Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 900: 螳螂 螳螂 蝉!

Li Yao took a deep breath and entered a state of deep meditation.

In the midst of it, it seems that there is a crystal form that is freed from the flesh and blood, and is shot in the darkness, rushing to the underground temple, screaming at the ancestors of the sacred springs and the fire ant king, upwards The hole is coming out!

The surrounding government troops were shocked and intercepted, but according to the data that Li Yao just collected their speed and strength, their interception was riddled with holes!

In the sea of ​​the swallowing star outside the hole, of course, there are three to five enchanted battleships of the ancestors.

However, when Li Yao was still building the base period, he once stood alone against a spar battleship. With his current strength comparable to that of Yuan Ying, if you really want to go, what about the three or five demon warships that can be blocked?

"If I want to go, who can stay!"

Although the death of the Xing Xinghai and the silver is terrible, Li Yao’s Qiankun ring stores a lot of food, medicine and water at any time. This is a habit that he will not change wherever he goes.

In the vast and innocent silver desert, everything can't grow. It depends on everyone's willpower and endurance. What can the ancestors of Youquan be able to do?

"If the ancestors of the secluded ancestors concentrated their forces, it would be impossible to search every direction of the silver death, and it is very likely that I will escape smoothly."

"If he searches separately, it will be eaten by me in a small mouth!"

"Comprehensive analysis, if I choose to escape at this moment, the success rate is above 85%!"


In this way, Li Yao could not figure out the true purpose of the ancestors of Youquan.

The ancestors of the phoenix, one of the four giants of the blood demon world, have long known that they are a **** demon, but he did not join the rebellious organization "Chaos Blade" of the lower-order Yaozu, but stood at the Blade of Chaos. On the opposite side, even set up an extremely secret "Yufu Army"!

When Li Yao was in Tianyuanjie, he once learned about the special forces of the **** demon world. He never heard of the name "Youfu Army".

As the virgin of the Wan Yao Temple, Jin Xinyue introduced him to all the special forces and secret legions of the blood demon world, and there was no information about the "Shoufu Army".

However, the body is inlaid with the demon of the demon. It is what Li Yaoping saw, the most terrifying special forces, not even one!

"The extremely unstable demon dan can output energy smoothly. It is also perfectly integrated with the flesh and blood. This biochemical technology, even in the blood demon world, is the top of the existence!"

"Behind such a technology, there must be an extremely large organization in support!"

"The ancestors of Youquan are bent on exploring the secrets of the Chaos Tomb. In the dark, they have formed the Youfu Army. What are you doing?"

Li Yao recalled the words of the elders of Chaos, Ningzhong.

It is said that what they get from the research studio of the ancestors of the secluded spring will change the fate of the blood demon and the heavens.

After Jin Xinyue absorbed the mysterious liquid, he turned from a demon to a human!

The ancestors of Youquan, what are you studying and planning?

"No, I have no access to the most secret secrets. I can't escape at this time. I can't grasp the perfect opportunity. I want to spy on the secrets of the ancestors of the secluded springs. It's harder!"

Then, with the fire ant king to fight against the ancestors of the 泉泉?

Li Yao thought about electricity, and started the crazy calculation again. Numerous crystal figures cracked in the depths of the brain and turned into a diamond star dust!

For a moment, he almost screamed.

However, the Xiaolong is keenly aware that in the unknown direction, there are still several powerful breaths hidden!

These squats in the darkness made Li Yao's pupil look like a pinch. Suddenly contracted to the limit.

"The ancestors of Youquan, and the back hand!"

"Even if I rushed out and fought side by side with the fire ant king, the two sides had not cooperated before, and they did not understand each other's position. The winning rate is no more than 11%!"

If the winning percentage is above 30%, Li Yao may choose to make a desperate attempt.

However, even with the form calculations presented by the ancestors of the secluded spring, even if Li Yao appeared, the massacre of the Yufu army was only 11%.

This is not a worthy number. The most brilliant hunters and gamblers often have the best patience.

If you don’t get through the two roads, you can only go to the third road!

While the two demon emperors struggled fiercely, Li Yao quietly adjusted the position of the dragon, on the one hand, to observe the two people's struggle from a better angle, on the other hand, for him. Prepare for a one-step plan.

The death of the two demons is not to be admired. Every collision between the fire ant king and the ancestors of the sacred springs seems to have turned into a crystal clear data flow. Through the dragon, it flows into Li Yao. The brain field, like a feast of feasts, made him sing and sigh.

The underground temple, the fire ant king's several impacts, were forced back by the secluded spring, in addition to the consumption of a large number of ants on both sides, there is no substantial progress.

However, the chaos of the chaos he brought was almost completely suppressed by the Yufu army!

The fire ant king's heart is full of anger, and the fire smashes behind him. The flame giant behind him finally merges with the real body wearing the flame treble, and turns into a roaring dragon, and smashes toward the dome of the temple!

"Broken! Broken! Broken!"

The seven secluded springs were separated, and they were not afraid of death. They were destroyed, and they were broken down one by one. They turned into smoky smoke, and the black-scarred corpse fell on the ground.

The fire ant king was rid of the entanglement of the secluded spring, rushing to the dome that was drilled by the ancestors of the secluded spring, seems to want to escape from the dome.

However, just as he approached the dome, the head of the flame dragon burst into a burst, and in the head, a "meteor" screamed toward the east wing of the temple!

Gold 蝉 shelling!

The flame dragon consisting of the scorpion fire ants continued to slam into the dome of the temple, forming a strong cloud of fire in the air.

The fire ant king turned into a red streamer and flew to the martyr where they first entered.

Most of the secluded springs and the secluded army, all blocked by the fire cloud, disturbed the perception, too late to intercept!

Seeing that the fire ant king is about to escape from the birth of the day, from the martyrdom, even three streams of light are continuously shot, bombarding one by one on the fire ant king!




Like the main guns of the demon warship and the spar battleships, they slammed each other three times, and the power was so great that Li Yao suspected that the underground temple would be there.

Three waves of impact have formed a ripple of air ripples, a wave of unrest, a wave of up again, the tide screams like a gun, sweeping the temple!

The first two streams of light were respectively knocked open by the fire ant Wang Hao, but the third stream of light, like a hammer, hit him back.

Subsequently, the three streamers circulated around the fire ant king, like three satellites, intertwined into a tight airtight cage!

The first black streamer is a squatter of up to six or seven meters. It is like a mixture of long-nosed worms and giant celestial beetles. The black carapace is a majestic suit. What's even more frightening is that on the black bone tumors all over the body, all of them are swaying with the "beeping" electric arc, as if each bone tumor is raised, it is a powerful electrode.

In the same way, the demon scorpion will be inlaid with densely packed demon, especially on the breastplate of the door panel. It is also inlaid with a demon that is bigger than Li Yao’s head, just like a nursing mirror.

Li Yao is hard to imagine, what kind of monster is his mother, and it has been condensed for hundreds of years to condense the demon!

The giant demon of the giant gods will be on the top of the head. The two big horns are like the square paintings. They are flanked by the sides. The big horns are condensed together with a strong arc, like a powerful Taiyi magnetic cannon. Every few seconds, it can stimulate a super-strong arc, such as a knife, like a sword, to the fire ant king!

The second bright streamer, but it is extremely light, at first glance, like a beautiful and beautiful woman, although the height is only one meter and two, but there is no sense of inconsistency of the gnome, it seems like a The beautiful beauty of the drop is reduced by half.

She was covered in colorful gauze, and the key position was looming, and the light gauze was behind it. It was folded into two giant butterfly wings. The wings were full of flowers, and they were very faint, still flowing, like a kaleidoscope. Like a beautiful whirlpool!

The butterfly enchantress fluttered, and the streamer swept over it, leaving a piece of colorful phosphor powder. Li Yao noticed that the speed of the fire ant king was originally very fast, but upon contact with these phosphor powders, it was surprisingly slow. There is also an indescribable fascinating expression on his face, as if he is caught in a certain fantasy!

"These two must be the commanders of the Yufu Army. From the point of view of speed and strength, they all have the power of the first-class demons!"

"And, between the two commanders, the cooperation is extremely tacit, the power and destruction of the big bull worm is very powerful, that is, the speed and attack frequency are slightly slower, and this butterfly demon girl is good at using phosphor powder. The manufacturing environment, launching a mental attack, even if the fire ant king can resist, the speed can not help but slow down, just hit by the big bull worm!"

"If you want to deal with these two guards, you must separate them and never play against them at the same time!"

This thought, only flashed in Li Yao’s mind, because the third cyan streamer, once again bombarded on the fire ant king!

Lost the blessings of most of the fire ants, and was entangled with the secluded army for a long time, the fire ant king has already pushed to the limit, and the strength of the other side, originally above him, a blow Next, the whole body is demonized and suddenly extinguished!

In midair, the blue streamer condensed into the true body of the ancestors of the secluded spring. He took a deep breath and suddenly looked round and round, and the gang swelled high, and he screamed and spurted the overwhelming green ant storm. If the locusts transit, rush to the fire ant king! (To be continued.)

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