“Well, I’m sorry, my phone worm rang, but it seems to be the office one.” The green pheasant took out the phone worm, and then looked at everyone and said lazily: “Don’t mind if I take it.” ”

Warring States waved his hand helplessly, signaling him to be casual, since it was the office phone worm rang, then I think there should be something serious.

“Moses Moses, is he a pheasant general?” From the phone worm came Smogg’s weak voice.

“Well, it’s Smogg, are you already in Rogue?” Listening to Smogg’s tone on the phone, the pheasant always felt that something was wrong, usually, Smogg didn’t talk like that.

Even if he makes a mistake, this kid is very tough, what’s wrong today? Did the sun hit the west and come out, or, what kind of moth did that kid come up with?

“Well, yes, I’ve reached Rogue Town, it’s just, I have some problems here in Rogue Town, well, very serious problems.”

Pheasant: …

Instantly, his head was big, but he had just finished wiping Smogg’s ass, why did he just come to the East China Sea and make things happen again? The green pheasant somewhat regretted that he should not have answered Smogg’s phone worm in front of so many people.

While Smogg is his subordinate, the two have a good personal relationship, which can be regarded as friends.

On weekdays, Smogg spoke to him with a lot of air, and it was really the first time like today.

In combination with the content of his phone worm, it can be called a serious problem by the kid who is not afraid that day, and you can imagine how much trouble this has caused.

He wouldn’t have beaten the former base chief of Rogue Town, but this kind of thing should not be considered serious in the eyes of that kid, but what can be called serious? Could it be that he killed people?

Probably not, although Smog has a little temper, he still has a sense of proportion.

At this moment, more than one green pheasant is curious about what happened to Smogg’s thorny head? Others were also interested.

One thing is to say, Smogg’s fame is still quite big in the Navy, after all, this is a legendary figure who has been promoted to captain five times in a row in two years, and he is also the fourth natural fruit ability in the Navy, and it is difficult not to pay attention.

Even Karp, after hearing the news that Smog had just arrived in the town of Rogue in the East China Sea, woke up from his sleep.

At this time, Smogg, who was far away in the town of Rogue in the East China Sea, still did not know the seriousness of the matter, and he thought that there was only a green pheasant on the other side.

“Here’s the thing, when I arrived at the dock in Rogue Town in the East China Sea and disembarked, I was robbed.”

Smogg’s words were very tangled, but on the phone worm’s side, the six people were a little stupid.

They had just heard something, a headquarters colonel who served from the naval headquarters base to the East China Sea branch base was robbed after disembarking from the warship.

Is this the East China Sea pirates too rampant? Still encountered the one who did not have long eyes.

Listening to Smogg’s words, the first thought of the green pheasant was that Smogg should not slaughter the original inactive base commander in a fit of anger.

At the same time, this is also the common idea of the other 5 people.

But who would have thought that Smogg’s next words would stunt the six of them.

“I’m sorry, General Pheasant, I’m not that pirate’s opponent, warship… By him… Snatched away! ”

In the last sentence, Smog said extremely ashamed.

Pheasant: …

Red Dog: ……

Yellow Ape: …

Tsuru: ……

Sengoku: ……

Karp: .


The six people were silent for an instant, and they all wondered if they had misheard.

Smogg, this thorn, was snatched by pirates in the town of Rogue in the East China Sea?

How does this sound unreliable, is Smogg’s natural system not fake? Or, there is a powerful pirate in the East China Sea who is proficient in armed colors.

However, this is not a reason why General Smogg lost the warship.

“Hmph, waste!” A cold snort, this is the voice of the red dog.

“Whahaha, Smogg’s little thorn head actually lost the warship in the East China Sea, or was snatched by pirates, wohahaha, it’s really interesting.” Karp slapped the table and laughed maniacally.

“Bastard Karp, you give me quiet.” Sengoku shot to suppress the old bastard.

“Smogg, can you make the specifics clearer?” This is the question of the pheasant.


Smogg: … Just now, it was the voice of the Red Inu General, as well as the naval hero Karp, and Marshal Sengoku.

Smogg was confused, at this time, he didn’t know where he was hitting the muzzle.

Suicidal thoughts flashed through Smogg’s mind.

“Hey, Smogg boy, quickly tell me how you were robbed of a warship by pirates in the East China Sea.” Karp shouted when he saw the excitement.

Smogg: … Well, he really wants to die now.

However, before considering whether to die or not, Smogg still told the phone bug how he was snatched away by the thief of the navy warship, and said it originally.

“What? You said that Sig’s overlord-colored domineering can suppress you and can’t move? Are you sure? It was Marshal Sengoku who spoke, and when he heard Smog tell the horror of Sig Overlord’s domineering, Sengoku’s face showed a look of surprise.

“Yes Marshal, what I said is not half an exaggeration, that mountain thief named Seeger, relying on the overlord color made me lose the ability to fight.” Smog was also open-minded, and in order to make the Sengoku and the generals pay attention to that terrible Sigg, he didn’t care about any face.

“Although Smogg’s reputation in the Navy is not very good, but, with his character, he does not disdain to lie.” Staff Officer Tsuru summed up simply and bluntly.

“It’s really terrifying, could it be that this is another monster like the New World Sea Emperor?” The yellow ape’s face showed a terrifying expression.

“It should not have reached that level, although Smogg’s kid can defeat the average major general of the headquarters, but he only relies on the ability of the natural department, throwing away the devil fruit, his own true strength is also average, can suppress him can not move, there are many sea thieves in the new world can do it.”

This is the analysis of the Warring States, which can be described as very decent.

Then, Sengoku turned his head to look at Karp, who was picking his nose on the side: “Bastard Karp, don’t you have anything to say?” That guy’s bounty order was issued from the Kingdom of Goya, one of the countries allied by the World Government. ”

“Huh? It turned out to be the Kingdom of Goya, you said so, I really think this name is a little familiar, mountain thief Seeger, I always think where have I heard it? Phew~whew~” Karp fell asleep again.

“Bastard Karp.”

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