After the end of the play, Wei Rou took the phone from the assistant, and after seeing the message from the female assistant, she curled her lips triumphantly.

Realizing that someone was looking at herself with strange eyes, Wei Rou swept over it unwillingly, and the few people immediately bowed their heads.


Wei Rou sneered. When she succeeded, these people who watched her jokes secretly would sooner or later rush to flatter her.

She raised her foot and walked towards the lounge, and at the same time told her assistant to hide in the dark to shoot.

Seeing Liu Cai holding his head and swaying over, Wei Rou went straight up and performed a touch of porcelain.

With tears in her beautiful eyes, she stared sadly at Liu Caimingyan's face.

"I know I'm not as good as Sister Cai, but Sister Cai doesn't have to push people, right?"

Wei Rou performed sadly for a while, making sure that the assistant had taken enough material before the mission was really carried out.

Being immersed in the joy of success, Wei Rou didn't realize it, and Liu Cai occasionally looked at her with foolish eyes.

The first-rate acting Liu Cai pretended to take the hallucinogenic drug, and followed Wei Rou into a caravan without a trace.

She thought that this person would use the most indiscriminate tricks to destroy her reputation, hiding in the RV, maybe it was a male artist who wanted to hype, or a disgusting man who coveted her.

The social environment is like this. Once she gets caught in this kind of scandal, her reputation plummets and the insults come over all over the world, which may affect the Qiming Entertainment in which she has a stake.

Just when Liu Cai was pretending to be confused, she heard Wei Rou say to the people in the car in a flattering voice, "Master Shang, I brought it."

The door was opened, and Liu Cai was pushed down by Wei Rou and staggered into the car.

She deliberately sank to the ground, her eyes were clear for an instant, and she quickly glanced at the hem of the clothes known as Master Shang.

Gray long gown, cloth shoes, there is a touch of sandalwood scent on his body.

Soon someone helped her up and pressed her on the seat beside her.

Liu Cai didn't dare to look any more, pretending to be muddled and unconscious, her eyes lost and dizzy, as if she didn't know where she was.

Master Shang didn't look at her, but said to Wei Rou, "What's next has nothing to do with you."

Wei Rou smiled stiffly, as if she wanted to indulge in Master Shang, and even mentioned President Ma.

"Mr. Ma over there..."

Master Shang: "I will discuss with him."

Wei Rou could only step back and watched the RV galloping away.

"Bah, I can only put on airs," Wei Rou was full of disdain, "If I have the ability, why should I prescribe medicine? Just waved and used a talisman, wouldn't Liu Cai be tricked around?"

She didn't believe in that master at all, but that master was a guest of President Ma, and she had to be obedient.

"Fortunately, I made a lot of videos, so I can at least step on Liu Cai's position."

She showed a standard vicious female partner smirk, twisted her waist, and walked in the direction of the crew.

"Speaking of it," for a moment, Wei Roufu felt very spiritual, "I gave Liu the medicine under the guise of Dou Zuo, wouldn't the liar instruct me under the guise of President Ma?"

She hurriedly pulled out her mobile phone, only to remember that she did not have Mr. Ma's contact information, so she could only contact his secretary.

Ma is always a one-sided and extremely cold-hearted person, and Wei Rou starts to hesitate again, but in the end he still didn't dial out the phone.

"Anyway, the unfortunate one is Liu Cai, I don't care..."

A short figure suddenly appeared in the field of vision, and when she saw her, the white and fat little face showed a smile.

Wei Rou's face turned pale for a moment.

Ordinary children don't have such a lethal power, she recognized this little milk baby.

"You are the kid in the hospital!"

Wei Rou whitened her face and looked left and right. She didn't see the other helpers. She couldn't help but grinned and walked closer.

"Last time you deliberately recorded and asked your brother to threaten me, I finally found a chance to take revenge."

A parrot flapped its wings, and its sharp claws ran across her cheek.

Before she hurt the little milk baby, Wei Rou's face was scratched, and she covered her face and wailed.

"Ah! My face!"

"Small things, good job!"

The little milk baby gave a thumbs up.

Not long after she had afternoon tea, she could walk in a naive manner, like a little bear.

The system that turned into a parrot secretly filmed this scene and kept it secretly.

Seeing this same scene, Wei Rou, whose face was scratched, was terrified.

"Don't come here! What are you doing?"

The little milk baby made a deliberate ‘Oh Woo’, and she rushed towards her, making Wei Rou directly sit on the ground in fright.

With a cat-cat punch, Wei Rou no longer has the power to resist.

When the little milk baby was about to be bullied again, Andri's gentle dissuasion sounded in her ears.

"Lele, you have just finished eating, so you can't exercise vigorously."

The little milk baby retracted her small fist and looked at this cousin innocently.

Wei Rou, who had escaped a disaster, breathed a sigh of relief, and even had a good impression of this clean and gentle boy.

Andri said again: "She has too many germs on her body, and the little heart has your hands."

Astonished crawling into her pupils, Wei Rou's lips trembled slightly, "You, why are you speaking so viciously?"

Andri looked at her gently, and nodded politely, "Maybe I speak more directly, I'm sorry."

Wei Rou almost fainted.

When she saw the assistant being dragged over, Wei Rou didn't faint, even a little scared.

"What are you going to do?"

The little milk baby followed her gaze and found that Daniel had successfully completed the task, caught Wei Rou's assistant, and also got the DSLR, and grinned.

"You are still pretty good!"

A small panic flashed past, and Daniel blinked uncomfortably before complaining, "I'm not your bodyguard, why do you let me arrest people?"

"Because Sange went to chase the car, you can only go."

This was not the answer Daniel wanted. He couldn't get angry with the little milk baby, so he pushed the assistant to the ground with disgust.

Wei Rou's assistant: "..."

"Why does he have scars on his body? Daniel, did you beat it?"

The little milk baby stared at the assistant's arms and trouser legs, and said to herself, "It seems that it was not a beating, but a fall."

The assistant almost blushed.

After being found, he turned around and ran. He didn't take a few steps and fell. He could only get up tenaciously, continue running, and fall again.

Occasionally I looked back, but saw this foreigner strolling approaching in a leisurely manner, not in a hurry at all.

He was caught because of constant wrestling, but he was wronged!

Wei Rou slapped the aggrieved assistant, "Why are you so useless?"

The assistant covered her face and almost shed tears when she was wronged.

"Don't fight," Xiao Niwa looked at this scene with a grin, "After Lele finishes her question, will you fight again? Lele will definitely not stop it~"

Assistant Wei Ruan looked at her in astonishment.

How can such a cute face, such clean eyes, and such an innocent expression say such terrible words?

Wei Rou sat on the ground, backing constantly, "Are you a demon?"

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