“Wait for me!”

Although it was only three words, Robin’s heart that gradually sank into darkness was re-raised and opened again because of these short three words.

“You’re really there, thank you, you responded when I needed you most, I’m satisfied.” Robin whispered, tears wetting her eyes.

“Waiting for me? What does that mean? Is it my delusion? Hey, Gabra, did you hear that earlier? Spandam asked, puzzled.

“Who knows, I laughed too loudly earlier and didn’t pay much attention.” Gabra Road.

“Whoops, it seems that someone is talking, and it seems that there is none.” There is no owl opening with a zipper sewn into the mouth.

Kalifa frowned slightly, tilted her head to look at the pigeon man Robluci, as if asking for instructions on what to do?

After all, she had brought the phone bug here from Robin.

For Kalifa’s gaze, Rob Luqi was not moved in the slightest, still holding Erlang’s legs and sitting coldly.

Seeing this, Kalifa did not say anything more.

“Forget it, the priority now is still you two.” Spandam looked at Robin and Frankie.

“Oh, by the way, when the prison ship comes, by the way, your partners, the Straw Hats and the gang are also locked up in the city, so that you can be reunited again, I am such a good person, ahahahah.” Spandam laughed.


At the same time, a floating island about a kilometer above the sea.

On the beautiful cherry blossom tree, Locke suddenly stood up, his eyes were shining, and a divine light shone out.

The phone worm in the palm of his hand, the disgusting laughter continued to ring.

With such disgusting laughter, Locke could not think of anyone other than Spandam.

The phone worm he gave to Robin fell into Spandam’s hands, and Locke knew what happened to Robin without thinking.

Time was short, and Locke immediately activated the Kun-type fighter and galloped away at Mach six supersonic speeds in the direction of the radio waves connecting the two telephone bugs.

There was a thunderous air boom in the sky, the roar of the engines of the Kun-type fighter.

Floating Island Forest.

Anilu jerked his head up, just in time to see the spaceship that seemed very strange to him rise into the air and go away.

After a brief astonishment at the high speed of the spacecraft, Anilu suddenly reacted, and a look of excitement appeared on his face.

“Yehahahaha, that demon is gone, I am free, I am finally free.” Anilu laughed excitedly.

Without Locke beside him to discipline, Anilu suddenly jumped through the mountains and forests like a fierce tiger out of the gate.

Three hours later, Anilu returned to the lake where he had anchored the Ark Proverbs.

He then spent another three hours catching the weird fish in the lake with a huge octopus tentacle.

A stick knocked down.

The head of the fierce and abnormal weird big fish was knocked by Anilu.

Immediately afterwards, Anilu opened the belly of the weird big fish, ignoring the disgusting mixed mucus, and began to rummage around.

Eventually, Anilu finds the stuck key near the mouth of the weird fish’s intestines.

If it were later, this key would probably have fallen somewhere in the lake with the excretion of the strange fish.

That result, for Anilu, is really a disaster.

Fortunately, the key is still there.


The handcuffs of the sea lou stone that bound Ani Road for a week fell to the ground.

At this moment, Anilu was speechless with excitement, and even his eyes were moist.

“From now on, the sea will leap by fish, the sky will be high and birds will fly, I will drive the Ark Proverbs to the true infinite earth, bastard demon captain, goodbye… No, never again, yehahahahaha. Anilu laughed happily.

The laughter was accompanied by a long-lost thunder and lightning, which turned the beasts who were secretly watching over.


At this moment, another loud laugh overshadowed Anilu’s voice, echoing under this sky.

Anilu turned around, looked up indifferently, and when he saw the huge spaceship overhead, his face suddenly showed shock.

The Ark Proverbs is the culmination and masterpiece of his six years of hard work, and it should be the only spaceship in the world.

However, first there was the Locke Quin fighter, and now there was a flying island ship that was more than a hundred times larger than the Ark Proverbs.

More importantly, how could Anilu not be shocked that he had not found any power transmission equipment on this flying island ship.

“Hahahahaha, the little ghost below, it’s you, sneaking into my territory while I’m away and wantonly slaughtering my experimental animals, but for the sake of you sending me such a valuable golden ship, I will forgive you with great mercy.”

At the bow of the huge flying island ship, an old man with a rudder on his head and thick blond hair like a lion’s mane wrapped his arms around him, looking at Anilu playfully.


A flash of electricity.

Anilu’s body instantly became elemental, appearing on the giant flying island ship to face Shiki.

“You are the Golden Lion Shiji, a famous powerhouse in Qinghai?” Anilu asked.

“Nature is a thunder fruit ability.” The golden lion, who saw the scene of Anilu’s transformation into an electric light, immediately judged his ability.

“I can’t imagine that after forty years, this Thunder Fruit ability has finally appeared again, but I don’t know how you compare to its previous user?” Golden Lion Shiji sighed.

“I’ll let you know.” Anilu smiled confidently.

He has decided to vent all the grievances and pains he suffered under Locke into the battle with the golden lion Shiji.


The piercing thunder light collided with the flickering golden sword light.

The fierce battle between the Thunder God of this era and the Flying Great Sword Hao of the previous era began.


At the same time, the new world of Dressrosa, thousands of miles away, also has a shocking battle going on.

The feather swaying, surrounded by flames, held a fiery red battle axe, the angel scorched the ghost, crushed the space.

Below the Flame Elf Wuhe Qin, a huge mammoth stood majestic, and only the flickering of his pupils betrayed the shock and disbelief in his heart.


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