this problem made him a bit distressed, and his heart shook a little.

The **** demons immediately swell up, and the blood of the whole body, such as the sun rising from the rising sun, makes it extremely solemn, powerful, and unshakable.

Li Yao frowned and immediately said: "Maybe, people and demons, there is no difference!"

"I don't know, what happened to the end of the ancient era of 40,000 years ago, which led to the birth of the Yaozu."

"But now it seems that it is more than just a savage comprehension. It is so simple to know the sacred virus!"

"Maybe, the Yaozu is the ‘original warrior’ that has been cultivated to the extreme?”

Speaking of this, Li Yao’s eyes lit up and suddenly he was excited. “Yes, this possibility exists. The Yaozu is a human race that has embarked on another path of cultivation. There is no fundamental difference between the two!”

"In this way, the blood demon world and the Tianyuan world lost the reason for continuing to kill. The two sides can fully join hands and fight against the real human empire!"

The blood-colored demons have been silent for a long time. For a long time, Li Yao suspected that it once again sank into the depths of his mind. Suddenly, the blood-colored demons did not come out for a burst of laughter.

The gentle and elegant image was completely torn, and the **** demon was holding his stomach and rolling. He smiled and shed two lines of blood and tears, and even his mouth cracked under the ear.

Li Yao perceives a strong irony, Shen Sheng said: "What are you laughing at?"

"I laughed at you, it was naive to the extreme!"

The blood-colored demons wiped the blood and tears, and laughed out of breath. "Even if the Terran and the Yaozu really have the same source, what about it? It has been 40,000 years!"

"100,000 years ago, humans and monkeys still have the same source. Is there a monkey coming to see you, will you regard it as a compatriot?"

"What's more, even if it's really a 'compatriot,' what?"

"You shouldn't be really naive to think that the war between the Tianyuan and the blood demon world is just because of the identity of the 'humanity' and 'devil' on both sides?"

"Hey, 40,000 years ago, there was no such thing as a 'demon'. In the inside of the human race, wasn’t it stunned and almost destroyed the three thousand worlds?”

“Just say now, the ‘real human empire’ is also ruled by the Terran, and you can’t see you living together peacefully!”

"Recognize! Perhaps human beings, originally a race born for killing, for resources, for the sake of interests, for the sake of anger, for the sake of all eccentric reasons, or even no reason at all, want to kill and kill!"

"The other party is a demon. Of course you have to kill. The other person is a human being. Do you feel soft and soft?"

"Oh, you are still worried that after the blood-striped family spreads to the entire human world, it will become cruel and addictive, and keen on war."

"I want to say that the blood-grain family is really good. In the past 40,000 years, human beings have not been infected by the blood-striped family. Isn't it cruel, not killing, not keen on war?"

"Wait, I suddenly thought of a possibility."

"You said, will human beings have been infected with something like the 'blood pattern family' as early as the birth?"

"If this is the case, you will be infected by me a little bit, but it doesn't matter?" (To be continued.)

Go to the cloud. Come to the pavilion to get the view.]

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