Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1591: 【1591】It's not my style not to take revenge!

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Xiaoqiao on the rear seat obviously breathed a sigh of relief, "That's great."

"It's safe now."

"I knew Ye Feng, you must have a way!"

"Finally away from those criminals!"

As he spoke, he had to sit up straight again.

But Ye Feng kicked the accelerator and slammed the steering wheel, "Don't get up in a hurry."

"It's not over yet."

He rushed the Mercedes-Benz S600 directly in the direction of the robbers.

When Zhuang Xiaoqiao saw this scene, she was probably in a daze, and subconsciously asked, "What are you doing?"

"They all have guns."

"We managed to get out of danger."

Ye Feng stuck his gun out of the car window while driving, "It's not my style not to take revenge!"

"These **** actually robbed me and hit me on the head. If I just leave like this, then I won't be called Ye Feng anymore!"

The moment the words fell, shoot quickly!

On both sides of the road, several black accomplices of the black driver just now obviously didn't realize what happened.

I was standing there in a daze.

When Ye Feng suddenly turned the car around and poked out the muzzle of a gun, although some people started to react and made a gesture to raise the gun, it was already too late.






Five shots in a row, five bursts!

Five screams followed one after another.

At the same time as it came out, the sound of a gun falling to the ground also appeared!

The eyes of the black robbers suddenly became terrified.


"This yellow-skinned monkey is a sharpshooter!"

"He fired five shots in the car, and each shot accurately hit the hand holding the gun, and it hit the wrist! This is definitely a sharpshooter!"


Frightened, some people bent down hastily, wanting to pick up a gun with the other hand to fight back.

But only then reached out.


There was another gunshot, and blood spouted from the protruding hand!


"Surrender! We surrender!"

Now, not only the black man who was trying to pick up the gun didn't dare to act rashly anymore, even the remaining black robbers slowly raised their hands and looked at the Mercedes-Benz S600 that had already driven over with trepidation.

"Don't shoot! Please! Don't shoot again!"

Ye Feng ignored the begging of these beasts.

After getting out of the car, he kicked all the guns on the ground away, and then shot each of the robbers in the leg again, "All the **** kneel down and talk to me!"

The gang of black people immediately knelt down in unison.

Looking at Ye Feng's eyes again, the look of panic became more intense.

"And you!" Ye Feng pointed his gun at the black driver who was like a dead dog on the ground, "kneel down for me too!"

The black driver was probably in a daze at the moment. When he crawled over with bruises all over his body, he also obediently knelt down in front of Ye Feng.

"I was happy to come to your country for vacation, but you **** ruined my good mood abruptly and made my first impression of your country extremely bad!"

Ye Feng took a gun and swept at several black people one by one.

"Think about it yourself, how can you make up for me!"

When the blacks heard this, they were obviously at a loss. While raising their hands, they couldn't help looking at each other, as if they were making eye contact, what should I do?

After a long while, the black driver said uncertainly, "How do you want us to make up for you?"

"We don't have much money, and we usually make a living by robbery or something."

"Except for the Mercedes-Benz that was just snatched not long ago, and a little cash and other things, there is no property."

What Ye Feng wants is to let out a sigh of relief, and he doesn't care how much money these people have.

Hearing what the black driver said, he immediately turned his gaze to him, and said coldly, "No matter how much, give it all to me!"

"Remember, it's all!"

Hearing the sound, the black driver quickly began to take out his wallet or something from his pocket.

And the others followed suit and started to pay.

But when taking out the money, a black man still wanted to be clever, and while Ye Feng was not looking at him, he quickly pulled out a check from a wallet and stuffed it into the sole of his shoe.

Ye Feng actually noticed it all, but he didn't point it out.

It wasn't until the heap of belongings on the ground were stuffed into the Mercedes-Benz S600 that he jokingly smiled and said to the gang of black people on the ground, "What I hate the most is the guy who is obedient to the public and contradicts the secret, and does one thing in front of the other!"

"Just asking you to take out all your belongings is actually giving you a chance, but obviously, some people don't cherish such an opportunity. So, there is nothing to say."

"Everyone, take off your clothes, shoes, socks, and let me check again!"

The black man who stuffed the check into the sole of his shoe suddenly changed his expression.

However, Ye Feng ignored the change in his expression, just sneered and made the gesture of shooting again.

Soon, the black robbers didn't dare to hesitate or pause, and began to take off their shoes and clothes in a hurry.

It was also at this time that Ye Feng discovered that apart from the check, these guys also hid 10,000 magnesium knives, a gold necklace, a gold bracelet, and an emerald ring.

"very good!"

After putting away these things and throwing them into the Mercedes-Benz S600, Ye Feng glanced at these people coldly again, "It seems that no one takes what I said seriously."

"Since this is the case, then you should leave me here naked and reflect on yourself!"

As he spoke, he threw all the guns, clothes and shoes on the ground into the trunk of the Mercedes-Benz S600.

Step into the driver's seat again. Start the car and drive off.

Only a group of black robbers who were naked and didn't even leave a pair of socks were left in place, staring at each other.

On the Mercedes-Benz S600, Zhuang Xiaoqiao saw this scene from the rear window, her face blushed and she was puzzled, "Is it going to be okay if they leave them here like this?"

Ye Feng shook his head, "No accident will happen."

"The bullets I used were not fatal injuries, they just caused them to bleed and suffer a little."

"Now stripping off their clothes, shoes, communication tools and so on, the most they can do is let them run barefoot and go back near the airport to ask for help, let them suffer a little more, and die socially."

Saying that, he glanced at Zhuang Xiaoqiao, "That's a group of old men, you're a little girl, don't look at it."

"It has sharp eyes, be careful of needle eyes."

"Hmph! Didn't you watch it too?" Zhuang Xiaoqiao didn't want to be outdone, "You are not afraid of me, what are you afraid of?"

Ye Feng smiled slightly, without arguing with her, looked back again and said, "Help me count the spoils, and see what was confiscated this time."

"The point is to look at that check."

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