Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 890: "God" has appeared!

The section produced by the blasting, just after a simple leveling, just serves as a relay station, exploring the final preparations of the players here, and then slowly sinking into the ground through the temporary lifting platform.

About a hundred combatants who are responsible for exploring the road, and a small number of small monsters that have been counted several times have been put in for preliminary exploration. After ensuring safety, the researchers entered in batches.

Li Yao assigned an interactive brainwave receiver similar to the antennae and two biofilms like contact lenses.

When he gently glued the tentacles to his forehead and put the biochemical wafer on the eyeball, with the "drip" two sounds, a lot of information appeared immediately on the retina, and a series of instructions, including the general structure of the chaotic tomb. .

The underground space outlined by the pale green lines is dozens of times larger than Li Yao’s imagination. The upper and lower floors have numerous ramps and independent spaces. It is like a magnificent underground palace.

The pulley flew and the lifting platform slowly descended. Li Yao felt like an ant with a silk thread around his waist and was lowered under the 10,000-meter cliff.

After crossing the narrow vertical ramp, the space is more than 500 meters in length and width. The black walls in all directions seem to have a strange suction, and all the light and sound are swallowed up.

They seemed to fall into the abyss for three minutes, and the lifting platform landed on the ground.

The ground was dry and hard, and it was made from some unknown rock material. Until the down-to-earth, Li Yaocai took a breath.

When the mutant fireflies flew in huge space, and the chilly fluorescence was scattered in all directions, including Li Yao, everyone's eyes were attracted by the huge bio-sacral bones in the center of the space.

Can't say what the wreckage of this beast is, the thick bones poke straight into the sky, forming a dense virgin forest. Under the fluorescent light, the cheekbones emit a light blue metallic luster, several of which are tens of meters long. . More robust than the main gun of the spar battleship.

Li Yao raised his eyes and looked at the surrounding walls.

There are dozens of iron rings on the wall, and there are huge chains on the iron ring, wrapped around the cheekbones. After 40,000 years, all the chains are as bright as new, even if the fine lines of the hair are clearly visible.

Almost all the chains have been pulled by force, and many iron rings even smashed out of the wall. Only the holes filled with spider cracks, and some chains, like noodles, were stretched to the limit.

The surrounding walls are covered with claw marks that are several meters deep. Many large claws and phalanx are cut off and deeply embedded in the wall.

There is also a pit with a diameter of several tens of meters on one wall, like a huge siege hammer that once crashed here.

Li Yao closed his eyes and imagined the scene 40,000 years ago.

There is a beast that is hundreds of meters long. For some reason, some people are locked here with chains.

This giant beast seems to be in an extremely painful state, struggling to struggle, tearing, and tearing up the chain of magical spells that are engraved with the array.

At the same time, there were still shocking claw marks on the wall, and even the pain was broken when the claws were broken. The wall was not stopped, and the head was still used. Hit the wall heavily.

What is it that makes this monster so painful?

Is it some kind of experiment?

Several paleontologists and historians, close to the bodies of giant beasts, talked about it.

One of the paleontologists. It seems to be assigned to the task, that is to study the behemoth, and immediately start working with the assistant.

The slaughter of experienced Li Yao quickly noticed a strange phenomenon.

The bones on the trunk of this giant beast have broken in many places, but they are not broken inward. It is bursting out.

It was like something, got into its stomach, and after it was turned upside down, it was drilled again.

Li Yao swallowed his mouth and felt for the first time that even with the strength of a quasi-yuan infant, it is not necessarily safe to explore the chaotic tomb.

Taking a deep breath, under the guidance of the retina arrow, Li Yao, with several researchers, continued to walk deep into the huge space.

Crossing a long ramp, the scene in front of him is the illusion that he has a foot and falls into the sea of ​​stars.

The huge space that has just appeared has made them feel the grandeur and depth of the palace.

However, compared with the main hall in front of you, it is like the difference between a matchbox and a skyscraper!

This hall, at the sight of the margins, they only appeared above the main hall, with a straight downward step in front, but shrouded in a faint fog.

The haze is like a living thing, the mystery that can't be said.

Li Yao finally understood why he was so tempted to take in so many new people to participate in this action.

The chaotic **** tomb is too vast, and many explorers enter it, like salt particles scattered into the water, and disappear instantly without a trace.

Soon, the virtual light and shadow image of the entire hall was displayed on his retina through biochemical wafers.

The halls that are detected by the echoes are more than 30 kilometers long and wide, which is a huge city.

And this is only the first layer.

Under the guidance of the arrows, they fumbled for ten minutes before they stepped down to the bottom of the hall.

The ground here is not a hard slate, but a moist soil. When you step on it, it will make a "beep" sound.

On the edge of the main hall, it is still a black rock, but on the rock wall, at every distance, a magnificent relief is engraved.

Most of the reliefs are grotesque giants. In a world of eccentricity, scenes of life seeds are planted. Sometimes a few huge reliefs are connected in series to form a complete story.

For example, the beginning of one of the reliefs is a huge gray-colored disc that descends over a hot planet, and in the ocean below the relief, some ancient creatures are engraved.

The second relief, but a huge tyrannosaurus, was sent to the planet by a conical light wave.

However, compared with the fossils unearthed today, these Tyrannosaurus rexes have strong arms, but they are similar to the Pangu people that Li Yao saw in his memory.

The third relief, the Tyrannosaurus rex to the arms of the sea, under the erosion of some strange power, their arms have shrunk, from the folds of the skin, but a large amount of pale gold liquid is secreted. Drop into the ocean.

That seems to be the essence of their arms.

The fourth relief, countless marine creatures that swallowed the golden liquid, evolved the original limbs and began to march toward the land.

The four embossings are connected in series, which seems to mean that these tyrannosaurus have paid for their arms and that marine life has gained the ability to march to the land.

"As a result, at least the first conjecture about chaos was overthrown."

Chu Zhengqing, the master of "chaos", is dignified and slowly. "From the structure of this hall and its relative position in the entire underground building system, it should be the temple used by the ancients to sacrifice. Since it is in the temple Among the reliefs in the surroundings, there are so many scenes in which the Pangu people opened up the earth and spotted the sentient beings, indicating that Chaos has a certain kind of 'worship' on Pangu."

"In the recent 10,000-year history of the Yaozu, the mainstream view has always believed that chaos is the undead enemy of Pangu, and these reliefs can strongly refute this view."

Another researcher said coldly: "Chaos is certainly not the enemy of Pangu, but the orthodox heir of Pangu. It is part of an ambitious, desperate demon who betrayed the chaos and made it today! What we have to do is to discover Everything in the chaos of the chaos, the original source, let the truth be revealed to the world!"

Chu Zhengqing smiled and continued to move forward.

There are already a lot of explorers gathered in front, and the most basic lighting system has been built.

Under the bright light, Li Yao saw that at the end of the temple, there was an extremely difficult object to describe. It was like an integrated platform, and it was like a throne with a strange shape and a tall scorpion. It is a pale gold tibia that is more than ten meters long.

The whole body of the cheekbones should be wearing some kind of armor. However, the armor has been merged with the body for a long time.

The upper part of the cheekbone, except for a slightly larger one, is almost the same as the human category.

However, when I got to the cheekbones, I suddenly contracted and slowly gathered together to become a thick keel. Until the end of the tail, I suddenly split into more than a dozen, separated like crab claws.

If it is restored to its original appearance, it should be a kind of half-human and half-snake, or half-human and half-dragon.

In the cheekbones without armor wraps, it is covered with dense and dense spirits, especially on the relatively complete cranial bones. A circle of spiritual lines, like a mysterious vortex, attracts Li Yao’s eyes and spirits.

Several paleontologists and archaeologists have been meticulously busy beside the sacral throne, carefully sweeping the dust falling from the tibia and scanning every section of the tibia.

"The shape of this skeleton armor and seat is incompatible with the style of the surrounding buildings and the level of civilization we had 40,000 years ago. It has a taste that transcends the times, especially facing the cheekbones, like the 'operation platform. 'The area, the complexity of the various spirits, even today, we are hard to crack."

"It is now possible to preliminarily conclude that this sacral and fused seat is not built in the chaos of the chaos, but migrated from elsewhere."

"The coordinates it is in the temple are just at the center of several golden cutting points. According to the rules of the ancient times, this is the god!"

"It can be considered that this skeleton is the ‘God’ that the chaos believes!”

Chu Zhengqing turned around the sacral throne for three laps, faintly saying his own speculation. (To be continued.)

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