Founding Of The Pacific Ocean, Giving Big Mushrooms To The Little Days

Chapter 106 Micro Fusion Reactor, Just A Giveaway?

[Ground-effect anti-ship missile]

[Full length]: 5.63 meters

【Wingspan】:3.37 meters

[Warhead weight]: 330 kg

[Maximum speed]: Mach 2.7

【Launch Platform】:Multi-platform

Chen Xu presented the relevant parameters of this missile to Putin.

Chen Xu believes that Putin needs this kind of weapon!

Mao Xiong is a typical land power country.

Beginning with the former Kingdom of Urla.

They focus on the development of army equipment.

There was a torrent of steel back then.

The whole West was trembling with fear.

If Ula had the laser anti-missile system of Phoenix Island back then, I'm afraid it would no longer exist in the West.

but now.

Putin must need this kind of anti-missile!

Ground-effect missiles are extremely concealable and are almost impossible to detect by radar... The inability to be detected by radar means that the ship-borne anti-missile equipment cannot function.

The Bear Country is disgusted every day by the navies of Western countries and the Navy of the Great Eagle Country.

Especially on the Ermao battlefield.

The hypersonic missile highly praised by the Bear Country was actually intercepted!

Hypersonic missiles flying at Mach 10 can be intercepted because they move in a straight line and their trajectory can be predicted.

As a result, Western countries are no longer afraid of Mao Xiong’s hypersonic anti-ship weapons.

The navies of Western countries went too far and jumped directly into the face of the Mao Xiong Kingdom.

So Chen Xu thinks.

Putin, needs this kind of missile.

Chen Xu is also happy that Pu Jin has this kind of weapon: this is the ancestor of Mang Ye, a representative figure who starts masturbating whenever he disagrees.

The Furry Bear Nation has checks and balances.

Western countries have no time to deal with themselves!

Surface-effect missiles flew over the sea.

The target ship flying towards the sea at an extremely fast speed——the transport ship that was about to be scrapped.

Putin clearly saw that the ground-effect missile actually underwent extreme trajectory changes when it approached the target.

He knew very well that it was not an attack.

But Phoenix Island was showing him the performance of the missile!

Extreme orbital change.

This makes this missile extremely survivable when intercepted.

How could Putin, who is proficient in military affairs, fail to see the value of this missile?


Along with the sea, there was a loud noise.

The target ship sank!

The water splash is dozens of meters high.

Not to mention explosive power and armor-piercing power.

Just the stealth performance.

Just this exciting performance.

For the current Mao Xiong Country, it plays a vital role in rebuilding maritime deterrence.

Whoa whoosh!


Countless people applauded the trial.

"Is this a suicide drone?"

"I heard from Phoenix Island's official announcement that this is an anti-ship missile.

"Okay, do all anti-ship missiles look like this now? It seems that times have indeed changed."

"Wait a minute, are they trying to sell weapons to the Bear Country? That's a bit powerful."

"I feel that regardless of whether Phoenix Island will become the Sixth Permanent, the relationship between Phoenix Island and the Bear Country will be greatly strengthened in the future. If they also form a so-called military alliance...then the Great Eagle Country will be in tears. Collapse!"

Weapons are on display.

Emperor Pu didn't hide it either.

He asked directly, "Your Majesty the King, can the Bear Country purchase some of your anti-ship missiles? I think we need them."

Chen Xu, "Of course, any products from Phoenix Island are open to the public for sale. What's more, our weapons and equipment can be recognized by the Bear Country, which is also the best recognition for our weapons industry."

External price of ground-effect missile: US$4.7 million/piece

this price.

Compared with anti-ship missiles from other countries in the world, they are already very cheap.

Putin looked at the entourage.

The decision was made immediately: 100 pieces.

That’s $470 million.

Putin also said that he made a request, "Your Majesty the King, could you ask your country to publicize this deal well to the outside world?"

Chen Xu smiled, but it was okay. "

Smart people don’t need to say much.

Putin hopes to publicize it, but he actually hopes that more Western countries will know that the country of the furry bear now has a big killer weapon in its hands!

Pu Jin and Chen Xu were heading to the next location.

The Phoenix Island Diplomatic Agency has gone all out to promote the situation.

[A new anti-ship missile purchase agreement was reached with the Mao Xiong Country, with the contract worth up to 470 million U.S. dollars. 】

[According to an unnamed Ministry of Defense source, this type of anti-ship missile will be the key solution to the problem of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers!]


"Is the Furry Bear Country going to start purchasing missiles from other countries? Has the defense industry of the Furry Bear Nation reached this level?"

"Used to deal with nuclear-powered aircraft carriers? The Bear Country really needs it! Not only the Bear Country needs it, but other countries also need it!"

"There is another possibility. In fact, there are still many killer weapons in the Bear Country, but... they no longer need to be exposed. It is enough for them to hold the weapons of Phoenix Island in their hands! "

"Friend, your interpretation is the most reasonable!"

middle East.

Kangaroo country.

"Cough cough cough!"

Crown Prince Mohammed asked in surprise, "If that kind of mecha can be given as a gift, can it also be sold?"

"If the Bear Country can buy that type of ground-effect missile, can we also buy it?"

The Defense Minister said, "We don't know yet and we need to communicate with Phoenix Island."

The foreign minister also suddenly said, "Your Highness, Mao Xiongguo proposed to consider supporting Phoenix Island to become a permanent member of the Security Council...Does our country need to take a stance on this issue?"

"Support!" the crown prince said directly without thinking, "Phoenix Island has a very firm friendship with us. If they can join the permanent members, it will be beneficial to us."

Think of Judah!

It's so comfortable.

Phoenix Island took action, and this problem that troubled all Arab League countries was completely solved in less than two months.

Even the Great Eagle Country didn’t interfere much!

Therefore, Phoenix Island and the entire Arab League countries are grateful.

Not to mention joining the permanent members, even if Phoenix Island wants to do something more extreme, Camel Country will support it as long as it does not harm the interests of the Arab League countries.


The crown prince said, "Let's make arrangements. When the visit to the Bear Country is over, it's time for me to go to Phoenix Island in person!"

Foreign Minister Fischer nodded, "Okay, Your Majesty."

Great Eagle Country.

President Beit receives surprises every day when he goes to work.

And this surprise is 100% coming from Phoenix Island.

No surprise today.

"Surface-effect anti-ship missile? What is this?"

This name sounds familiar.

Bait didn't think about it for a moment.

Chief Scientific Advisor Samir analyzed the performance of this missile.

Incorporating input from Hexagon engineers.

Made a simple threat analysis report: The threat of this missile to aircraft carriers is still unknown, but to other types of ships, the threat will be fatal!

Destroyers, littoral combat ships, transport ships, supply ships, amphibious warfare ships and more.

Because Great Eagle Country’s aircraft carrier starts at 10,000 tons!

What is the concept of one hundred thousand tons?

Even the aircraft carrier of Great Eagle Country does not offer any defense and will let you explode!

Under the premise that nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles are not applicable.

It may not be able to explode heavily.

Ordinary anti-ship missiles can destroy an Aegis ship.

But it may not necessarily cause damage to the Eagle Country's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

Samir said, "We have never seen a missile that can fly long distances with ground effect. It is impossible for radar to detect it! Even if such a missile is detected with the naked eye, it is almost impossible for ships to intercept it."

"Mr. President, the Hexagon believes that the advent of this anti-ship missile may pose a systemic threat to our navy.


A mecha yesterday.

An anti-ship missile today.

Bait was really confused, "So, what is the opinion of the Ministry of National Defense?"

Samir, "The Hexagon's opinion... Yes, more money needs to be added. Only if Congress approves special funds and conducts research in related fields can we ensure the leadership of the Navy."

. "Bit


Let’s talk about this again.

Does Congress still have the money?

Beitdu was skeptical.

"Let the Department of Defense come up with a solution.

Bait sighed.


Various cooperation agreements signed by Mao Xiong Country and Phoenix Island were announced one after another.

Economic and trade, military, resource cooperation and development, etc.

"The Woolly Bear Country...has really found its way to the east."

"They signed an economic and trade cooperation agreement worth over 200 billion U.S. dollars with Longguo, and now they have signed a similar agreement with Phoenix Island!"

"The Furry Bear Country... feels like it can't be blocked."

When Da Mao and Er Mao start a war.

To financially crush the furry bear.

The entire West has launched unprecedented sanctions against the bear.

Big Eagle Country's plan: Just let the Mao Xiong economy collapse once and for all.

As long as it can be done.


The furry bear will be directly dismembered into several countries.

I didn’t expect that.

In the end, the furry bear not only survived, but was also alive and well.

Phoenix Island.

Chen Xu arranged a very tight schedule for Putin.


Maritime city.

Undersea city.

Robot factory.

Chen Xu even arranged for Putin to visit the "Mecha" factory.


This is the first time Phoenix Island has shown the internal structure of the island to the outside world.

Of course, it's only the internal structure about 50 meters underground.

Going deeper underground, there are no more displays.


This is the name of the mecha.

Like a destroyer.

[Meteorite]-level mecha... After it is built, the pilot can name each mecha.

It is a three-dimensional manufacturing workshop with a height of 30 meters.

Countless robotic arms operate back and forth in the workshop.

The 12-meter-tall mecha is being produced in an orderly manner.

A mechanical arm just grabs the "energy core" and implants it inside the mecha.

was photographed.

Putin asked, "What is that?"

Chen Xu, “Cold fusion reactor... Well, to put it simply, it should be similar to Iron Man’s Ark reactor.


The reporters who followed, "???"

Similar to Iron Man’s Ark Reactor?

Is it the micro fusion reactor that claims to be able to power cities with a population of tens of millions in just the size of a fist?

His Majesty the Emperor.

Is this something that can be brushed off lightly?

The reporters looked at Chen Xu, who still looked relaxed and unconcerned.

The reporters have gone crazy!

"CNN" reporter Alyssa, "Did I hear it wrong? Emperor Chen Xu just said that the mecha uses a micro fusion reactor

!So, where is the technological limit of Phoenix Island? The mechanical core of Iron Man has been manufactured, but to His Majesty the Emperor, is it not worth mentioning? "

"Fox News": This is impossible! He just mentioned Iron Man's Ark reactor! Does he know what this means?

"Pravda": Oh God! Phoenix Island gave us all the mechas with micro-catastrophic reactors! The friendship between the two countries is higher than the mountains and deeper than the sea!

"TV Tokyo": I saw infinite battery life on the "々Meteorite" mecha! Now I know why it can create energy shields. It turns out that there is a micro fusion reactor! This is the best bomb among king bombs!

Putin was stunned for more than ten seconds before he came back to his senses, "Your Majesty the Emperor, is that cold fusion reactor in mass production?"

Chen Xu, "No."

Pujin nodded and said nothing more.

If mass produced.

Bear Country, buy it!

Buy it back and do reverse engineering.

Do your research.

Let’s see if the furry bear country can make one.

Chen Xu said there is no mass production... Obviously, it is impossible for Phoenix Island to sell this kind of thing.


People already have cold fusion reactors, so they are confident enough to announce the tokamak device.

Chen Xu, on the other hand, panicked in his heart: No, it really doesn’t happen.

Mass production of cold fusion reactors requires a level 3 main city.

Great Eagle Country.

White house.

Bait just took a sip of coffee.

Chief Scientific Advisor Samir is here again.

"Mr President.....…"


"It's still about Phoenix Island!"

Beit was speechless!

Day by day.

Don’t deal with anything yourself.

Just keep an eye on Phoenix Island!

Cold fusion reactor? Micro fusion reactor?" Bait asked in surprise, "The same model as Iron Man? What's the significance of this?"

Samir, "Mr. President... this is of great significance! For example, the reactor of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is very large, but if it is replaced with this kind of reactor, it will only be the size of a fist. Can you imagine what will happen?" How much space will it bring for nuclear-powered aircraft carriers?"

"For another example, the important factor that checks and balances the industrial development of Vietnam is energy issues. But if this kind of reactor is used, basically a micro-reactor can solve the electricity consumption of a city, then Vietnam can rise to become an industrial manufacturing center! "


So outrageous?


Wouldn’t the Mao Xiong Kingdom, which has acquired a mecha, also acquire this technology?

"Oh, God!"

"Chen Xu should have been tied up, locked up in a secret prison, and exchanged for some technology from Phoenix Island!"

"I didn't expect how long it would take for their technological level to reach this level?"

Great Eagle Country.

I feel a little regretful now!

A full day's visit.

Putin’s (money is good) visit is also over.


What a gift.

The Bear Country ordered several stratospheric transport aircraft from Phoenix Island.

Just send them over together.

After the product is handed over.

Putin got on the IL-96.

Chen Xu dispatched fighter jets to escort.

Several stratospheric transport planes also followed back home.

Still in the air.

Putin received news that the Ermao State had organized a powerful counterattack.

More than 20 M1A2 Abrams tanks, 30 Panthers, and various types of armored vehicles were invested. With the help of the Patriot defense system, more than 5,000 people were mobilized to launch an attack on a major town!

I should say raid.

Department of Defense Judgment.

This should be the end of the war. If we cannot achieve results that satisfy the West, I am afraid that the Republic of China will not even be able to get military assistance from my concubine in the future.

Because the direction of the attack happens to be the weak link in the Mao Xiong Kingdom's defense, the current advancement speed is very fast.

Emperor Pu only had a second before he immediately made up his mind, "Put this [Meteorite] mecha directly into the battlefield!"

Instructions conveyed.

A stratospheric transport plane changed its course and continued heading towards Europe.

Just right.

Putin wanted to see it too.

What is the actual combat capability of this kind of mecha!

If it is like what Chen Xu said, it can be regarded as helping Phoenix Island to do some publicity!

The west.

A battlefield that has been going on for two years.

For drivers.

We are really at the end of our strength.

If it cannot achieve a record that satisfies the West.

Drivers will no longer be able to receive military assistance.

Because the attention of the Eagle Kingdom and the West is now on Judah, Kangaroo Kingdom, and Phoenix Island.

The frontal surprise attack launched this time bypassed the main battlefield and detoured from the side.

The Bear Country had no time to react.

The driver’s decision was: Why should the war happen in our country? The land troops are about to invade the territory of the Bear Country!

The war is about to be introduced into the country of Mao Xiong!

only if!

Only Western countries will provide military assistance and weapons and equipment without hesitation!

The driver did not retreat!

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