Chapter 78: Collect Gold! Violence doesn’t solve all problems, but violence works!.

“The centuries-old dispute between these two races on the empty island is over! In the crowd, Kulokas looked at Seeger’s back a little melancholy. ”

I think that when he came here with Roger, he also thought about settling the dispute between the two races, but unfortunately, the grudges and feuds between the two races for hundreds of years were so easy to resolve, but when it came to Seeger……… Violence can’t solve all problems, but sometimes you have to admit that violence is really good, as it is now.

After settling the grudge between the two tribes, Siegsoli led the crew directly to the top of the huge vine, where the golden bell and the text of history were stored.

That’s right, Seeger went for gold, and as for looking at the golden bell and the text of history, it was purely incidental.

And when it was learned that Sig was going to ring the golden bell, the Sandians also followed with a dead face, in order not to cause Siger’s misunderstanding, the chief of Shandia also personally explained the story of the great warriors Kargara and Rolandu 400 years ago for Siger.

For this kind of thing that he had known for a long time, Siger didn’t want to hear it a second time, but seeing that the crew members around him, except for Kulokas and Anilu, were all looking enthusiastic, Siger allowed the old chief to tell stories with him.

After telling the story between the two friends 400 years ago, the old chief ran to Kulokas’s side to reminisce, it seems that this old guy really has a lot of acquaintances.

And Sieg himself secretly stared at Anilu, he was still a little uneasy about this kid, and this caused Anilu to be terrified all the way, but under the increase of the thunder fruit, his sight and smell were surprisingly strong, and it was difficult not to notice Seeger’s peeping.

Just when Anilu secretly complained all the way, everyone boarded the destination. Gold, countless gold products dazzled Seeger’s crew.

Even the second time he landed here, Kulokas couldn’t help but be shocked by the sight of gold.

The Sandians led by the old chief were even more excited, of course, the object of their excitement was not gold, but the golden bell at the top.

That was the agreement of the Sandians that was nearly 400 years late.

The old chief led the people to ring the golden bell tremblingly, while Siger aimed at the historical stone tablet on the side. Standing in front of the stone tablet of the main body of history, Siger looked at the text on it with a serious expression.

And this look also made Kulokas on the side solemn.

“Can Captain Seeger understand ancient texts?”

Kourokas was a little surprised.

But I also felt that at this time, Siger looked at the text above and read word by word: “We are the ones who write history, accompanied by the bells of the big bell tower.” ”

Listening to the words in Seeger’s mouth, Kurokas’s pupils shrank sharply, exactly the same, exactly the same as the opening of Mitsuki Ota’s translation that year, but, why did Captain Seeger read the opening?

Moreover, the place where Captain Siger’s gaze is not the place at the beginning of the main text of history.

When Kulokas was puzzled, he only listened to Sige continue: “An ancient weapon with the name of God, the location of the Sea King…”

Hiss! Kourokas gasped!

He is a great sword master at the same time, but also an excellent doctor, and now he even recognizes the text of history, Captain Siger, what kind of freak is he?

However, this talk is only half of the problem, what is the situation?

If you let Seeger know what Kulokas is thinking at this moment, he will definitely call out wronged, where can he understand what historical text, he is just repeating Robin’s words in the comics, as for the appearance is also deliberately pretended, because it is more ceremonial.

Siger looked down at the side of the historical text, where two lines of ancient text were also engraved.

“I came here to bring this article to the end of the world. One Piece, Gore S. D. Roger. ”

“Oh, it’s actually graffiti, it’s really not moral!”

Siger stretched out his hand and pointed to Roger’s message and asked Kulokas: “Hey, Kulokas, can you write ancient texts?” ”


Kourokas shook his head in confusion.

“It turns out that Mitsuki Ota didn’t hand over the ancient text to you back then, that’s really a pity, I originally thought about it, and asked you to help me leave a line next to this.”

“If you won’t, forget it.”

There was a strong sense of disappointment in Seeger’s tone.


Kurokas was surprised again, and very surprised, Siger actually knew about Roger’s pirate group coming to the empty island. He asked suspiciously, “Captain Siger, don’t you recognize ancient texts?” ”

Seeger nodded reasonably: “Of course, I’m not an archaeologist, and I don’t recognize any of the words here.” ”

“I don’t recognize ancient texts, so how do you…”

Kurokas didn’t finish, but Seeg did understand what he meant.

“Oh, you said the historical text stele, although I can’t understand what is written on it, but……… I do know what is written on it, just as you members of the Roger Pirates know what is written on it. ”

Seeger’s words can be described as very terrifying!

However, what Seeger meant was that he, like ordinary members of Roger’s Pirates, heard from others. What Kulokas was thinking about had in mind had no idea where he had gone off.

“I can’t read the words, but I understand what is written in them. Why does this ability sound so familiar to me? ”

“If I’m not mistaken, Captain Roger had a similar ability, and the name of this ability seems to be called… Listen to the sound of all things. ”

Boom………… The golden bell was rung, and after 400 years, the lights of Sandorah were lit again!

But Seeger wasn’t very interested in it, and instead of ringing the golden bell, he might as well scavenge for more gold here, well, his crew was already doing it.

In particular, Anilu is the most active, although he has passively become the crew of Siger, but he still thinks about his ark that has not yet officially started.

If you want to create that kind of flying ark, gold is naturally indispensable.

When he was a crew member of Seeger, Anilu may not have the opportunity to build his Ark ship, but the day when Seeg is defeated and captured by the navy, or dies in battle, won’t he be able to leave Seeger’s pirate ship?

And this is what Kulokas told him yesterday when he was healing his injuries, and Anilu firmly believes that there will be a day.

Collecting shellfish from empty islands, collecting gold, and acting as thugs on the Raini road, now that all three goals have been achieved, Seeg has achieved all three goals, so it is time to leave.

As for the injuries on everyone’s people, I believe that they can almost heal during the voyage.

Among them, Anilu’s body heals the fastest, yesterday he was like Gan Fore who couldn’t take care of himself, but today he can pick up gold alive, just a little vague when he speaks.

So Siger made a decision and set off immediately.

Sailing on the white sea at an altitude of 10,000 meters, sailing to the end of the clouds, swooping all the way along the Yunzhi River to the Qinghai, and finally, using a huge octopus balloon to descend safely to the sea below.

And after watching Seeg leave, both the empty island people and the Sandians couldn’t help but cheer, they finally sent this big demon king away.

In the process of sending Seeger away, they didn’t think about playing tricks, such as not providing Seeger and others with huge octopus balloons.

That’s just to think about it, really let them put into practice, they really don’t have the guts, not to mention that one of them has once arrived on the empty island of Kulokas.

Just talking about Sieg’s super combat power and the opponent’s ability to step on the air and run in the air, made them dare not act rashly, and when the ship landed safely on the sea, the warship controlled by Kulokas and Xiaoba continued to sail. After less than a day of sailing, Kurokas found Seeger.

“Captain, what I am most worried about happened, after a long voyage, coupled with the two incidents of soaring currents and falling from a thousand meters in the air, I am afraid that our ship has reached the edge of scrapping, and when it reaches the capital of seven waters, we must change to a good ship.”

“Well, I know about this matter, so let’s change ships when I get to the capital of seven waters.”

Sig nodded helplessly, he didn’t expect that a large amount of gold had just been scavenged, and a part of it would be used so soon.

Moreover, this navy’s warships are not very good.

Sig began to dislike this Smogg’s car again, he didn’t think about the maintenance of warships at all, people Smog every time, but he has to regularly maintain his warships, but what about him?

Since entering the Great Channel, this warship has almost always been in a state of sailing, and it has also experienced two tosses on the empty island, and it has not fallen apart on the spot when it is under the empty island, which has proved that its quality is quite good.

Since the destination of Sige and the others was very clear, they did not waste time on the way, but went directly to the capital of seven waters.

It is worth mentioning that the record pointer of the capital of seven waters this time was not provided by Kuroks, but one of the original Dorag family dedications.

Even if no time was wasted on the way, it had already taken more than a month by the time the warship arrived in the capital of the seven waters, but it was much faster than Luffy and the others in the comics who experienced two other islands.

In the past month or so, everyone has not only improved their injuries, but even their strength has improved slightly. Although Boniss did not cultivate the armed color of his heart, he initially awakened to see and smell.

Anilu has also strengthened his physical exercises, and the experience of being easily beaten into a dog by Seeger after close proximity has become a psychological shadow for him.

As for Xiao Ba, Sig also gave him groundbreaking guidance on his swordsmanship.

The last little Qioba, the medical skills have grown a lot, and the additional bonus of the removal operation can already be regarded as the entry level of medical skills, and it is no problem to treat ordinary minor injuries and diseases.

After coming to the capital of seven waters, Siger learned to be smart this time and directly left Joba to watch the ship.

They came to build ships this time, if they scared the craftsmen of shipbuilding away, it would be too fucked, they couldn’t let them build it themselves, and Sieghe didn’t brush up on the shipbuilding skills.

Since it is to build ships, the shipyard chosen naturally has to be the best one.

Sig inquired, now the most famous shipyard in the entire capital of seven waters, is a fishman shipyard called Tom’s studioListening to this familiar name, Seeg patted his head, he remembered, isn’t Tom the name of that Franky fishman master?

After too long, he almost forgot about it, and he remembered that this Tom seemed to be executed by the world government in the end to protect Franky.

So now, this Tom should not be dead.

It just so happens that this guy has built a ship for One Piece, and the craftsmanship of shipbuilding must be very good.


Sig realized a little more, since this Tom had built a ship for One Piece, he should have seen Kurokas, so this was another old acquaintance of Kurokas!

“I just don’t know if I can discount it in the face of old acquaintances.”

With such a mentality, Siger and the others came to Tom’s studio.

When he came here, Siger noticed the fat fishman with two horns on his head! No need to guess, this product should be Tom, the best shipbuilder in the world.

When he saw Tom, Seeger was not polite at all, and walked directly over and asked: “Hey, that boatman over there, do you have a boat made of the treasure tree Adam here, I want it.” ”

Seeger put on an air of not bad money, mainly because there was too much gold from the empty island, and he was really rich now.

However, on the other side, Tom, the fish man who was studying the drawings, was embarrassed: “This guest, please don’t be vexatious, how can I have a boat made of such a precious material as the treasure tree Adam?” ”

“Baoshu Adam, this super material for shipbuilding, I haven’t seen it for more than ten years.”

At the same time as Tom finished speaking, a little pervert wearing only underwear popped out from the side, and the little pervert stretched out a Siger and shouted: “Hey, that guy over there don’t make trouble here, my master is very busy, if you really want Baoshu Adam to build ships, then you should take out a Baoshu Adam first.” ”

Now this little pervert with thin arms and legs who jumped out is naturally the future transformation person Franky. Well, to be precise, his current name should be Carter Fram.

However, as soon as this kid jumped out, he was thrown aside by Tom behind him: “You kid don’t disturb the guests here, although the guests’ requirements are a little excessive, but this is not a reason for you to yell at the guests.” ”

After throwing the little pervert away, Tom wanted to apologize to Seeg and the others, but when he saw someone, Tom’s entire fish face instantly froze.

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