Along the way, the little nanny was thinking about it.

"Damn it, Lele predicted Da Ge Ge's working hours, and Da Ge Ge in turn predicted Lele!"

"A little bit Lele made it happen!"

"Where is the rest of the cake?"

"Why can't Lele count?"

If Qin Ping would be in front of him, the angry little milk baby would definitely attack him with a small pink fist, and would roll around him, use eighteen martial arts, and trick the cake into his hands.

When this person is not there, the little milk baby can only punch into the air.

Yang Ding was so frightened that he dared not come out.

Fearing that the little milk baby would be so angry that he would beat him later, he drove the car to a certain dessert shop and bought her some desserts.

This is a restaurant and dessert that was randomly selected in a hurry, but the taste is unexpectedly good.

The little milk baby was quickly coaxed, biting the spoon and humming a few times.

She took out her phone to take a photo, shook her legs proudly, and sent the photo to Qin Ping.

"Sample, even if you hide the cake, Lele can still eat delicious~"

After sending the photo, the little nanny quickly ate the mousse, then picked up the breakfast and enjoyed it slowly.

The cockatiel also flew into the car.

It subconsciously wanted to speak, and realized that there were outsiders there, jumped a few times on the sofa seat, and chose to communicate with the host in its mind.

[Divine calculation system: But Lele, if you send the photo to Qin Ping, doesn't he know that you are stealing dessert outside? 】

Qin Ping knew the appetite of the little milk baby, and vaguely guessed that this appetite was related to that kind of magical strength, so he did not control the amount of food.

But this big brother with a strong sense of responsibility strictly controls the sugar intake of the little milk baby.

After the little milk baby entered the teeth-changing period, Qin Ping and her started various duels.

One is a way to eat dessert, and the other is a way to stop the other person from eating it.

There are winners and losers.

The two even made an agreement, but the little milk baby is a typical ‘I know it’s wrong, I will dare next time’ players, and the agreement is often invalid.

But even the little naughty baby doesn't want to face the cold face of the big brother and the nagging education like the old mother. If she can hide it from the sky, she will definitely hide it.

Suddenly, she was reminded that the little milk baby became stiff, and even the buns in her mouth were not fragrant anymore.

In the next second, the little fat poke on the phone with his hands.

"Withdraw quickly!"

The time limit has expired and cannot be withdrawn.

The little milk baby started to face the mobile phone.

"I didn't see it, I didn't see it, I didn't see it!"

After a long series of reading, Qin Ping's news happened to come in.

【I see. 】

a bolt from the blue!

The little milk baby hurriedly threw the phone aside, pretending that she hadn't seen the news.

Yang Ding secretly observed the expression of the little milk baby through the rearview mirror.

Looks very unhappy, will she help?

Yang Ding became anxious.

The vehicle eventually parked in the parking lot of a hotel.

Yang Ding took the little milk baby on the elevator, and introduced Daniel's situation to her.

"Mr. Daniel seems to be very unlucky. Last night, after I finished the phone call with you, he was walking and suddenly fell."

Probably because of too many accidents, Daniel's skill is unexpectedly agile.

However, no matter how quick the reaction was, he couldn't resist the bad luck, and he was often injured.

Yang Ding had only been with him for one day, and he watched him have several more bruises.

"Lele," Yang Ding humbly asked for advice, "what is going on in his situation? Is it inherently unlucky?"

"I don't know, Lele wants to see it."

The little milk baby succeeded in persuading herself, only when her eldest brother did not see the photos she posted. This will be energized again, very curious about the unlucky physique in the legend.

Yang Ding knocked on the door.

No one opened.

"It's weird, Mr. Daniel said, he will take a day off before going out to gather for inspiration. Is this supposed to be in the room?"

Yang Ding can only call the other party.

"Hey, there's a bell ringing inside~"

The little milk baby's ear was pressed against the door, and she heard the bell clearly.

Panic climbed onto Yang Ding's handsome face.

"Couldn't something happen to him again? I accidentally fell and knocked out and fainted?"

Xiao Niwa was planning to let Xiao all help to open the door, and the door was pushed outward.

She could only step back a few steps, waiting for the people inside to completely open the door.

The first thing that caught your eye was a pair of long legs.

Little milk baby: (⊙o⊙)

She looked at the long legs in surprise and envy, slowly looking upwards, just as Daniel was looking down at her.

With her eyes facing each other, the little milk baby shouted directly, "Handsome guy!"

There are a lot of handsome men and beautiful women I have seen.

In the mountains, many younger brothers look good, even the older ones, they look good, and they must have fascinated many people when they were young.

Later, when I went down the mountain, most of the men and women I met were good, especially some of the older brothers, each of whom was so handsome, which directly improved her aesthetics and the standard of seeing people.

Under this kind of cruel competition, this mixed-race named Daniel is actually as handsome as a few of his brothers.

His hair color is pale blonde, or linen gold to be precise, giving a very high-end feel.

This hair color makes Daniel's complexion extremely pale.

There are no freckles on his face, which gives people the illusion that this face is carefully crafted.

High-class hair color, high-class face, there is gloom between the eyebrows and eyes, and the whole person is a bit tired of the world.

Overall, he is a handsome guy.

The little milk baby said ‘Wow’.

"How are you handsome, I am Lele!"

Daniel pressed his head, looked away from her Xiaoyuan face, and looked at Yang Ding.

Yang Ding asked nervously, "Did you bump your head again?"

Daniel sighed.

After he found out that Yang Ding had left, he was even more unlucky.

"Come on, let's go in and talk."

Yang Ding pushed the little milk baby forward, closed the door, and introduced to Daniel, "I will tell you that this is Master Qin Lele. She is a very powerful and famous master of metaphysics. Most people want to find her. It's not necessarily reasonable."

The little milk baby puffed up her chest in cooperation, and looked full of air.

She also glanced at Daniel with her eyes.

Daniel did not respond.

"What is a master of metaphysics?"

Yang Ding was startled, and grumbled a bunch of explanations.

Daniel then looked at the little milk baby with a bad expression.

"Psychic? Liar?"

Little milk baby: "!"

The little milk baby blows her hair on the spot.

"You are a liar! Your whole family is a liar!"

The little naughty baby who doesn't know how to scold people tossed over and over again just a few words.

"Le Le is not a foreign psychic with no level."

Daniel made it clear that he didn't believe it.

He is just a bit tired of the world, coupled with the designer's usual arrogance, when he gets along with Yang Ding, he is still normal. This will know that the little milk baby is a master of metaphysics, and he will immediately start chasing people.

"You are not welcome here."

Daniel stared at the small round face for a few seconds, and thought to himself that Bai had grown this face, he was actually a liar.

"get out."

Little milk baby: "!"

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