The sea shattered in Locke’s hands.

The top warship from the naval headquarters collapsed in an instant, the sea surface shattered like a mirror at this moment, and the 100-meter-high wave rushed into the sky.

This scene is like the end of the world.

In just a split second, the terrifying demon slaughter order configuration from the naval headquarters Malin Fodo was completely defeated.

During the whole process, the navy side could not even see the appearance of the person who made the shot.

What a horror!

“Look, I said it a long time ago, but it’s just a small demon slaughter order, what’s the big deal, it’s overturned.” Back to the Locke of the Quin fighter, the relaxed opening.

For the previous shocking act of smashing the sea and crushing the naval fleet with one palm, he didn’t care much, like crushing an ant.


Robin pursed his lips and nodded.

She had just separated from the Straw Hat gang, and she was still immersed in the melancholy of separation.

Even if he saw the shocking scene before, there was not much fluctuation.

But in retrospect, it will inevitably be shocking.

“Then let’s go.”

Locke was also not interested in appreciating the embarrassed appearance of the navy, and flew away in a Kun fighter, catching up with Straw Hat and the others who left first on the sea about a hundred miles away from the water capital.

With the help of the run-down Golden Melly, another ‘lost’ member of the Straw Hat Pirates, the Straw Hat gang left Justice Island smoothly.

Only to this day, the Golden Melly finally ushered in his end, saying goodbye to its favorite companions in the raging fire.

When people die, ships are no exception, and in many cases they are much more vulnerable than people.

Watching the Golden Melly die in the fire, Robin couldn’t stop crying like Luffy and the others below.

It was not until Straw Hat and the others left on the ship of the water capital Shi Chang Esbagu that Locke flew in the opposite direction of the floating islands in the Kun fighter.


At the same time, the headquarters of the navy, Marinfodo, with the bad news from Justice Island, a ‘big earthquake’ occurred.

“What do you say? You tell me again. ”

Navy headquarters building, marshal’s office.

Listening to the war report coming back from Justice Island, the Warring States shot up in anger.

The whole person trembled slightly because of anger and shock.


Rear Admiral Brannew, who had short green curly hair, stood upright, saluted, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva nervously and hurriedly.

“According to the news from the Justice Island, the ten top warships that set off from our headquarters were sunk by unknown people just ten minutes ago, and all of them were destroyed, and our army suffered heavy casualties.” Brannu boldly reported again.


The solid wooden table in the office was slapped off by an enraged Sengoku palm.

“Heavy casualties? Can anyone tell me what exactly is going on here? Who is the unknown person? Sengoku roared as if crazy.

“Calm down, Sengoku.” Karp said quietly.

“Calm down, you tell me how can I calm down now?” Sengoku roared.

Soon, a more detailed course of events came.

“Hehe, haha, the result of sending a fleet to eliminate is only 10,000 fellow navymen on the island, and because of the intervention of that unknown person, the demon slaughter order failed, and the 10,000 sailors on the island of justice were saved, Karp, what kind of irony is this?” Should we thank him or hate him! Sengoku gritted his teeth.

“Sengoku, calm down, the priority now is to find out the identity of that person? If it’s really the same person who returned from hell…” said Karp, the expression on his face was rare and solemn.

“Check? Do I still need to check? This ability to shatter the sea, forty years ago, we had all seen, it was him, that monster really returned. “The wise general Sengoku, who has always been known for his calm strategy, is also rare today to no longer be calm.

“Branny, ready to reissue the bounty order, 6 billion, no… 7 billion berry, that monster is worth the price. Sengoku yelled.

“Marshal of the Warring States …”

Green-haired Brigadier Brannew is one head and two bigger, and he still doesn’t know who the Warring States is going to seal an unprecedented 7 billion bounty order for.

“Wait, Marshal of the Warring States.”

At this moment, a world government official in a black suit came to the marshal’s office escorted by two CP members.

“What are you doing here?” Sengoku said coldly.

“The matter of Justice Island, the five old stars already know, they are afraid that Marshal of the Warring States will make some moves that damage the prestige of the government under your impulse, so they specially sent me to supervise.” The black-suited government official spoke.

“Five old stars said that the unknown person who appeared in the Justice Island incident is not necessarily the person who was back then, where the dead are so easy to resurrect, it may just be that someone is lucky enough to eat the fruits of rebirth, so before the real investigation is clear, I also ask the Marshal of the Warring States not to make a noise.

“Oh, by the way, regarding the report of this incident on Justice Island, the five old stars hope that there will not be any news about that unknown person, so as not to cause world-class panic, and the title can be made with the Pirate Straw Hat gang making trouble on Justice Island.”

The black-suited government official said nothing, did not sit down to drink tea, and left directly.


Marshal Sengoku’s hands and forehead were bruised, and a slap slapped the ground out of a hole.


Due to the deliberate repression by the government, the major incident on the island of justice was not immediately reported.

However, another great war in the New World spread throughout the sea on the same day, causing a huge heated discussion.

Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Pirates, the big signboard drought Jack failed to attack Dressrosa, was arrested and imprisoned, and imprisoned in Advance City!

The one who defeated Jack was not a naval powerhouse, but a new queen named Efrit, who overthrew the Don Quixote family, named Flame Demon Ifrit!

The top powerhouse of the sea, who was known as the Flame Demon, turned out to be just a fourteen-year-old girl!

For a time, all kinds of eye-popping titles pushed the name of Yan Demon Evelet to the top, and the sound shook the sea!


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