Chapter 585 Losing Lele Money

  Zuo Xiao re-examined Qin Lele.

  His eyes are actually quite big, and he will squint them, as if he is smiling, a very penetrating smile.

   "It seems that you still have many secrets that I don't know."

  He made a random trick, drove the vicious dog away, and approached Qin Lele slowly.

   "Then I won't be in a hurry to kill you. Of course, you should keep the fun things and play slowly."

  Qin Lele roared back fiercely.

   "You are the thing! No, you are not a thing! Lele is not fun!"

The    talisman burned in the palm of his hand and turned into a fireball again. Qin Lele threw it directly towards Zuo Xiao.

  The other party didn't hide, and let the fireball burn him. After a while, the raging fire trapped him.

  He laughed wildly in the fire, laughing until tears came out, like a madman.

  Qin Lele was stunned, her big eyes widened, and she waved her little hands helplessly.

   "Lele didn't intend to really kill him, why didn't he run away?"

  Qin Lele has never seen this kind of person, it's too crazy.

  She made a gesture unhappily, and the water rushed to Zuo Xiao to help him put out those fires.

  The fire was extinguished, and Zuo Xiao also ran away.

  【Divine calculation system: It's a blindfold, the one that was burned just now is just a phantom. 】

  Qin Lele still kept the gesture of kneading the formula. Hearing this, she groaned several times.

   "Lele was cheated, Bai is kind!"

  She was so angry that she cursed and stomped her feet.


  Hearing Su He's voice, Qin Lele stopped scolding, turned her head into his arms, and secretly clenched her fists.

  Next time you see that Zuo Xiao, you must beat him into a pig's head.

   No, not only the pig's head, but also his body will be swollen, like a fat pig.

  Su He checked worriedly, and after making sure she was not injured, he frowned and looked at the fainted humans.

  This amount is too much, they can't handle it at all.

  Su He made a phone call, and the contact information was given by Master Yun. Master's attitude is probably because he will deal with this group of people in the future.

  After making the phone call, he waited patiently, turned his head to look, and found that the little junior sister was sitting on the ground with her arms folded.

   "Don't you hate being dirty?"

  Qin Lele pouted and kicked her legs.

  She still couldn't hold back, and said what Zuo Xiao said and did.

   "People from the Taihang Palace?"

  Su He's impression of Taihang Palace is not bad, but according to Zuo Xiao's meaning, people in Taihang Palace have actually noticed Little Junior Sister long ago, and spoke ill of her?

  He decided to investigate.

   "Lingling is a forbidden technique, but ordinary masters can't learn it even if they want to, so it's not easy to be backlashed."

   It is good for ordinary people to control a few, even if they control, there is a risk of being backlashed anytime, anywhere.

   "According to what you said, he can control a lot at the same time, and he should even collect a lot. In addition, he can also help those guys control humans. This person's talent is probably extremely high."

  Extremely high, but not used on the right way.

  Qin Lele muttered in a low voice: "No matter how talented you are, can you have Le Lego? Can you have Le Le, who is kind and cute?"

  The most important thing is that that person caused the current disaster, but let her and senior brother clean up the mess. She must settle this account!

  That night, Qin Lele took out a pen and paper and began to list the bills.

   Before the rest time, the little squirrel can still stay in the room. Seeing that the door is locked, it simply speaks out.

   "Lele, what are you doing?"

   "How much will that bad guy pay Lele!"

  Qin Lele's cheeks were swollen, and she grabbed a brush and angrily wrote down the bill.

  The first line is the money to compensate Dashu.

  The little squirrel leaned over to have a look.

   "Big tree? The one you knocked down?"

   "Lele didn't take the initiative to push it down, but he caused Lele to push it down. It's his responsibility!"

  She was so angry that her speech was standard again.

  The big tree is public property. When the official department cleans up the mess, it will be included in the compensation list and Qin Lele will be asked to pay.

  Su He handed it over for her, but Qin Lele was not reconciled, because it was the red-haired man's responsibility!

   "Five thousand!"

  Qin Lele listed a number, and then continued to list.

  The list of compensation includes those human medical expenses, mental damage expenses, etc.

  Everything was listed, Qin Lele simply listed 200,000.

  Big eyes rolled a few times, she thought for a while, and changed it to 400,000.

  Facing the suspicious eyes of the upper system, she said confidently, "Because Lele is so sad, the compensation will be doubled!"

  The speed of price increase is so capricious!

  After the list was made, another IOU was written, and my name was written behind the borrower. She was thinking that the next time she saw the other party, she would ask the other party to sign and press the fingerprint.

  After all this work, Qin Lele was a little happier. He hurriedly went to wash up, and then ran back to sleep, holding the IOU while sleeping. The corners of his lips were slightly curved, as if he saw the scene of money rolling in.

  Early next morning, Qin Lele changed into a new dress.

  This is a new product specially sent by Daniel. The theme is "Elves in the Forest". The main color is green.

  Qin Lele didn't understand these things very well, so she thought she was beautiful and worthy of her own cuteness.

  For this reason, she also sent a message to Daniel who was far away in the Crystal Kingdom, and tweeted several times in the air.

   Packed up her small bag and went downstairs, Qin Lele ran to eat, and deliberately bit the food hard several times, as if taking the food for a left smile.

  Su He also came, and sat down opposite her with a glass of milk. Seeing her looking over, he passed the milk over.

   "I found out the identity of that man."

  Qin Lele had a meat bun in her mouth, but she forgot to eat it, and stared at him blankly.

  Su He laughed: "Don't worry, I will tell you."

  Su He deliberately asked the old temple master, and asked a few brothers who were anxious to get angry, and easily obtained Zuo Xiao's information.

   This information can only be obtained through a two-pronged approach. It can be seen that people in the Taihang Palace usually hide Zuo Xiao very well.

"His name is Zuo Xiao, and he is a disciple of Cui Fei of the Taihang Palace. Cui Fei is the younger brother of the master of the Taihang Palace. He is very powerful and has recruited many disciples. He is very strong, so his disciples are all aggressive and aggressive. People who also believe in the law of the jungle.”

  As for Zuo Xiao, he came from a good background, but his parents were killed when he was young, and his relatives fought over the family property. He was almost killed, but was rescued by Cui Fei and accepted as a closed disciple.

  Qin Lele ate the meat bun, frowning.

   "Something happened to his family."

Su He's expression remained unchanged: "I've inquired about it, and it's said that Zuo Xiao's talent was not high when he first entered the sect, but Cui Fei's requirements were strict, and he suffered some hardships, and finally became the most powerful disciple in the sect. The Lord is still powerful."

  Cui Fei is very proud of this, and believes that his apprentice will become the best in the world. He also intentionally kept Zuo Xiao's reputation from others, intending to make Zuo Xiao a blockbuster in the ten-year Xuanmen Competition.

   However, Qin Lele appeared.

  The year before last, when the master of Taihang Palace visited Qingshui Temple, he met Qin Lele and admired him very much. After returning, he mentioned this matter to Cui Fei.

  Afterwards, Cui Fei treated Zuo Xiao very harshly.

  (end of this chapter)

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