Found 100 Million In My Rented Apartment

Chapter 1594: 【1594】Today's consumption will be paid by Young Master Ye!

When it comes to these things, the Caucasian woman is obviously more confident, and her waist is straightened up a lot.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao also thought of something, glanced around secretly and then pulled Ye Feng down, "Ye Feng, anyway, we are out of anger, it's almost over."

"In the United States, the problem of racial discrimination is very serious, and Asians are indeed always at the bottom of the chain of contempt."

"If we make things bigger here, maybe those white people will really target us."

Ye Feng has also heard a lot of stories about law enforcement officers in the United States emptying magazines on black people.

At this moment, seeing many law enforcement officers coming after hearing the news, they immediately let go of the white woman's wrist, and let Zhuang Xiaoqiao pull her away first.

In fact, he is not afraid of the pistols of those law enforcement officers.

Still, it's not worth falling out with those guys over an unworthy white woman.

When entering the shopping mall in Seattle with Zhuang Xiaoqiao, Ye Feng still felt a little unhappy.

Thinking of the face of the white woman, he still asked, "Little Qiao, you are more familiar with the American side, do you know of any way to severely punish that white woman?"

"The simplest and rudest way is to wait for a chance to fix her when no one is around." Zhuang Xiaoqiao didn't think about it, "If it's more clever, it's just to play tricks on her or something."

"Anyway, Seattle is not like in China, and the monitoring is not so intensive."

"There are also a lot of violent incidents here, and even if the crime is reported, the detection rate is extremely low."

"If you fix her up privately or bully her, she will basically suffer from being dumb."

"But in this way, she doesn't know at all who has planted it, and she doesn't know that when she sees us Chinese in the future, she should respect it." Ye Feng is not satisfied with these methods.

"So you want her to be afraid of us Chinese in the future?" Zhuang Xiaoqiao actually smiled when she heard this.

"Unexpectedly, you guy, the national plot is quite heavy."

"Then let me tell you a shortcut."

"The biggest difference between the United States and us is that they are a completely capitalist country."

"What is a capitalist country? In short, as long as you are rich enough, you can do whatever you want here!—Including but not limited to, let the person in charge of this Seattle shopping center come forward and severely punish The white concierge at the Dior store just now!"

"Then here comes the problem." Ye Feng also smiled back, "How can I let the person in charge of this Seattle shopping center know that I am rich?"

"Use your expertise, buy, buy, buy." Zhuang Xiaoqiao waved his small fist.

"Anyway, this shopping mall has everything, and there are even some art collections and cultural relics!"

"If you spend tens of millions or hundreds of millions here in one go, then don't need to think about it, the person in charge of the Seattle shopping center will know that you are rich no matter how stupid he is!"

"I like this idea! Since this is the case, let's go." Ye Feng said, and walked into a clothing store first.

"Today's consumption will be paid by Mr. Ye!"

"Haha, you said that!" Zhuang Xiaoqiao was overjoyed.

Hearing the sound, he immediately took Ye Feng's hand and entered a luxury flagship store first.

Ye Feng didn't care either.

Just follow her to watch.

If you see something pleasing to the eye, take it directly.

In less than ten minutes, he bought a formal suit and several sets of clothes, and gave Zhuang Xiaoqiao two sets of clothes.

Added up, the total cost was about 150,000 US dollars.

It is converted into Huaguo currency, which is like a million.

Relying on the consumption of hundreds of thousands of dollars alone is definitely not enough to attract the attention of the person in charge of the Seattle shopping center.

So, not long after buying the clothes, Ye Feng asked Zhuang Xiaoqiao to take him to the collection area and cultural relics area.

The collection and cultural relics area of ​​the Seattle Mall is located in a large Baroque-style building in the east area of ​​the entire mall.

The internal structure is like an art gallery full of artistic atmosphere.

Among them, there are handsome men and beautiful women in formal attire who whispered introductions to the guests during the shuttle.

"Sir, this is the collection area of ​​our Seattle mall."

"Every piece of the collection has been jointly authenticated by many well-known appraisers from Sotheby's headquarters and issued corresponding certificates. The authenticity rate is almost 100%!"

"For example, the sculpture you are looking at is called 'The Boy Holding a Goose', which was made by the famous sculptor Boedos in Chalkidon, Greece. It was originally made of bronze. One of the 16 Roman replicas has an official appraisal certificate issued by Sotheby's auction house and a price list. Its current valuation on the market is 1.95 million dollars..."

It was the first time Ye Feng saw this novel way of selling, and was a little surprised.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao on the side explained, "It is said that it is selling collections, but in fact it is more about helping some well-known auction institutions to build their reputation."

"Just like many directly-operated chain stores we have seen in China, the profits of the physical stores are obviously huge losses every month, but every time a large shopping mall opens, it will continue to open."

"Their core purpose is not to make profits, but to build brand awareness among the circles that come and go to the mall."

"So, the collection here, you can also understand that Sotheby's auction house entrusted it to help sell here, and by the way, to build brand awareness..."

Ye Feng nodded and glanced roughly, "No wonder the things here are very good."

"Almost as the waitress who introduced it said, the authenticity rate is infinitely close to 100%."

However, although the authenticity rate is close to 100%, after a quick glance, he also found a problem—that is, the prices of the things here are basically too high.

If you just buy it yourself, there is basically no profit.

"Antiques and collectibles that don't make much profit are basically useless to buy?"

With such thoughts in mind, when Ye Feng followed Zhuang Xiaoqiao into the collection display area of ​​the Seattle shopping center, he also opened the system's in-depth navigation function.

Prepare to try your luck and see if there is a little surprise here.

Unexpectedly, just as soon as he turned on the deep navigation function, a golden light spot really appeared within his scanning range.

Ye Feng's eyes lit up immediately, and he pulled Zhuang Xiaoqiao and walked over there together.

Seeing this, a waitress here hurriedly followed, "Sir, ma'am, may I help you?"


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