The sky was dark, and the treacherous clouds reflected on the earth like thick molten iron.

The ancient and strong city walls were silent, and figures went up and down the city gate, carrying rocky sandbags, their expressions numb and overwhelmed, and occasionally someone fell behind and was whipped by strange monsters.

"Hurry up! If I can't finish my scheduled work today, I'll skin you guys!"

"What are you grinding here!"

A bat-shaped youkai raised the long whip in his hand and swung it at an old man who was panting in place.

However, the whip was intercepted by a hand in mid-air.


The boy raised his head and looked calm.

Face to face, you can see the hidden chill under that calm look, which makes people subconsciously tremble.

However, this is just a ragged human slave, not even a particularly strong body, with pitch-black hair and pupils, but he looks about fifteen or sixteen years old.

"What do you want to do?"

The bat monster subconsciously swallowed his throat.

"Sorry, steward, my fault, I'm old, some can't keep up, I'll just move things over... Brother Han, forget it..." The

old man got up and apologized to the bat monster while calming the young man who didn't say a word.

When the bat monster withdrew his gaze from the boy, his courage increased a little.

"You are an old immortal, you know a fart, still here and thin mud, this is a task arranged by the poisonous master of one of the five poisonous taipo of our southern country, you pick the pick and say that if you don't do it, you won't do it, if the city wall is in disrepair, wait for the gang of the Qi Dao Alliance to call, ask the guilt above, Laozi will suffer with you!" What else do you want to do? Bump into the sir? The

young man slowly released the whip in his hand, slowly picked up the sandbag put down by the old man on the ground, and put it on his other shoulder, with both shoulders level.

The light of the setting sun shone on the not-so-tall figure, revealing a sense of sturdyness, and he walked steadily up and down the city wall, breathing very evenly, and did not gasp.

The bat monster looked away at him and subconsciously gritted his teeth, wanting to give him a whip.

But in the end, it was enough.

First, the workload of building the city wall recently is very heavy, the labor force is one less dead, and secondly, there is no point in fighting, this young man is not the same as other guys, he will not be lazy and slippery, nor will you give you two more whips to be soft on you, even if the skin is open and flesh, he will always be the image of little speech, looking at you with an expressionless face, strange and penetrating.

[Heavenly Dao Plus Point System: Experience Points Plus +0.1%+0.1%...]

Li Han stepped on the old stone slab step by step, and the properties of the panel were constantly increasing.

Three months ago, he crossed into this world and awakened the Heavenly Dao Plus Point System.

Before he could figure out the specific function of his system, the system prompted him to come to the world of the fox demon little red lady, and the timeline was five hundred years ago.

Fox demon little red lady, the world full of shemale sadomasochistic love, cute beast-eared girls everywhere, in short, in this world, most of the time is the warm color of love.

At this time, according to the general script.

At the beginning, I encountered the little fox demon of Tushan, lived a life of being entrapped, and I had to resist on the surface happy and happy, and flirt with the cute little foxes, which is not too demanding.

Or walking on the street and being hit by the hydrangea of the discerning lady, making him an ordinary aunt who is forced to helpless, can only sigh to his beautiful wife every day that life is not easy, speechless and tearful, this requirement is not excessive.

Anyway...... You more or less give a CP, I am a crosser over, don't you distribute a wife to arrange a food and clothing? This is a violation of the labor protection law for crossers!


However, none of this happened, and the youkai who picked him up was not a woman, but a man.

But fortunately, in his previous life, there was no womanhood, and Li Han, who lived in the men's gang, had a strong self-regulation ability and quickly accepted this fact.

He is not dead, as long as he enters the mountain, there will definitely be a female monster with a discerning eye, and he can see at a glance that he is a crosser different...

However...... He wasn't waiting to go into the mountains.

Instead, it goes into the factory.

Well...... Nangoku, a country dominated by monsters, referred to as the Southern Civil Infrastructure Factory.

In order to maximize the potential of employees, this factory adopts the system of working until death as long as you are alive.

The engineering team to which Li Han belonged contracted the repair of this part of the city wall....

After five months of repair, it has not been completed... Well, that's right, five months ....

It's not that the old monster in the south who has lived for tens of thousands of years has a premonition that his limit is approaching, and he decides to build an imperial tomb to bury himself, and the huge project leads to the completion of repair, or ordinary to build a wall.

On the original basis, the city wall can actually be completely repaired in half a month.

The reason lies in 'own people'.

The southern country is dominated by monsters, and the vast territory of this world is still more Terrans, and the relationship between humans and monsters has never been harmonious, and the highest law enforcement agency on the Terran side is the Ichikido Alliance.

Often, when moving bricks, you can see several blurry figures flying in the sky in the distance.

"Abominable demon! Don't hurry up and grab it!

"Bold demon, you have captured so many innocent villagers, how can you bear it!"

The Daoist masters in yellow robes fly high in the sky, their voices are good, they can be heard from far away, spells are good, they fly high, if you can't hear the sound, you can only see the clouds when you look up.

But these Dao masters' eyes don't seem to be very good, and they don't care about the three seven twenty-one below, anyway, as soon as they make a shot, it will be a fireball thunderball and smash it down for you.

They felt satisfied, and when they had enough trouble, they left.

Li Han, these human laborers captured by the monsters of the Southern Kingdom, suffered a lot, not only the newly repaired city wall suddenly exploded.

Also, many people did not die under the heavy labor, but died in the sound of the Dao masters 'for the heavenly path'.

As for the rest... Wash and sleep, tomorrow we will continue to repair the wall, those pilots just dare to blow up in the periphery, really tough to attack, the southern side is full of poisonous fog, once the wall is repaired, even a fly can't fly over.

Slaved by youkai, treated as dead by the people of the Ichiki Alliance.

This is the current situation of these people who have been captured by monsters.

"When is such a life a head."

"I'm afraid this old bone of mine is going to die here, I'm not afraid of death... At least let this old bone die and return to its roots..." At

the end of the day's work, a pot of soup with vegetable leaves and bark was set up on a bonfire, and the ragged human slaves leaned against the corner with bowls and chopsticks, their faces thin and unkempt, like people fleeing the desert.

The sound in the ears is very noisy, the light of the lights is reflected on the face, the wall outside the dark earth plain, the wall is brightly lit and bustling, and you can see the pavilions of the Southern Imperial City from far away, panic like a divine palace.

The sky is bright and the moon is bright, and the stars are visible.

Li Han raised his head and stretched out his hand towards the Imperial City, he gritted his teeth, and his expression was a little fierce.

Without the imagined good life, it doesn't matter, he won't complain, none of this matters.

Importantly, he believes that one day he will have it all.

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