Chapter 69: Extremely Evil Joba and Big News!.

The Warring States split his head and covered his face to the yellow ape is an endless reprimand, the yellow ape seriously suspects that the Warring States is too much pressure during this time, so now the fake public and private to vent his anger, scolded himself, the Warring States Marshal must be in a very refreshing mood now.

Although he thought so in his heart, he had no evidence.

After waiting for the Warring States to scold, he let out a long breath, and this once again confirmed the speculation in the yellow ape’s heart.

“Whew, yellow ape, tell me, what is the situation? Although you are a little lazy on weekdays, you should not make such a principled mistake. ”

Sengoku asked.

Yellow Ape:… Since it is clear, you also trained me to be bloody.

Under the eaves, people had to bow their heads, and the yellow ape was also helpless, so he had to honestly tell the whole process after meeting with Seeger.

Well, including the fact that he was suppressed by the overlord-colored field.

Before he knew it, the sound of Karp chewing on the senbei gradually disappeared, and the green pheasant didn’t know when to take off the blindfold. The red dog was also quietly listening to the description of the yellow ape, without being bothered by the half.



When the yellow ape said that his elementalization had lost its effect in the Sig Overlord color field and had to passively engage Sig in close combat, Karp laughed without conscience.

“Ahahaha, it’s really laughing at the old man, Borusalino boy, if the old man is not mistaken, you should be beaten very badly next, right? Is it because it hurts to be beaten, so I ran away directly when I could elementalize. ”

Karp guessed the truth of the matter directly.

And the yellow ape, his face directly darkened.

He originally wanted to process this plot art, but he didn’t expect to be ruthlessly destroyed by the old man Karp. After Karp laughed enough, he got serious again, and only listened to him continue: “I know from the way you look, the old man’s guess must be correct, if you could have listened to Zefa’s words, exercise your physical skills and arm the color domineering, then now you don’t have to be beaten so badly, how about it, the taste of overlord color 253 entanglement is not comfortable, right?” ”

“If you don’t want to be so embarrassed the next time you see that Seeger, then exercise your armed colors, and you, Sakaski, Kuzan, you two brats too.”


The red dog snorted coldly: “It is really a shame for our navy to let go of a sea thief because he was afraid of pain.” ”

Knock knock!

Marshal Sengoku knocked on his desk again, he was also helpless, if he didn’t stop it, it was estimated that his office would be chaotic next, which was not what he wanted to see.

“Let’s put the rest aside for a moment, let’s discuss the specific danger of this Seeger.”

Marshal of the Warring States said seriously.

But who knows, Karp waved his hand boredly: “What is there to discuss?” Isn’t it that the real strength is worse than Borusalino, a big sword master with a color close to the top overlord. ”

“As for his strange moves, they are only superficial uses of the overlord color, which is far from Roger, and the weakness is also obvious, and the armed color and sight color are similar to the general lieutenant general of the department, or even worse.”

“However, I think that Seeg should have other strengths, otherwise as long as you spend a while with him, Borusalino Kid still has a chance to take him down.”

Listening to Karp’s words, the yellow ape nodded and said, “Lieutenant General Karp is right, that guy’s physical strength is also as strong as a monster.” ”

“When I fought with him, I found that the guy’s physical strength is amazingly terrible, no matter how strong the normal strong man is, no matter how much physical strength he has, but when the high intensity breaks out for a while, it also takes a moment of effort to ease the soreness in the muscles, but that Seeg has nothing at all.”

“Even when I breathe, the attacks are very consistent, and he never stopped attacking from the beginning of my engagement with him until the end of the engagement.”

“If I keep going, then I must be the one who exhausts my physical strength first.”

“Well, it seems that this is another physical monster.”

Sengoku felt a little headache, and he reached out and took the information of Seeger and the others from the edge of his desk.

Collecting the detailed information of Seeger and others, this is the task that was sent by him to the naval base below when sending the yellow ape to recruit Seeger, but the work efficiency of the navy who went to collect information on Magnetic Drum Island was obviously much stronger than that of the yellow ape, a fish toucher.

As a person with the ability of the Shining Fruit, the yellow ape actually came back after the information, although the difference between the two was only a few minutes, but this was outrageous enough.

But fortunately, he is used to it in the Warring States.

“Such a powerful pirate, if he can’t become a Qibu Sea, then the pirate group he belongs to can’t ignore it.”

Seeger’s crew, apart from himself, bore the brunt of the brunt of Kulokas.

This bald old man, the Warring States knows, and he is still familiar. Kurokas, once a crew member of One Piece Roger.

Once when Roger turned himself in, the Navy had an agreement with him that as long as his crew were not active at sea and took the initiative to make trouble for the Navy, the Navy would not arrest them.

Such an agreement to indulge the pirates, the Navy naturally did not want to abide by it, but due to the strength of Roger’s crew, the Navy could only pinch its nose and admit it.

What else could I do? The result of the mandatory order to capture them was to get them active again at sea, which would benefit them nothing but to burden the Navy.

Although Roger was lost, if those crew members hugged, their strength was enough to rank among the top three in the sea.

The current sea is already chaotic enough, if there is one more hostile force, then their navy will really be overwhelmed, and because of this, the navy will honestly abide by the agreement with Roger.

But now that this old man has come out on his own, then rewarding him again is not that their navy broke its promise. And the rest of the crew, the bounty can not be less.

In the end, Sengoku and others confirmed the bounty order.

Captain Sig, Great Sword Hao, with a bounty of 570 million Bailey.

Ship doctor Kurokas, former One Piece ship doctor, with a bounty of 226 million Bailey. Navigator Xiaoba, a former member of the Evil Dragon Pirates, with a bounty of 30 million Bailey.

Ordinary crew member Daz Bonis, former West Sea bounty hunter, with a bounty of 40 million Baileys.

Pet Qioba, when he set a reward order for this last inconspicuous little guy, the yellow ape couldn’t help but shiver as if he thought of something terrible.

“Marshal of the Warring States, I have another situation to report.”

The yellow ape held a photo of Qioba with an innocent look and said with a serious expression: “Although this guy is not strong, he is an extremely evil pervert. ”

“This reindeer is likely to be a human fruit ability of the animal line, and although it has acquired super intelligence, it still has a ferocious beast instinct”

Seeing that the yellow ape was rarely serious, the Warring States couldn’t help but pay attention to Qioba.

At first, after reading Little Qiaoba’s information, he only thought that this was an ordinary pet, but after hearing the description of the yellow ape, Rao was a Warring States and couldn’t help but feel cold.

Actually let those kung fu manatees line up waiting to be… Such acts… How bad it is.

If this Qioba has super strength in the future, you can imagine what a guy with such a bad personality will do.

Such an evil guy must make everyone on the sea vigilant and pay attention to it, so that civilians do not know how to be poisoned by this guy.

At this point, everyone surprisingly agreed, even if Little Qioba did not have any strength, they decided to give him a super high reward.

In the end, Little Choba’s bounty was set, 240 million Bailey, only under Captain Sig, worth more than One Piece’s former ship doctor, and was specially marked as extremely dangerous and extremely evil on Choba’s bounty order!


Eight kilometers above an unnamed sea area of the Great Passage, a small empty island is located here, surrounded by countless albatrosses.

If you look closely, you can see that the countless albatrosses have a rope tied to them, and the other end of the rope is firmly fixed to this small empty island.

As if they were controlled by some unknown force, these albatrosses desperately flared their wings in the same direction, pulling the small empty island forward.

This small, hidden empty island is the headquarters of the World Economic News Agency, which has only emerged in recent years.

“Big news, really big news! The guy who filmed this kind of explosive news, I want to give him a promotion, I want to give him a raise, there was an excited shout in the headquarters of the World Economic News Agency. ”

A birdman in a top hat and dressed very gentlemanly cheered with a picture in his hand.

This strange-shaped but articulate birdman is the real behind-the-scenes controller of the World Economic News Agency, the animal line Bird’s fruit albatross form – Morguns.

Of course, although Morguns at this point in time has the title of big news, his position as a news king has not really been established in the world.

Whether it is the Great Passage or the Four Seas, there are their own newspapers on a fixed territory to confront him.

However, relying on his ability to manipulate other albatrosses, he was able to sell newspapers to every corner of the world, and because of his existence, albatrosses almost all of them almost changed their names to news birds.

In addition to the diffusion ability of albatrosses, Morgans’ second biggest killer feature is big news that is difficult for ordinary people to obtain!

It has been a long time since he last reported big news, and if the big news with little experience is published in the newspaper, the reputation of their news newspaper will inevitably be suppressed by the rest of the competitors again.

But at this point in time, Morgans got a news that could be called explosive.

The sea pirates invaded the world government alliance countries, and Admiral Yellow Ape came to support, but was suppressed by the sea pirates, and finally fled by the pirates, this explosive gimmick once it was revealed, Morgans can already imagine the sales of his newspaper.

Sales are secondary, and what he values most is to stabilize the position of the rest of the newspapers.

As for whether the reported news is suspected of being exaggerated, it is not within his consideration, what he has to do is only conform to the artistic processing of the photo, as long as the content of the report does not have much difference with the facts, then this is not considered to be defrauding consumers.

That’s right, it’s just a marketing ploy.

With a snap, Morgans slapped the photo in his hand on his desk.

“Come, arrange a few assistants for me, today I will personally typeset this issue of the newspaper and periodical all night.”

Although the World Economic News Agency is not yet the behemoth of the future, it is also very efficient, especially when Morgans, the big boss, personally sits down, and the newspaper completed editing and typesetting that night.

In one night, the branches of the World Economic News received the typesetting sent by the fax telephone worm from the headquarters, and also printed the corresponding newspaper overnight.

The next day, countless news birds took off from place to place, spreading newspapers all over the world and even the great shipping lanes. Along with this, there was a bounty order from the headquarters of the Navy.

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