The old house of Zhuangjia is a courtyard house with a large area. After the renovation, it took a gorgeous route.

Zhuang Yan has lived in the old house for many years and knows the layout of most of the buildings in the house.

Gong Nan had pitted a piece of talisman from Zheng Jiaxi's hand and handed it to him. He was suspicious and came back to investigate several times. With the help of clues from the old servant, he found the exact location of the secret room and observed closely the talisman outside the secret room. Arts.

It was exactly the same as the rune on the rune paper, it was much more complicated than the rune he was born with, and there were a lot of evil spirits, but the two were similar.

Because of this investigation, he stopped looking in the mirror much later.

Every time he looked in the mirror and saw the sun-closing runes on his eyelids, he felt uneasy, and even had the urge to gouge out two runes several times.

A group of people struggled on the periphery about how to get in.

Gong Nan held his forehead, "You can go in openly, but we can't. Even if you secretly open the back door, you are afraid that someone will see it in the old house."

Now that they knew the secrets of Zhuang Renfei and the matters related to Zhuang Mian were very important, it was too simple for them to put a few spies or traps in the old house.

"Fortunately, you can go in." Gong Nan felt that this was a great fortune in misfortune.

Zhuang Yan ruthlessly smashed his last glimmer of fortune.

"Originally, I had to attend today's meeting, pretending to be sick and staying in Chu City. With his suspicion, I will definitely be wary of me. If I show up, someone will immediately report him in secret."

Gong Nan sighed.

"Then you can only use metaphysical methods."

The little nanny baby held her chin, looked left and right, wondering, "Brother Su and didn't tell you, did Lele make the invisibility cloak? Why are you so worried?"

The worried expression was so beautiful, she looked with gusto with her chin resting on it.

"Invisibility cloak?"

Gong Nan looked at her in astonishment, "I have never heard of it. Can the metaphysical world even study such strange things?"

The little milk baby snapped her fingers with a smile, Su He opened the suitcase and took out six invisibility cloaks.

After seeing the appearance of the cloak, Gong Nan was silent.

Zhuang Yan: "...Isn't this just pasting something like a cloak with an invisibility talisman?"

The yellow paper cinnabar was densely glued to one eye, and when he saw it, he was a little dizzy.

"One is the invisibility charm, and the other is the invisibility cloak," the little nanny akimbo confidently, "isn't it right? If you think it's wrong, don't use it!"

Gong Nan grabbed two of them quickly and handed one to Zhuang Yan.

"We are a temporary team, we are all our own, we don't pay attention to it."

He weighed the "invisibility cloak" in his hand, "Except for yours, are we grown-ups' clothes difficult to make? How many charms did this one cost? You have worked hard."

‘You’ve worked hard’, he said very sincerely.

It is very difficult for practitioners to draw talisman. There is a lot of preparation work. If you draw a thousand sheets, it is very fortunate to have one useful.

Therefore, useful amulet has always been very expensive.

In his opinion, this was the little money fan who gave him a piece of gold, which was quite touched. He apologized for his usual carefulness.

The little milk baby was carrying her own piece, and her expression was weird when she heard this.

"Is it hard?"

She scratched her hair.

"Lele just spent the whole afternoon painting and making up, and it was successful?"

Gong Nan is blind, he wants to take back his touch.

Su He patted the little milk baby's head, and smiled humbly, "Our little junior sister has no other advantages, but she is quite aura in metaphysics."

Gong Nan: "..."

The little milk baby groaned and patted Su He's hand.

"Lele has many advantages, not just that."

Time is running out, everyone didn't talk any more, put on an alternative version of the invisibility cloak, and prepared to enter the dealer's old house.

Brother Qin An and Qin Xi had been watching them in a safe area, and found that the six large living people suddenly disappeared, and their pupils shrank sharply.

"She is your own sister, what's her ability, don't you know what it is?"

There was a ridiculous voice.

The two looked up and smiled left.

The nineteen-year-old crouched on a branch, as light as a cat.

When he looked condescendingly, he was as arrogant as a cat owner.

Qin Anpi smiled and didn't smile, "Hehe, at least I know it better than you."

Zuo Xiao retracted his gaze, squatted on the branch, looking at the scene in the expert's old house.

If it wasn't for the little nanny, he would definitely not stay to protect these two people.

Gee, the toy is so good, why are the brothers so useless? Are not the same people, why join in the fun?

Someone has a faint expression and slander in his heart.

He stopped in midair with both hands, and a few puppet threads occasionally reflected a ray of light.

The six went straight to the dealer's secret room.

The secret room is just below a small room in the main room.

There was a shrine in the small room, with only three tablets, and the names on the three tablets were all hidden, and it seemed that a secret technique had been applied.

Su He frowned: "Ordinary families, even if they place the tablets, are their own family members and their ancestors."

With so many people going away from the dealer, they only put three tablets, and even hid them.

The little milk girl curled her lips: "Maybe these three are their ancestors?"

Zhuang Yan's eyes darkened, and he quickly returned to nature.

"Only the head of the house can live in the main house. I used to be my grandfather. Later, it was him. I rarely come here. When I was a child, I stumbled into this small room and was punished."

After being punished, he learned well and stopped coming.

Last time, it was because the old servant finally asked some clues, after growing up, he entered again, and found the mechanism in the small room, and found the entrance to the secret room.

The six no longer paid attention to this shrine and entered from the entrance.

Stepping down, they soon stood on the ground again.

On the basement floor, there is only a gradual wind, no electronic products, and candles.

The candle is thick, it has been lit, and it emits an unpleasant smell.

Zhuang Yan explained with a dark face: "The last time I came, these candles were so high, and I didn't feel that they were lit much after these days."

Su He suddenly had bad guesses, and the Gu worms that Sheng Jin specially brought were all anxious.

The little nanny covered her mouth and looked like she was about to vomit.

[Divine Mathematical System: Lele, what's wrong? 】

"It smells so bad."

The little milk baby looked at the candles with disgust.

"They have been ordered for almost a thousand years, disgusting!"

Su He's complexion changed slightly.

He recalled carefully.

"Speaking of which, there is a candlestick in that ancient tomb, but the candle is nowhere to be seen. I thought it was burned out. Could it be that..."

Could it be that the candles in the ancient tomb were taken out and put into the secret room?

Everyone's expressions are not beautiful.

The entrance to the chamber is not far away.

Under the candlelight, runes were engraved on the wall of the secret room, which was somewhat different from the runes on Zhuang Yan's eyelids.

This is the first time the little milk girl has seen this rune, and her first reaction is to touch the bag of the universe.

[The arithmetic system: Lele, what do you want to find. 】

"Yin and Yang Order."

The little nurse stared at the runes depressed.

"Lele will send the old things over there."

Su He has already stepped forward to study these runes.

He is Master Fulu, and he is the most proficient in this way among these people. And what he learned was the knowledge passed on by Qingshui View for thousands of years.

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