Qin An walked behind Ye Ru.

He is tall and young with long legs, and he can walk forward in large strides, but he adapts to Ye Ru's steps.

The same is true for Qin Ping.

Ye Ru was quite excited. She thought she was destined to die, but she didn't expect to be able to walk freely one day.

After looking around, Ye Ru sighed, "This home is the same as before, it hasn't changed at all."

The flowers and trees, small fountains, statues, and gardens on both sides of the main road are the same as in the impression.

As if she had never left here.

Ye Ru was so delicate that he understood, and patted the elder son on the arm.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Qin Ping pursed his lips, lowered his eyes slightly, and said in a low voice, "It's not hard."

Qin An was not sensational. He commented on Ye Ru's words.

"No, the Qin family has changed a lot now, because a certain little fat girl has changed a group of people, but that little fat girl is noisy all day long."

When he said this, his slender fingers pressed a wound on his cheek.

He groaned.

"Little fat girl?"

Ye Ru walked forward slowly, and when he heard the words, he turned his head in surprise, and found that his second son was grinning, and he admired it with interest.

She has three sons, the eldest is too dull, the second is stubborn, and the burden of idols is quite heavy, and the third is very rebellious and goes abroad early.

"The little fat girl is pointing at your sister?"

Qin An curled his lips and didn't refute the term'sister', but in words, he was very dissatisfied with Qin Lele.

"Her loud voice, if she knows that you are coming back, she will definitely be bluffing. If you don't believe it, you will wait."

The three of them entered the living room without seeing Qin Lele.

It was the housekeeper who brought a new batch of servants to meet the hostess of the villa.

Qin Ping: "All retreat."

Qin Ping drove people unceremoniously.

"Don't disturb mother to rest."

Ye Ru nodded with satisfaction.

"Xiaoping, you are getting more and more of the spirit of your father when he was young, but you must be better than your father."

Qin Ping hooked his lips.

Qin An smiled: "Mom, you'd better say this in front of your dad."

The old father would certainly not lose his temper with his mother, but he would definitely fix his eldest brother if he turned his head!

Qin Ping's expression froze, and then he squinted at Qin An with cold eyes.

Qin An strode upstairs immediately.

"I went to find the little fat girl, the housekeeper said, she is at home, this will definitely hide somewhere to eat, like a mouse."

There is no one in the little fat girl's room, nor is there in the big brother's room.

The big star suddenly had a bad feeling.

"This little guy, shouldn't he be in my room?"

There was a picture of Baigui Bengdi in his mind, his hand stuck on the doorknob, and he did not unscrew it for a long time.

Ye Ru's voice came downstairs.

"Xiao'an, haven't you found your sister yet? Is she asleep?"

Gritting his teeth, being cruel, and closing his eyes, Qin An unscrewed the door and waited for the baptism of Baigui.

Nothing happened.

There was a little grunt.

Qin An opened his eyes abruptly, and what caught his eye was a small bulge on his bed.

Not big, just like dumplings, the little grunt came from there.

He approached gently and opened the quilt slightly, and he saw the round face of the little milk baby who was sleeping all red.

Asleep, the dimple still exudes a lovely charm.

Qin An couldn't help but poked.

The little milk baby didn't respond.

Qin An pinched again, soft and fleshy, "There is so much meat on this little fat man's face."

Perhaps it was disturbed, the little fat man turned over, leaving only a back, and the little fleshy hand waved a few times in dissatisfaction, but he did not wake up.

Qin An simply walked to the other side and continued to pinch.

All of this has been captured by the divine arithmetic system.

The system thought, why is this Qin An so annoying like a fly?

"Are you a pig? You sleep so soundly."

There was something ugly in his mouth, but a smile appeared on Qin An's handsome face, which was completely different from the foolishness or inattention before.

Gently squeezed the little milk baby's nose, the big star was quite proud.

"They said they didn't like me, so they all went to my room to sleep."

【Divine Mathematical System: ...】

Why is this person so shameless?

"Little fat man, when did you call me second brother?"

A trace of loss flashed in Peach Blossom's eyes, completely different from the misty expression before, and she looked very melancholy.

But when she found that the little milk baby was awakening, Qin An quickly got serious, and seemed to be ready to fight with the little milk baby.

The little milk baby didn't wake up, and stayed asleep until the evening. When she woke up, the first thing she did was to jump up and defend herself milkyly.

"Lele is a good boy, Lele didn't do anything bad!"

[Divine arithmetic system: You are all worried about this at this time, don't you host a guilty conscience? 】

It's the host, not Lele, the little milk baby thought to herself, it's awkward, and the little ones are all angry.

Hei Liang's eyes rolled a few times, and before the little milk baby thought about a countermeasure, he heard the sound of pushing the door.

A beautiful shadow imprinted in the eyes.

Seeing the other person's appearance clearly, the little milk baby immediately left her behind and ran over.

"Ma Ma~ Ma Ma, you are back~ Ma Ma~"

Milky and soft, Ye Ru's heart was about to melt, and he bent down, ready to catch his daughter.

The little milk baby ran over quickly, slammed the brakes in front of her, and hugged Ye Ru lightly.

The fleshy cheek was attached to Ma Ma, and the little nanny closed her eyes contentedly, "Ma Ma, your body is so fragrant~"

"Ma Ma, you feel soft~"

"Mama, can Lele sleep with you today?"

Ye Ru didn't expect that he would still have a chance to hug his daughter in his life. Naturally, it was what the daughter said.

Turning to find the two sons were looking here, after thinking about it, Ye Ru opened his hand towards the two.

"Do you want to hug you too?"

Qin Ping coughed a few times, turned and left.

"I, I still have a job."

Qin An blushed and ran downstairs.

"I see if the food is ready in the kitchen."

Two tall and leggy sons ran fast.

"Tsk tsk, Big Gege and Big Trash are dishonest," the little milk girl raised a finger and swayed, "I really want to hug Ma Ma, but I just refuse to admit it."

Ye Ru laughed, bent down, ready to pick up the little milk baby, scared the little milk baby back again and again.

"Huh? Lele, don't you want to let your mother hug you?"

The little nanny twisted her finger, and a guilty conscience flashed in her big eyes.

"Ma Ma, Lele is too heavy."

[Divine Mathematical System: It turns out that the host knows that your weight is at risk of overweight. 】

The little milk baby couldn't care about returning to the system, she kept explaining to Ye Ru.

"No, in my mother's opinion, Lele, you are not heavy at all, lighter than feathers."

The little milk baby grinned and quickly converged.

"Ma Ma, wait for your health to get better, then hug Lele."

Ye Ru was quite regretful.

If you can't hug your daughter before your husband rushes home, then your husband will definitely hug your daughter first, failing.

At dinner, Ye Ru was very busy.

"Come on, Xiaoping, eat more."

Qin Ping stared at his already high job.

"Come on, Xiao An, eat more."

Qin An, who needs to stay in shape and filming, looked at the bowl full of dishes and couldn't speak.

There is a kind of hunger, called your mother thinks you are hungry.

"Come on, Lele, eat more."

"Well, it's delicious, it's delicious~ Ma Ma, you can also eat it~"

Of the three children, the little nanny can eat without burden, without pressure, and happily ask for more delicious meals.

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