After leaving the aftermath of the country to Violet, Locke himself, led by the soldiers of the Don Quixote family, went straight to the depths of the palace.

A huge steel door lies ahead.

This is where the Don Quixote Treasury is located, which houses countless rare treasures acquired by the Don Quijote family since its founding, as well as all the secrets, and is the family treasure.

“Great, big, big… Lord, I really only know this, and how to enter the treasure house is only known by the young master and the cadres of the family. Don Quixote, who led the way, said with a crying voice.

“.” Locke waved casually.

The little soldier was immediately amnestied, and left as quickly as possible.

Looking at the gate in front of him, Locke did not have the slightest sense of distress, raised his right hand, and gently pressed it on the door.


No password is required, no key is needed, everything that stands in the way of Locke, whether it is people or things, only needs a simple smash.

The unparalleled smashing force erupted, and white bright lines were streaked across the iron gate.

In the next second, with a booming sound, the gate of the treasure house that was several meters thick shattered in response, turning into countless square pieces of iron and falling to the ground.

At the same time, a dazzling golden light came from inside the treasure house, and the shaking person could hardly open his eyes.

Rao was imprisoned for forty years and thought that he would not care about anything but freedom, and he couldn’t help but be shocked after seeing such a huge amount of gold treasures.

The wealth of the Don Quixote family accumulated for decades can no longer be simply described as rich and invincible.

Especially in the past ten years, Doflamingo has used Dressrosa as a stronghold, relying on the convenience of Nanabukai’s identity to push his career to the pinnacle, becoming the largest dark middleman in the entire underground world, making a lot of money.

Now, unfortunately, these fortunes will change hands with the arrival of Locke.

How miserable it is that the Don Quixote family’s decades of efforts were finally intercepted by Locke and made into a wedding dress.

Eight years ago, when Doflamingo took Dressrosa by force and used it as a base camp, he could not have imagined that it would end up like this.

After a brief shock, the look on Locke’s face returned to calm.

Although the gold treasure he saw in front of him was amazing, Locke knew that in this sea, as long as there was strength, this kind of thing was not much or less.

What’s more, this is just a treasure house of Don Quixote, and in the future, there will be the treasure house of Auntie, the treasure house of Kaido, and even the treasure house of the world government Draco who has ruled the world for eight hundred years.

Locke walked slowly, looking at a small golden mountain on the side of the road, and suddenly his mind moved.

A few days ago, he used a small piece of gold as a sacrifice, and he drew the original fat of the female emperor, and now he is still lying in Locke’s pocket.

What if I increase the dose?

Sacrifice with a mountain of gold, what good things will come out? Don’t tell me it’s a bunch of female emperor original flavor.

Anyway, now Locke lacks everything, that is, there is no shortage of gold.

Do what you want.

Locke chose a mountain of gold that was about one person tall and lonely, and with a move of his mind, he began to sacrifice.

A moment later, the golden mountain disappeared, and then only to hear a bang, and a behemoth appeared in the underground treasure house, knocking down and flattening a piece of gold.

[Ding, the prize from this sacrifice draw is a full-featured Kun-style fighter from the Marvel world].

[Going to the sky and fleeing for your life is actually a must-have for high travel].

Locke: “…”

Looking at the Kun fighter in front of him, Locke was also a little confused.

But after thinking about it, Locke smiled again.

This is really a dozen doze off pillows.

After the matter of Dressrosa was settled, Locke’s next stop had been decided, that is, the empty island located at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

There is the golden country of Chandora, the golden bell and history, and the arrogant thunder god Anilu and the natural thunder fruit on him.

Gold doesn’t matter, but for the thunder fruit of Anilu, Locke misses it tightly.

Originally, forty years ago, the Thunder Fruit was originally the property of the Rocks Pirates, and it was owned by his Thunder Legion Commander.

In that battle, the leader of the Thunder Legion died, and the Thunder Fruit was reborn, which made Anilu lucky.

Now that he knew the location of the Thunder Fruit, Locke would of course go to collect it.

Before harvesting Kun-type fighters, how to go to the empty island at an altitude of 10,000 meters is also a problem to be solved.

After all, although Locke can stay in the air for a short time, it is still unrealistic to fly tens of thousands of meters like this.

Now, with this all-powerful Kun-type fighter, the question of how to go to heaven is naturally solved.

With a move of his mind, the Kun fighter was retracted into the system space, and Locke continued his journey of looting the treasure trove.

After a few minutes, Locke finally found what he was looking for.

In the glass case not far away, seven fruits with devil-like patterns inscribed on their surfaces were lined up.

Not far away, one after another famous knives that exuded a faint murderous aura were hanging, sending the idea of surrender to Locke.

Compared to the mountain-like gold treasures, these things are more interesting to Locke.


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