Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 858: Horrible wild form

The **** devil snorted and lifted his chin.

Li Yao hurriedly said, "What do you mean now?"

"Means nothing."

The **** devil is lazy, "I just thought about it after you talked with you. I suddenly felt that you said it right, it makes sense. It makes me see the sky and wake up! It’s true that killing can’t solve the problem, people and The demon may be the brother of the same source. They should live together in peace. How can they be handicapped?"

"So, now, there are so many 'brothers' who are flying towards you with great enthusiasm. You may wish to explain to them the truth of 'peaceful coexistence' with three inches of tongue?"

Li Yao didn't have time to scream, but he heard a "squeaky" sound. A high-heat beam wiped the scalp and shattered it. A tree of three or four people in front of him was interrupted and burned into coke.

Li Yao’s head was over, and suddenly the smell of burning charred.

More than a dozen eight-armed konjac, bursting out of laughter, only a few tens of meters away from him.

Each of the eight-armed konjac, in addition to four long arms under the shoulder blade, there are two slightly short deformed arms behind, the joint can be freely turned 360 degrees, flexible to the extreme.

Most of the time, they rely on their feet, the short limbs behind them, and their long tails, moving between the branches, and the angle is soaring.

The four arms that are vacant, carrying a large number of heavy magic weapons, an eight-armed konjac can blast a powerful firepower, more than a dozen eight-armed konjac fire at the same time, the fire net is not airtight, sweeping a scorched earth in the forest .

If there are only eight arm konjac, it is not difficult to deal with, but behind the eight-armed konjac, it is the **** moon wolf ride, and the buzz of the "嗡嗡" and the sound of the phantom golden eagle are also heard in the sky.

Thousands of demon people can drag Li Yao to death.

Li Yao took a sip and turned and ran.


A series of demon-like red-red feathers burst open under his feet, and the mud instantly turned into magma. Sputtered onto him, burning a hole in the flesh and blood, hurting his mouth and licking his teeth.


The **** demon smiled. "Occasionally, killing is still essential, and some small problems can be solved, right? And I am both mean and evil. The brutal Gorefiend is also a little bit of use, right?"

Li Yao: ""

Scarlet Demon: "You don't talk, I will be your default?"

Li Yao: ""

The **** demons "haha" smiled and stretched out and said: "Very good, we finally achieved the most basic consensus, then the next"

In the depths of Li Yao’s mind, the **** demons suddenly swelled, and the blood stalks turned the brain into a **** sea. Even with his left eye, he jumped wildly, and the pupils, such as crab claws, generally opened in all directions. A bloodshot swayed from the depths of the eyelids and continued to rotate, turning the left eye into a **** vortex!

Li Yaodong fled to Xiqiao's figure and fixed it. The left arm was stretched straight, and the bones were deep and there was a burst of "beep". In each of the pores, there was a real reddish scent, and the strange incense was lingering. !

Under the guise of blood, the skin presents an ancient pale gold. A layer of bright silver liquid is secreted in the pores, which quickly solidifies into a gorgeous armor. The cells at the elbows are madly proliferating and ossified, turning into a shark-like bone blade that rises high. The five fingers are also wrapped in delicate and delicate bright silver bones. The hardness and defensiveness are greatly improved, but the flexibility is not reduced. The front end is like a dinosaur and a lion, and the sharp claws are grown and shook. There was a sharp wind breaking.

There was a feeling of tingling in the palm of your hand. Then, a semi-circular crystal like a red crystal emerged from the palm of your hand. A deep red blood pattern, like a fish, danced cheerfully.


Li Yao couldn't help but feel awkward, and it was like a volcanic wake-up that has been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years, and it has stirred out the most violent magma!

The strengthening of the body has been so refreshing, the perception and the improvement of the brain, which makes him feel reborn and instantly reborn!

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

In an instant, the visual, auditory, and olfactory refreshes thousands of times, and various spectra, various sound waves, and various particles are mixed together.

Through the leaves, I know the sound of Sosuo, the other side is full of breath, and there are countless pieces of information in the depths of the jungle that collide in the brain, breaking into tiny gold scales and reconstructing them. A virtual battlefield.

Everything in this virtual battlefield is in the grasp of Li Yao. He clearly knows the position and attack route of each enemy, and even analyzes the enemy's strength through the enemy's mobility and breathing frequency.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The battlefield continued to split, from one to two, from two to four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two, and sixty-four.

Sixty-four virtual battlefields were simultaneously running, accurately simulating the changes in the situation after he adopted sixty-four different tactics, and selected the best tactical choices.

"My computing power has increased dramatically!"

Li Yaoqiang endured the pain of the brain and was surprised and happy.

After reaching the ultimate realm of Jin Dan, his computing power has not increased for a long time. He originally thought that it was the limit of the knot period. I did not expect it to break through the barrier at this moment!

I used my o.o1 seconds to perceive my brain cells. He immediately understood that the reason why the computing power soared was because his brain cells were undergoing earth-shaking changes!

Brain cells, one of the most mysterious cells in the human body, are characterized by their inability to divide and replicate.

Most of the cells in the human body, such as bones, liver and muscle cells, can be continuously divided and proliferated. The so-called cultivation is to use psionic energy to stimulate these cells, to divide and proliferate, the weak old cells wither, and the powerful New cells are born, so cycle, and gradually become stronger!

Only brain cells, can not be split, can not proliferate!

When an ordinary person is born, the number of brain cells has been determined, about 140 billion, and then continues to decrease.

Starting in their twenties, adults will lose 100,000 brain cells every day until they die!

If the parents are all self-cultivators and have strong blood, perhaps the number of brain cells at birth will be a little more, reaching more than 2 billion, but correspondingly, awakening the roots, and embarking on the road of comprehension, burning the soul, brain cells The degree of consumption is also several times that of ordinary people.

This is also the biggest factor that limits the life of the self-cultivator.

Yes, the self-cultivator can cultivate the body to a steel like iron, and the fire does not avoid it, resisting most diseases.

Some powerful comprehensions, even cancer cells can rely on their own strength, hard to suppress!

However, even if a comprehension person never fights, and pays special attention to health, there is no danger to live to two or three hundred years old, the body is as strong as the young, but the decline of brain cells is irreversible.

In the end, the brain cells are over-consumed, and into a "brain-dead" state with a perfect body!

Now, Li Yao is now, when some of his brain cells have activated the "formation of the wilderness" through the "return to the ancestors", but they have a weak ability to split and proliferate.

While the original brain cells are dying, new brain cells are constantly being produced!

This is what makes Li Yao happy!

"This is the strongest form I can make now!"

The voice of the blood-colored demons is full of pride and expectation. "The blood-stained family's strengthening of biology is just an instinct of instinct. There is no theory or system at all. Therefore, the secret method of the demon's cultivation is really great for us! ”

"I use some of the powerful genetic maps provided by Jin Xinyue to activate 1,350 dormant gene fragments, which show you the characteristics of seventeen wild animals!"

"Now you, but ten times more powerful than the northwest of Yan, that day!"

"It is only a few primary genetic maps that can activate such a terrible force. If we get the more mysterious genetic maps in the Wan Yao Temple, we will be able to refine the most powerful tyrannical battles of the past and the present. Haha, hahahaha!"

Li Yao: "Can you not laugh so cruelly?"

"no problem."

The **** demons instantly restored the gentle appearance, Sven Wenwen said, "I can even take such 'brutal', so the power of 'evil' will be collected, no longer 'pollution' your body, let you go with those demon Brothers talk about the noble reason of 'peaceful coexistence', okay?"

Li Yao: "When I didn't say it!"


The legs are not light and heavy on the branches, and the thick and flexible branches are like springs, and the Li Yao is shot at the eight-armed konjac.

The eight-armed konjac didn't expect him to kill a carbine, and sneak a glimpse. Then he waved the bone blade and the chain saw sword, screaming and fluttering over.

After the calculation power broke through the new limit, Li Yao seemed to be in a thick glue. The time passed very slowly, the evil and the evil, the sneaky eight-armed konjac, all became a very slow sloth.

Li Yao calmly moved between his bullets, beams and acid and venom. The blade and the tip of the sword seemed to become his springboard and steps. He jumped out of a lightning bolt on the tip of the knife and the bullet. The dance, the sword and the muzzle that was gently pointed by his toes, changed direction slightly.

So, after a while, the swords of the eight-armed konjac broke into the body of the companion, and the bullets and venoms also smashed the heads of the surrounding teammates, and the blood was splashing, as if a layer of **** suffocation rose in the jungle!


The body of the eight-armed konjac has not yet landed, and dozens of white lights have come up. When it is still in midair, the body shape is expanding, and the white hair of the whole body is torn, revealing a **** crescent-like texture!

The **** wolf ride that presents the strongest form is not so much a wolf as a mixture of wolves and bears. It is erected to be three or four meters high, and the eyes are like two orange lanterns. Staring at Li Yao! (To be continued.)

Go to the cloud. Come to the pavilion to get the view.]

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