A terrifying sonic explosion.

The entire Pacific Ocean seemed to boil in an instant, and violent earthquakes erupted in cities and islands near the coast in an instant.

The Monkey King doppelganger close to Leviathan was instantly shattered!

The energy of the sound wave squeezed the seawater, and Rena, who opened a seal, snorted, and the blazing sun in her hand shattered.

“Leviathan is awake!”

“Shhhhh What the hell attacked it! ”

“Damn, it’s those alien invaders!”

“Help! I’ve had a tsunami here!! ”

“It’s over, such a huge Leviathan is like a continent!! In this way, I am afraid that the entire Eurasian plate will suffer!! ”



Countless people cried out and wailed, full of despair.

Leviathan’s size is terrifying.

“The Void Particle has successfully penetrated the Leviathan’s body! Then my God Karl’s Void Virus can also…”

In the deep sea, the Devouring King revealed a wisp of excitement.

Following the orders of Karl the God of Death, he poured void particles into the target Leviathan, in an attempt to manipulate the huge lifeform.

Void World.

“Very good! The larger the creature means the more clumsy, but from the void plane, it is only the void data, what a beautiful and wonderful data set, can master such a powerful creature, and even use it to shape a planet that is exclusive to me!! ”

The corners of Death’s mouth raised and his shoulders trembled, and he smiled a little excitedly.

The Void Particle was the strongest killer weapon he had, and he had even banished Divine Kesha in a second time.


The moment the void particle entered Leviathan’s body, this thing was like a virus that had successfully invaded!

You only need to completely infect the target body and control the opponent’s nerve center to perfectly control the Leviathan.

When the time comes.

Leviathan will become the planet of the Dead Realm he shaped!

But at the moment when the void particles invaded Leviathan’s body.

“Six Eight Zero” Leviathan’s dark data appeared in front of Karl, the god of death.

The dissipation on his face disappeared in an instant!


Karl, the god of death, raised his head with a dull expression, and looked at the behemoth in front of him almost dumbfounded.

It’s also incredibly massive and staggeringly dark.

It is like a giant whale.

The dense and complex dark data stream is even stronger than any known living organism.

Karl swears by the Grim Reaper!

Even female angels, who claim to be the strongest life forms in the known universe, their dark data intensity and density are definitely not up to the level of the Leviathan in front of them.

This feels…

“Yes… One world? What are you kidding?! This guy is actually a world in his body?! ”

Death Karl froze.

Display of void planes.

The so-called Leviathan dark data in front of me is like a huge world, with countless different dark data flowing in it, and each dark data seems to represent a living body.

How could there be such wonderful dark data!

You must know that whether it is a whale or an ant, a single life form has only one dark data information chain.

Just as simple as gravity, it is the theoretical basis of the void plane.

Therefore, no matter how large the Leviathan is in reality, it only needs to be that the Void particle virus invades its dark data link, and then infects the virus, and the entire dark data chain is contaminated with the Void Virus.

Once completely voided and implanted with his own manipulation data, he can get a perfect dark data leviathan.

But now.

Death Karl is numb.

He is like an ambitious ant standing in front of a giant.

The move just now has completely angered the giant.


In the void plane, there was even an angry roar from Leviathan.

The void particles were unexpectedly wrapped by countless dark data chains, and then turned into a round of dark data light masses, emitting light and heat in Leviathan’s body and becoming an energy source.

“Actually… Actually devoured my Void Particle?! ”

Death’s voice almost trembled, his eyes widened, his expression was shocked, and he was full of disbelief.

This is a void particle!

Devour Void Particles with your own dark data.

This effect,

It is equivalent to an ordinary person performing an empty-handed bullet catch.

It’s amazing!


And in reality.

The gluttonous legion led by Burning Heart.

“Damn it! It’s a person from the Gluttonous Legion, it seems to be the King of Devouring!! ”

“This bastard has angered Leviathan!!”

“Sister Burning Heart!!”


The angel sister suddenly raised her eyebrows one by one, and her expression was nervous.

The angel was about to speak.

But I heard a thunderous sound.


The Devouring King felt that his cold hair counted down one by one, although he did not have cold hair, but this sense of horror of life and death crisis.

It was as if he had been targeted by a primeval flood beast in an instant.


He instantly realized something was wrong.

Turn around and flee.

But he was shocked to see a round of scarlet blood appear behind him.

Or rather.

It’s one of Leviathan’s eyes.

Because the body size is too large, even one eye is extremely large.

It’s anger!

It is the anger of the giant after being provoked by the ants.


The Devouring King realized something in an instant.

The engines on all four limbs burst out azure flames.

He swears!

Definitely the fastest speed on your own!

It was almost a light.

Boom boom –

A blue light burst out of the sea.

It is the king of devouring who escaped from heaven.

But he inexplicably felt that the sky around him seemed to be dark.

What’s the situation?

The Devouring King raised his head in mid-air with some hesitation, and his electronic eyes flickered wildly the moment he saw the heavenly dome.


It’s a continent!


Leviathan just made a mouth-opening motion.

It was truly a monstrous mouth, and the inside was rocky.

Boom –

The Devouring King didn’t even have time to scream.

Directly swallowed by Leviathan’s abyss mouth.

The terrifying waves even formed a tsunami in an instant, spreading around.

This scene is clearly recorded on the canopy.

“Shhhhhh This mouth feels bigger than the Heavenly King Laozi! ”

“It’s terrifying, is this still a living form?”

“Oh my God! Can support such a huge body of life, what a terrifying degree is the bone strength and cell strength of the leviathan! ”

“This guy is simply like a ferocious beast in myths and legends!”


Countless people exclaimed shock.

[Appendix 1: Old Man of the Turbid Sea – Eden]

“I remember that warmth. That’s the first thing I remember. 】

[The light was also there, and a dying star glowed softly orange.] But that warmth… is difficult to describe. It’s not at all as cold as this place. 】

[There are other beings like me out there. We are large creatures, so we don’t live in a place packed with rocks, the nature system is like that. Our home is filled not with stone, but with soft warmth, with the quiet light of a star that has found its place. 】

A magnificent, old and deep voice suddenly sounded from the sky.

It seems that the old man who has gone through the years is recalling and telling his life.

In a flash.

Countless eyes were attracted by the light curtain.

Because on the screen of the light curtain, an ancient leviathan slowly swimming in the turbid sea appeared.

Special operations team.

“This… This is…… Leviathan’s readme? ”

“Old Man Turbid Sea? This…… Is this guy already very old? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Oh my God, it turns out… It turns out that this Leviathan is also an intelligent race? ”

“What I care about is that the sentence it says… Are there other beings like him out there? What does this phrase mean? ”

“Impossible, right? Could it be that this Leviathan is a tribe? ”


Everyone’s faces changed suddenly.

Mercy Feng couldn’t help but gasp.

If the information that appears on this canopy is accurate, then it is very likely that this is Leviathan’s self-statement.

These guy creatures are actually a tribe!

You know.

Now this one on the earth makes everyone feel a great crisis, and even just snoring on the other side is enough to cause an earthquake, and turning over is a tsunami.

An Earth is like a bathing tub to Leviathan.

And humans, just ants on the bath!

Damn it!

What a bad metaphor!

[When we spend a lot of time as children, we can’t recall it rationally. 】

[No companion can remember this time in their lives, even though the caregiver tells us it’s fun.] 】

[We chase the stars with the joy of forgetting old age, and play in space with a sense of innocence, which some of our companions have spent a long time trying to reinvent.] 】

The deep voice continued to speak, as if reminiscing, as if murmuring.

Legion of Angels.

“Leviathan … It’s intelligent life! This is bad!! ”

“Not only that, Skyblade Seven has analyzed the Leviathan’s data, and this guy’s life intensity even exceeds that of our angels, that is… Most likely longevity! ”

“Longevity? Sister Burn, how long can this Leviathan live? ”

“At least… Millions of years, or even older, in epochs. ”


The angel’s fiery face is also extremely ugly.

This is the database analysis just given by the Heavenly Blade Seven, which connects the treasure house of divine knowledge, which can be said to be the highest and sophisticated database in the entire universe.

Angels often have a lifespan of tens of thousands of years, or even longer.

But it is difficult to exceed 100,000 years, unless it is like Kesha and Queen Hexi who have divine atoms.

And according to the information of the known universe.

Any powerful life form, the larger the size of the body and the more amazing the cells and bones that need to be supported, it will generally develop in the direction of the sphere.


But it can maintain its normal biological form, and the devil knows how scary these guys’ cells are.

Millions of years of lifespan, even the lowest IQ life can accumulate terrifying wisdom and civilization!

I’m afraid that’s exactly what .0 is

In order to make the Leviathan like the message on the sky cannot be recalled, just because it is too long.

But they chase stardom and frolic in space!

“These guys even have the ability to propel planets and easily survive in space! Very tricky! ”

Angel Yan’s voice sounded, she had crossed the worm bridge and would be back soon.

These descriptions are simply amazing!

Rao is an angel who cannot do the same, that is no longer in charge of the universe, but at the level of a true creator.

“We all have a seed within us. As we mature, it evolves. Eventually, it multiplies. 】

[This process… It’s complicated, I’m afraid you can’t understand it. 】

“I would say that we can have some control over this evolution, and many of our people are proud of the complexity and beauty of their creations. 】

“We all have a seed within us. As we mature, it evolves. Eventually, it multiplies. The process… It’s complicated, I’m afraid you can’t understand it. 】

“I would say that we can have some control over this evolution, and many of our people are proud of the complexity and beauty of their creations. 】

The grand and deep voice sounded again.

“Even buy Ka! What do you mean? This leviathan still has a seed in the body? It means… It’s pregnant?! ”

“Hell, isn’t it supposed to give birth on our planet? Ochet!! ”

“God! Amen!! The earth is already so small, a few more leviathans, we can’t live, I’m afraid we won’t even have a place to live by then!! ”

“These guys can even control the evolution of seeds? I don’t understand a little, can I still control the gender of the baby? ”

“The devil knows what kind of monster this is!”


Countless earthlings exclaimed.

This information also made everyone in the special combat team change color.

One head of leviathan also said.

According to this sky screen information, I even wonder if this guy is going to give birth on Earth!

That’s when the time comes, a bunch of leviathans.

Then it’s completely finished!


Malicious One.

“Fantastic!! This Leviathan actually has seeds! Queen, I’m still thinking that something of this size can’t be dealt with at all, but now God also cares for us! As long as you can take this guy’s cub, it is definitely a super cost-effective thing!! ”

Queen Morgana’s beautiful eyes flashed with excitement.

“But Ato! You have to be careful, just now it should be the unlucky bastard of the Devouring King who attacked Leviathan, the unlucky child of Karl, the god of death, I feel that he is not dead yet? I don’t know if he dies or not, but the fool of the Devouring King should be about the same. ”

Morgana reminded.


Demon Ato’s expression was solemn.

He also clearly felt that the beam that had just attacked Leviathan was the Devouring King.

The Devouring King of the Void Body, the peak of three generations.

The combat power is almost the same as Ato, who slaughtered a lot of lives.

If the Eater King guy is all seconds, then Ato’s is also quite dangerous in front of Leviathan.


Merlot Heavenly Court.

“The seed of life… I didn’t expect that there were such powerful life forms in the universe, this Leviathan … Even its own body of 0.7 can build a complete civilization. ”

Tianji Wang Hexi frowned, revealing a hint of worry.

“Yes, you and I have been wandering the universe for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen these monsters, my database has detected the breath of the Heavenly Scum King, and he seems to have released something outdated, Hexi, you need to pay attention, but unfortunately I can’t help you now.”

The phantom of Divine Kesha said faintly.

She is the data body, and it will take time for the entity to recover.

“It’s okay, some broken goods, but this Leviathan… Kesha, do you really think that the people from the reception will appear? ”

Hexi Road.

“Of course, in fact, it doesn’t matter whether we admit it or not, we are all powerless to stop this huge monster, this Leviathan is not only huge, but also has extremely amazing life energy, and even resists Karl’s void particles, so… This guy is actually out of the reach of our angels. ”

Data flow Keisha sighed.

Tianji Wang Hexi smiled bitterly, just as Keisha said, the angel had completely lost the initiative.


We carry this seed all our lives, and thousands of tiny lives are on the brink of germination. Some choose never to let this seed grow, and they are not willing to give up the glory of traveling in space for such an ordinary thing as gardening. But the rest of us, we know what must be done. 】

[So we left.] We left the warm, happy and peaceful star and plunged into the icy void. The parting person will never return. There are no ballads singing about their achievements, no warning about their return since their deaths. Nothing has been heard about them anymore. 】

The magnificent voice continued to sound.

And in the sky screen.

A huge cave suddenly appeared, and familiar figures appeared inside the dim space.


There are human !。 in Leviathan

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