The cake in my mouth is not fragrant anymore.

The little milk baby jumped up directly.


Andrie hugged her subconsciously, then realized that this was wrong, and wanted to put her down again.

So far, no one has beaten the little milk baby in strength, even boxing champion Qin Xi is also the defeat of the little milk baby.

She held Andri tightly like a tree vine.

No matter how much he pulls, he can't pull it off, and Andri can only give up.

Ye Yang only felt a humming in his head.

"How could it be so coincidental?"

The little milk baby rubbed Andri's cheek happily, and still had time to reply to Ye Yang.

"It's such a coincidence, what is this called Xincheng?"

[Divine calculation system: due to sincerity, Jinshi is open. 】

The little milk baby immediately repeated it, and then smiled at Hiromi who was lying on the ground.

"It's kind of you to be all small."

The furry dog ​​covered his face with paws.

The system is still not used to such straightforward praise.

Ye Yang muttered, "I actually didn't plan to find Ye Hua at all."

This is a very real problem. Ye Yang and this cousin do not know each other, have no feelings, and are not eager to find a cousin.

Just like before, even if he knew there was a cousin, because he had never contacted, his attitude was very casual. Later, it was really fragrant.

Andri is the most confused person.

"What are you talking about? Are you looking for me?"

Ye Yang: "I am not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!"

The little milk baby explained with a smile: "You are the child of Lele's Ma Ma's second sister, so you are also Lele's cousin."

The little milk baby happily reported to him about his family tree, saying how many people there are in his family, how many brothers his father has, and what children his father’s brothers have, and then began to say which sisters and children the mother has.

Andri didn't believe it.

"I only know that my mother's surname is Ye, and I named me Ye Hua. I hope I learn Chinese. I don't know anything else."

But the fact is that the situation of the second aunt in Ye Yang's mouth is very similar to his experience.

His mother died the year after he gave birth.

"Andrigg, if you don't believe it, you can ask someone else? Someone must know it."

Andri thought of his father.

Immediately, he thought of his impatient and contemptuous attitude when he asked his mother's relatives when he was a child.

Just when Andri was hesitant, the little milk baby had already happily reported to Qin Ping.

"Da Ge Ge, Lele has found Yehua Ge Ge, he is Andri Ge Ge, Le Le is here now."

Without waiting for Qin Ping's response, the little milk baby made a serious promise, "Don't worry, Lele will definitely steal Andrrigg out and recognize you!"

Qin Ping: Not necessary.

Qin Ping couldn't even say the words of refusal, so the little nanny hung up the phone happily and continued to stick to Prince Andri.

She casually said: "No wonder Lele is very curious when she hears Andrrigg's name. After seeing Andrrigg's name, she likes it very much. This is fate~"

Little milk baby's mouth, a deceitful ghost.

Hiromi "Wow" called several times.

[Divine calculation system: You are curious when you hear his name, just because he is a prince. You are very happy to see him because he is docile and bully. 】

With the older brother forgetting the system, the little milk baby cares about dismantling everything and not dismantling the platform, what to hear and what to say.

It is unknowable how others think, and Andri is indeed softened a bit, even believe a bit.

He made up his mind to confront his father and ask clearly what was going on.

His half-brothers and sisters are related to him, which he hates.

But as a little milk baby and he is related, it seems pretty good.

In a daze, Andri followed the little nanny to the courtyard.

Here is a century-old tree with lush branches and strong trunks that are easy to climb.

When the little nurse saw this big tree, she liked it very much.

She communicates with the system in her mind.

"This tree is like a tree in Qingshuiguanhoushan~"

[Divine Mathematical System: Which one do you often climb? 】

"Yeah, right, Lele really wants to climb~"

When Andri and Ye Yang reacted, the little milk baby had already climbed up quickly, and it was climbing higher and higher.

"Look, Lele is here, great, right?"

Andri and Ye Yang looked up, their expressions changed.

"It's too high, come down quickly."

The little milk baby climbed up the tree, just like returning home, she was fearless and cheerful.

"After going down the mountain, Lele can no longer climb trees casually, so happy~"

The system can only be called under the tree.

Andrie looked at it.

"I'll bring the ladder over."

Ye Yang couldn't wait, and simply climbed up.

It's just that his movements are very clumsy.

The little milk baby found that he was also climbing a tree, and she cheered up and cheered.

"Yeyang Gege, come on, you can definitely do it!"

Ye Yang was so energetic, he gritted his teeth and didn't want to lose face in front of his sister.

After Andri struggled to take a ladder, he found that Ye Yang had also ran to the tree.

Once and again, and the ladder was too heavy, the prince who had always paid attention to appearance was a little embarrassed.

At this moment, he is not only embarrassed, but also brave all over his body.

Andri has never been angry, even if an illegitimate child ran up to him and clamored, he was indifferent.

The royal family does not recognize the inheritance rights of illegitimate children.

Unless these people's mothers can marry Prince Louis, no matter how much they shout, it's useless.

Andri, who had a good temper for eighteen years, broke out at this moment.

He sullenly stared at the two people on the tree.

"Hurry down."

The little milk baby had a meal and looked carefully at Andri's expression.

"He seems to be really angry."

Ye Yang disdain: "When you get angry, you get angry, even if it's a cousin?"

When saying this, Ye Yang hugged a tree trunk tightly, trembling all over.

He cheered himself up in his heart, his sister is still there, it's just such a height, don't be afraid, don't persuade!

Andri placed the ladder, regardless of etiquette, he was going to go up and grab the two naughty children off.

However, far away, he heard his father's roar.

"Andry, what are you doing?"

Andri moved for a while, and quickly said to the two people on the tree, "Hide you guys."

Prince Louis brought several people over, and looked left, right, and looked up. He didn't find anyone else, so he could only send his anger on Andri.

"What the **** are you doing? Is this what a prince should do?"

He went from the prince's increase in appetite in the past two days to his embarrassed appearance, and then to the time when he moved a ladder.

In short, Andri, who is very good to the outside world, is a waste in front of him.

Prince Louis, who has a very good temper, is now a fire-breathing dinosaur with a terrifying face.

"Andry," Prince Louis looked at him with a dangerous expression, "Are you hiding something from me?"

Andri's face is pale, his head is lowered, and he doesn't say a word.

The hand hanging aside squeezed tightly, and the nails plunged into the palm.

"Andri, I am your father!"

"Then I'm still your old man!"

The sudden sound made Prince Louis look around vigilantly, and the few people he brought also made a defensive posture.

No one.

Only Andri could hear that it was the voice of the little milk baby.

"Andry," no outsider was found, and the flustered Louis could only vent his anger on Andry, "are you pretending to be a fool?"

He stepped forward, raised his hand, and was about to slap Andri.


He didn't hit Andri, it was more like hitting an iron plate.


Louis clutched his face in red and said, looking at Andri incredulously.

At this time, a pair of scissors appeared in the air, in front of everyone, and began to cut Prince Louis's hair.

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