Four and a Half Years Old Prophet is Pampered by Ten Brothers

Chapter 575: I was cheated by my brother again

  Chapter 575 Was cheated by senior brother again

   Before Zi Gu was raised, she was chased and studied by Su He for a long time.

  Crying, crying, acting coquettish and being cute doesn't work.

  The little fleshy face was wrinkled again, "Su and you are demons!"

  The demon Benmo smiled slightly: "As long as my junior sister is willing to learn, I can be anything."

  The small face became even more wrinkled, and she dragged her small body to get into the gap of the sofa, so there was too much gap between them, and she couldn't get in no matter what.

  She buried herself in the corner of the sofa like a dog pawing, as long as she buried her head in, she would be safe from everything.

   This little wish also disappeared in the sound of the devil's chanting.


  The little hand exaggeratedly covered his chest, performing a posture of being hit and falling to the ground.

   "Lele has received a lunch box, so I won't study anymore."

   The demon is smiling.

  Qin Le was happy to see that it was useless, so he began to thrash his limbs.

   "Lele is so bitter, Lele wants a life that is falling fast!"

   "Falling soon?"

  Qin Lele realized that her pronunciation was wrong again, so she quickly covered her mouth.

   On the other hand, Su He was thoughtful, and his gentle eyes wandered back and forth on Qin Lele.

  Qin Lele: Hold yourself tight.jpg

   "I'm not unreasonable."

  Su He put down his book and smiled gently at Qin Lele.

   "How about this, let's simply compare a few moves, just compare the most common talisman, whoever wins, we will listen to him today."

  Qin Lele's eyes lit up, and she rubbed her little hands, "Okay, okay!"

  She jumped off the sofa, impatient to start the competition, and vowed that this time would never be like that one, which ended before it started and was laughed at by passers-by.

   "Don't worry."

  Su He took out a piece of paper, picked up a pen and wrote a few lines.

  He also learned calligraphy since childhood, and the calligraphy is vigorous and powerful.

   While writing, a fluffy head leaned over and deliberately bumped his arm.

  After bumping into each other, Qin Lele raised her face and said with a smile on her face, "Lele doesn't seem to be doing it on purpose~"

   He is simply a mischievous little bear, and he is also a little bear who speaks leakingly and mispronounces.

  Su He smiled without saying a word, and finished writing in one go.

  The content of this paper is probably, today, the two have a competition, and whoever wins will listen to whom all day long. If Su He repents, Qin Lele cannot be forced to study in the next month. On the contrary, if Qin Lele repents, he must cooperate with Su He for the next month.

   Later, he wrote in detail what Taoist treasures would need to be handed over if Qin Lele didn't cooperate.

  The names made Qin Lele feel very distressed.

   "Do you want to pay so much?"

   Her eyes were foggy ahead of time, and it was tears of pain that blocked her vision.

  Su He hid his careful thoughts and tried to persuade, "It's fine if you don't regret it? What's more, you may not lose."

   "That's not true," Qin Lele raised his chin, "Even if you are very good at talismans, Kelele is also very good~"

  For the sake of the competition, the two specially invited people to be the tools and referees.

  Including the driver Gao Kai, Mrs. Qin, and the mushroom-growing trio Qin Xi, Qin Tiangao and Andri.

   "It's a referee," Su He said in advance, "There must be fairness at the very least. For example, if someone's formula doesn't work at all, you can't vote for her blindly."

  He is well aware of these people's preference for Qin Lele, and he is afraid that they will close their eyes and cast blindly, without considering the facts at all.

   Before the five people responded, Qin Lele pouted and said dissatisfiedly, "How could Lele's formula not work? You are not allowed to slander Lele, hum!"

  Su He smiled without saying a word, showing an aura that everything was under his control.

  Qin Lele looked at him suspiciously, then hugged the little squirrel again, and circled it a few times.

   "Xiao Tongtong, don't you think he smiles very cunningly?"

  【God Arithmetic System: It seems to be calculating you, but he has no room for calculation in this competition? 】

   One person and one team were very puzzled and fearful, but they couldn't find any mistakes, so they could only start the game.

  Su He pointed his finger high.

   "This person is contaminated with qi, and if he condenses for another day, his family will be affected."

  Open High: Frightened.jpg

  The poor exclusive driver shivered, "How did I become contaminated with this thing again? What did I do? Did I not do anything?"

  Qin Lele looked at him sympathetically.

   "Because you are more attracted to these, and," she counted, "you seem to have been to places like cemeteries and cemeteries recently."

   Gao Kai nodded: "I went to the cemetery to pay homage to a distant relative."

   After explaining, he looked at the two pitifully again.

   "Can you help me solve it quickly? I will go back to hug my wife at night."

  Su He and Qin Lele took out the talisman at the same time.

  Andrei was quite interested. With his black hair on his head, he shouted 'three two one' enthusiastically.

  When the voice fell, the two of them recited the formulas simultaneously, and the speed of reciting the formulas was very fast.

  Su raised his finger.


   Fu Wuhuo spontaneously ignited, followed by a burst of fresh air blowing to Gao Kai.

  He felt surrounded by warm sunlight.

   No, this is the temperature in summer.

  The poor driver realized it later. He felt cold in the past few days because of his anger. No wonder he felt both cold and heavy. Even his daughter-in-law said that he looked haggard.

  The trouble was solved, Gao Kai was in a good mood, and looked up at the two of them.

   "Who was just now..."

   Before he could finish speaking, he saw the talisman in Qin Lele's hand.

  Qin Lele was still reading, once, the talisman didn't ignite, and twice, the talisman still didn't ignite.

  The chubby little face was blushing, but the amulet was still not lit.

  Old Madam Qin was in a hurry, "What's wrong with my baby?"

  Qin Tiangao also cast a worried look, but his eyes were so shallow that ordinary people couldn't see it.

  Qin Lele also wants to know why.

   "Lele read it clearly, why is it useless?"

  She stomped her feet angrily, almost cracking the floor tiles again!


  Su He imitated her tone and said with a smile, "Because you didn't read correctly."

   "Lele got it right!"

  Su He coaxed her: "Then read it again."

  Qin Lele: "The sky is seems to be coming..."

  Su He endured a smile.

   "It's heaven and earth... it's like..."

  Qin Lele slowly opened her mouth wide.

   "Lele's reading is not standard at all!"

  How did she know that missing a tooth would have such a big impact?

   It’s fine if there’s a leak, it’s fine if the speech is not standard, and even the formulas are wrong.

  She refused to admit defeat and continued to compete.

  This time, she deliberately read slowly, almost word for word, and insisted on pronunciation standards even if her teeth leaked.

  But when she finished reading, Su He had already solved the problem and was looking at her with a smile.

  Qin Lele: Cats cry.jpg

  The same is true for the next few games.

  Qin Lele let out a fake cry, and while wiping away tears that didn't exist, she stamped her feet to accuse Su He.

   "You seem to be doing it on purpose! You know that Lele can't read well! You deceived Lele!"

  Su He smiled and asked: "What do you mean, you want to go back on your word?"

  Qin Lele hesitated.

  Su He then gently stated the list of those who need compensation for repenting. Qin Lele likes each of them very much. I don't know how Su He listed them so accurately.

   "Compensation? Or study for a month? You have to make a choice."

  Qin Lele looked at him with her mouth flattened. This time, she really couldn't hold back and cried out.

   "Why is Lele so bitter?"

  (end of this chapter)

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