Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1545: 【1545】This woman is really not simple

According to Cheng Fei'er, even if he reported this news to the security team, he would be rewarded with a considerable reward.

And most importantly, Ye Feng suddenly thought of a deeper level.

Judging from the information provided by Lan Xingyue, the mysterious organization that he has been thinking about and looking for an opportunity to attract is also extremely interested in these national treasure-level antiques.

Coupled with this mysterious organization, the information network and energy are extremely powerful.

This time the sun never sets on the side of the empire, and the Kyushu tripod was born, and they must be indispensable.

This is an excellent opportunity for Ye Feng himself.

Once it works properly, it may be possible to change the situation from the previous one where the enemy is dark and we are clear, to the enemy who is clear and we are dark in one fell swoop.

From prey to hunter!

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's brain turned rapidly, and his eyes were firmly fixed on Al Williams, "Let's talk about this paragraph."

"An old chaebol in the empire on which the sun never sets was shot and robbed by a group of refugees. The family's collections and savings for many years were all looted, and rumors spread everywhere... What is the specific situation?"

Al Williams still didn't think about it, "In our empire on which the sun never sets, there is a very famous old chaebol family."

"Their patriarch, Jerry Bruns, was one of the generals in the war a hundred years ago. He made a fortune from the war and robbed a lot of gold and silver treasures and antiques from Huaguo and other places. "

"In these years, relying on those accumulations, the whole family has prospered."

What he said was probably the history recorded by the empire on which the sun never sets, and what he said was quite an understatement.

But Ye Feng sneered in his heart when he heard the words.

For that period of humiliating history, every Chinese will remember it in their hearts.

That big chaebol Jerry Bruns, to put it bluntly, is a big robber, who stole many treasures from Huaguo and made a fortune.

"The rise of their family is probably too easy. Since Jerry Bruns, people in their family have a bit of an upstart mentality, and they do things very high-profile." Al Williams' introduction Still going on.

"In the early years, when the world was peaceful, it was okay for them to be high-profile."

"However, in the past few years, the international situation and the internal environment of the empire on which the sun never sets have become worse and worse. The life of some low-level people has become more and more ugly. When I see them being so ostentatious and extravagant, I can't bear it."


"Last week, an extreme low-level personnel alliance 'Alliance of Haters of the Rich' somehow dredged up the servants in their family, and killed them in one fell swoop."

"Although the errands rushed to the scene quickly, they still killed dozens of members of the Bruns family. Moreover, they took away most of the treasures of the Bruns family."

"On the day the news came out, the high-level leaders of the empire on which the sun never sets were enraged, and issued the highest-level arrest warrant almost immediately! And other major forces, like sharks smelling fishy, ​​also dispatched collectively!"


"I heard some informed brothers in the Undertaker organization say that the total value of the looted wealth of the 'Bruns Family' this time is at least 10 billion dollars or more."

"If it is converted into your Hua Guobi, it will start with about 70 billion Hua Guobi!"

"So, well-informed people from all walks of life in the entire empire on which the sun never sets are almost crazy, trying their best to search for the traces of the members of the 'Alliance of Haters of the Rich' and the treasures handed down by them..."

Ye Feng listened to him quietly.

After he finished telling all the information he knew and asked a few more questions that he cared about, he turned his attention to Yu Fengsheng.

Yu Fengsheng probably also understood the meaning in his eyes, and immediately said, "Is the question finished?"

Ye Feng nodded, "The amount of information is a bit large, and the harvest is more than I imagined."

But Yu Fengsheng seemed to realize something, and after thinking for a moment, he suddenly said, "Are you also interested in those treasures handed down by that 'Brence Family'?"

Ye Feng secretly admired, as expected of a figure who can be the female boss of the Sanhuang Society, she has a strong ability to observe words and demeanor.

She just asked a few more questions, and she was able to sense keenly that she was interested in these things.

Thinking of Yu Fengsheng's past, he didn't hide too much, "The specific reason is very complicated to explain. However, I am indeed a little interested in the current Empire on which the sun never sets."

"Then maybe in the near future, we will meet again in the Empire on which the sun never sets." Yu Fengsheng said with a smile.

"At that time, maybe I will ask Mr. Ye for help."

Ye Feng didn't answer immediately, but just waited for her next post.

And Yu Fengsheng didn't need him to ask questions, so he took the initiative to say, "The deep hatred of the Undertaker Organization, I will never forget it!"

"In these years, I have worked hard, searched and made friends with experts, collected various martial arts classics, and strengthened myself... in order to return to the empire on which the sun never sets one day, and avenge the **** sea of ​​​​the year!"

"Now, I have climbed to the top of Jiangzuo, and there are more and more fierce men under my command. As long as my own strength is stronger, everything is ready!"

Ye Feng's eyes were a little strange.

He was also curious before, how could Yu Fengsheng be interested in martial arts classics because he was a woman of the generation, and there was no shortage of thugs under his command.

Dare to love because of this.

Speaking of which, although he had a brief confrontation with Yu Fengsheng before, he really didn't pay attention to what kind of strength Yu Fengsheng was.

He was about to ask one or two questions.

Lai Zhiqiang on the side suddenly said in astonishment, "Boss, your strength is already so strong, do you want to grow stronger?"

"It's not an exaggeration to say that among the people I know, except for Mr. Ye who can hold you firmly, the others are probably no match for you."

"Moreover, apart from martial arts, your car skills, marksmanship, assassination, reconnaissance, anti-reconnaissance, physical fitness, etc. have almost reached the point of insanity..."

"Even some of the top foreign assassins I know are probably at this level, don't you think it's not enough?"

Yu Fengsheng shook his head, "The Undertaker Organization should not be underestimated."

"Don't look at their bronze medal team as vulnerable, but their gold medal team and even the crystal team are full of masters."

"Especially the captain of the gold medal team and the captain of the crystal team, that is even more unfathomable."

"If you don't have enough strength to act rashly, it is tantamount to a sheep entering the tiger's mouth..."

Although Ye Feng didn't say a word at the side, but listening to the conversation between Lai Zhiqiang and Yu Fengsheng, he was also surprised and stunned.

The queen of Jiangzuo's underground world is really not easy.

He who usually doesn't look like a mountain or dew, is actually so strong!

No wonder they can subdue such a group of powerful thorns like Lai Zhiqiang!

Seeing the support personnel from the Three Phoenix Society approaching, he couldn't ask any other information that would be beneficial to him, so he greeted Yu Fengsheng and prepared to leave.

At the same time, he directly called Cheng Fei'er.

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