Qin Xi ran to the martial arts gym and selected a few coaches to learn from each other.

Several coaches looked at each other, and the emotion of resignation appeared in their eyes.

As they expected, all of them were beaten to the ground.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the evening that Qin Xi returned to Qin's house.

He had a dark face, full of anger, walking and leading the way. When passing by several servants, those servants lowered their heads deeply and did not dare to look at him.


A cold snort spread far away with the wind, and several servants buried their heads lower and moved faster.

Qin Xi stepped into the hall with a full face, only to find that there were quite a lot of people in the hall.

Qin Jian and Ye Ru are all here, Qin Ping and Qin An are also there, but the little milk baby's figure is not recorded.

He patrolled around and made sure that there was no figure of the little milk baby before he spoke impatiently.

"Why are you back so early?"

Generally, guests will not leave until midnight for this kind of welcome party.

What's more, it was a banquet held by the Qin family, and everyone cherished the opportunity to make friends with the Qin family.

Qin Xi didn't live like a rich young master, but he was always a rich young master. He knew something very well in his heart.

Recalling that at the banquet, someone looked at the little milk baby with unkind eyes, and at the moment when he didn't see the little milk baby, he became more and more irritable.

"There is no way someone will bully that little fat man. That little fat man is hiding his crying nose, right?"

Qin Ping several people: "..."

Because of Qin Haikuo, Qin An's nerves became more sensitive, and when he heard Qin Xi's words, he became more vigilant.

A strong vigilance flashed in Peach Blossom's eyes.

The fox had an idea and found a way to stimulate the wolf.

"I didn't expect you to care about Lele so much. It seems that you like this little sister."

Qin Xi's expression changed, he turned around and walked away. When he stepped on the stairs, he deliberately stepped on his voice.

There are carpets on the stairs, and it is difficult for him to step on the sound.

After a while, there was a ‘bang’ on the second floor, Qin Xi closing the door heavily.

On the first floor, Qin Ping glanced at Qin Xi calmly before looking at his parents.

"You go to rest and leave the rest to me."

He also especially asked Qin Jian.

"My father is very concerned about the company's business recently, he is busy, there is no need to pay attention to the clown."

Qin Jian: "..."

He used his work to calculate his eldest son, but he did not expect that he would be turned against him.

But after all, it was old ginger. Within a second, Qin Jian thought of a way to fight back.

Qin Ping suddenly lowered his posture, "Recently, after listening to my father's teaching, I discovered that I have many shortcomings and still have a lot to learn. Even if I don't sleep, I will study seriously."

Qin Jian: "..."

In the next second, his arm was unscrewed.

The only ones who dare to do something with him are his wife except his mother.

The two were close, the others could not see clearly, but Qin Jian could feel his wife's force getting stronger and stronger.

With great strength, the voice that speaks to his son is gentle and distressed.

"There is no need to persecute yourself so much. You are still young. Anyway, your father is back. You will leave most of the work in the company to him. Take a good rest."

Qin Jian: "..."

Two kingly men looked at each other.

Similar eyebrows, similar temperament, eyes fighting in the air.

Qin Ping VS Qin Jian.

Qin Pingsheng.

Seeing her husband and eldest son looking at each other, Ye Ru gently took Qin Jian's arm, "Why don't we go back to the room now?"

Qin Jian: "..."

The two left.

Qin An reacted in shock for a long time and couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, the old man's expression is absolutely amazing!"

Qin Xi's room.

The big wild wolf lay on the bed, turning around irritably.

He touched the pillow subconsciously and felt empty.

Usually, the little paper man would sit here very presumptuously, gnawing and holding a book.

Accompanied by the sound of "click, click", Qin Xi slept well, and was less irritable during the day, and didn't get very angry.


Sitting up irritably, Qin Xi thought for a while and called the hotel manager.

"Send me the surveillance monitoring."

"Do you want to investigate by yourself? But the monitoring has been handed over to the police, and the third master can actually rest assured."

Climbing up to Mo eyebrow inch by inch.


Ten minutes later, Qin Xi cracked the bedside table with a fist.

"Tian Yao? Guo Ming?"

The big wild wolf's face became more and more gloomy, and his eyes rolled with anger.

He pulled his hands, time after time.

It is almost conceivable that if Guo Ming or Tian Yao were in front of him at this moment, they would definitely be torn apart by him.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of ‘Kacha Kacha’.

Very familiar, since he was rescued by the little milk baby, he has often heard this voice.

The hostility retreated like a tide, Qin Xi twisted his neck and looked at the desk.

But I saw a small paper man who was not as big as a palm, was holding a book, and gnawing quickly.

"Crack, click."

Qin Xi made an action that did not conform to his temperament.

He rubbed his eyes, and then rubbed his eyes, the action is very similar to the little milk baby when rubbing his eyes!

Get out of bed and walk slowly to the desk.

Hearing the movement, the little paper man turned his head and glanced at him slowly.

This slow motion is also very similar to that of a little milk baby.

The little paper man turned back slowly and continued to chew the paper. The appearance of eating was very similar to its owner.

A finger sneaked close to the little paper man, and when the little paper man was not paying attention, he pushed him down.

The little paper man didn't take precautions, and rolled around on the spot.

Sitting on the desk, the little paper man seemed a little confused.

After a few seconds, it reacted, stood up, and pointed Qin Xi with a chubby finger, as if cursing.

Realizing that he couldn't make a sound, the little paper man angrily hugged Qin Xi's fingers, biting them!

The same pain as in memory.

Qin Xi suddenly laughed.

Even if the big wild wolf laughed, he still had a trace of sorrow. But the wicked smile on the corner of his lips made him look even more childish.

"You are coming back yourself."

Qin Xi pretended not to know, and the little paper man would not be able to return without the consent of the owner.

"Then you are mine."

He grabbed the little paper man and placed it in his palm. Qin Xi went out and came to the little nurse's room.

He didn't rush in, but waited patiently at the door for a while.

If he heard a small snore, he would not bother the other party.

After waiting for a while, the big wild wolf frowned and didn't hear the little milk baby's snoring or the sound of walking or eating.

"what are you doing here?"

Looking back, it was Qin Ping.

Qin Xi: "She is inside?"

Qin Ping: "Should be asleep."

Qin Xi shook his head, very sure, "She is not asleep, nor is she inside."

Qin Ping's expression changed, he strode over, knocked on the door, and opened the door without any movement.

There was no one in the room, not even the little pink quilt was opened.

at the same time.

The little milk baby sat in the back row, commanding Qin Haikuo.

"Haikuo Gege, drive faster, Lele is anxious to get to work~"

As the driver, Qin Hai smiled with a good temper.

"Yes, Princess Lele."

The vehicle drove to the hospital where Qin Haikuo worked, as well as the hospital where Guo Ming stayed.

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