Pang Feiyang's investigation has indeed yielded results.

He is a person who keeps his promises. He promised Qin Lele that he would not break his word just because the other party was smaller and looked soft and easy to bully.

Almost as soon as the two sides were separated, he began to poking and inquiring secretly.

He himself has a good personality, he is exquisite in all aspects of the Taoist temple, and he is a disciple who is very trusted and valued by the temple master, and everyone will not hide it.

Summarizing those clues, Pang Feiyang came up with an approximate address.

"In a village under the small town I mentioned, there is a large breeding farm in it, which actually belongs to Master Cao. Someone once saw his disciples come and go there frequently, and it should be managed for him."

What puzzled Pang Feiyang was that Cao En actually let people hide this matter. Although everyone secretly discussed Cao En's preferences, he really had no need to hide it.

"Super farm?"

The little cute eyeballs have turned into the shape of drumsticks.

A chicken leg flew over, another chicken leg flew over... Everyone circled in the air, and then they all jumped into her mouth obediently.

"Suck it."


Pang Feiyang heard the voice and looked at her suspiciously.

The little cute has already picked up a piece of cake with a smile and handed it to Pang Feiyang.

"Give it to you~"

Pang Feiyang put the doubts aside. There is a reward for running errands, this Qin Lele is really on the road. He completely forgot that the pastry was actually provided by their Taoist temple.

He also explained one more sentence, "Don't worry, I didn't ask clearly, it was all round-about questions. Under normal circumstances, the other party would not doubt it."

Little cute blinked and pretended not to understand. She carried the snack tray into the hall, and distributed the snacks to her two brothers, Xiao Tongtong and Ji Ting. After thinking about it, she gave it to Zhuang Yan and Lanse. The rest was swallowed.

Xing Ling: "Are you targeting me?" He didn't!

The little cutie showed the empty plate and tilted her head, "What did you say?"

Xing Ling snorted.

Ji Ting didn't care much, just simply felt strange.

"It's too strange that Junior Sister would take the initiative to share food."

He scratched his hair, "Could it be that Junior Sister will harvest more food?"

According to past experience, there is only one possibility for a foodie girl to export food, that is, she is about to have a lot of food, and she doesn't care about these small snacks at all.

Their table suddenly fell silent, and they all looked at Qin Lele who was holding the disc.

Cutie pouted in dissatisfaction, "Could it be that Lele has such an image in your hearts? Hmph, Lele is going to be angry."

Qin Haikuo gave her a relief with a smile, "The first dish is here, it's boiled chicken, do you want to eat it?"

"Eat, eat, eat!"

The little cutie instantly forgot the unpleasantness and shook her chopsticks.

Overall, the food is good and the taste is acceptable. That's right, after seeing the chicken that was comparable to a pig, she felt that these chicken legs were too small.

"The more Lele eats, the more hungry she becomes."

On the way back, Cutie clutched her stomach, "It would be great if I could eat a leg of that chicken."

Xiaotongtong understands her concerns, but when the host wants to eat, when do you need to look ahead?

He said, "Actually, we can steal a chicken tonight, and then frame the blame... Well, there must be a lot of wild animals in the back mountain, and they will go down the mountain for food."

"Good idea!"

Then there is only one question, how to break the formation.

She has a lot of props, and she can use props or brute force to alarm Cao En.

"It's time to sacrifice the beauty of Brother Fourteen."

Xiaotongtong: "???"

Wu Zhuming did not appear at the reception.

It is said that after the spectator Wen Xin took Wen Xin's tears away, he eagerly followed. Later, Wen Xin attended the reception banquet, but neither his favorite disciple nor Wu Zhuming appeared.

But when everyone returned to their residence, they saw Wu Zhuming standing under a tree, looking into the distance.

"Hey, Senior Brother Fourteen, why are you standing up again?"

Because of the long journey, Jie Baitian's suggestion is that it is better to use a wheelchair when going out. To rehab, or come back, rehab in a safe and secure environment.

Everyone is mentally prepared, Wu Zhuming will be sitting in a wheelchair for the past few days.

The handsome-looking man looked back at a few people and walked a few steps in place.

Several people are puzzled.

He simply strode towards Qin Lele, picked him up, and weighed him a few times.


After falling down again, the little cutie hugged his neck in a conditioned reflex, and her already big eyes opened wider.

"Senior Brother Fourteen, are your legs okay?"

The man nodded with a smile.

The little cutie felt strange, jumped down, squatted on the ground, looked at his legs carefully, and reached out to tap, with great strength.

In the past, she wouldn't have dared to do this, just treating Wu Zhuming as a fragile porcelain.

Not only that, but she also treats her senior brother with a wonderful hand rejuvenation every day.

"Strange, it's even more powerful than (Miao Shou Huichun), Senior Brother Fourteen, what did you do before?"

Wu Zhuming did not intend to hide it.

"I went to see Senior Wen and talked for a while, and he gave me a holy treasure."

Several people immediately understood that it was this holy treasure that completely cured Wu Zhuming.

"Go back to the room and talk."

Zhuang Yan looked back and saw that the Chongxiao Temple in the twilight had a gloomy feeling.

"Be careful that the partition wall has ears."

Everyone simply ran to Wu Zhuming's room.

"That holy treasure is a special lotus, also called holy lotus. The quality is lower than the holy treasure found by the second uncle, but it can cure all poisons, heal bones, and save people who are dying."

Qin Haikuo and Qin Xi didn't understand, but they didn't show their cowardice.

If you want to participate in this world, it is always right to gain more knowledge and increase your courage.

Lancer whispered: "I heard Lan Ling mentioned this, but I heard that he lost his whereabouts decades ago. I didn't expect it to be in the hands of Senior Wen."

"He only has half of it in his hand," Wu Zhuming looked more attractive after his body had completely recovered. Standing there, he felt powerful and trusted, "This half is enough to cure me, and there will be no any side effects."

"Then here comes the problem."

The little cutie has a straight face and is very serious.

"It's so expensive, no, it's priceless. Even if it's only half of it, it's very valuable. He gave it to senior brother for nothing." She opened her mouth. "Senior brother, you shouldn't sell yourself, right?"

Wu Zhuming suddenly looked embarrassed.

The single dogs present suddenly smelled the fragrance of food.

"Free?" Xing Ling sighed with emotion, "I heard that Senior Wen loves his disciple Wen's tears very much, and even treats him as his own daughter, it seems to be true."

Wen Hsiao-tear waited for Wu Zhuming for five years, but he was not angry. Wen Xianlei took the risk alone, and he was not angry. Now, the holy treasure must be given to Wu Zhuming. This boy is so lucky!

After sending off the people outside Qingshuiguan, Wu Zhuming touched his nose and told his brothers and sisters.

"Actually, the senior asked me one thing at the time. He said that if there is a conflict between the Chongxiao Temple and the Qingshui Temple in the future, I hope I can protect the tears, and don't let her be wronged, and don't force her to make a choice."

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