
The little golden man appeared in a blank area, sitting cross-legged and looking at the picture in front of him, and the scene seemed to be implanted in the soul.

He showed an interested expression.

...... Looking at the human world, for the first time in many years, I actually opened my eyes for the first time in my life.

That kid

No, no, no, it's just months since I saw it....

There must be something strange about this, but where it is, it needs to be investigated.

Inside the cave, Wang Quan Hegemony held his sword on the ground with his sword in one hand, his eyes closed, and his face was sweating.

"As the saying goes, take a step back and open the sky, but in my opinion, this is not the case, why should you retreat if you can enter, don't you say?"

The little golden man's fingertips lingered with a cloud of golden light, like silk.

Wang Quanye's face trembled slightly, and his teeth clenched.

"Not bad, very obsessed, if you are really beaten and have no temper, then I'm afraid even I can't save you, to be honest, I have always been optimistic about the kingly power sword intent of your royal family, how high the heart, how strong the sword intent, but unfortunately since childhood without twilight, you people are really difficult to call amazing, this time, the sword intent you eat ready-made, and then give you a chance, further, the mountains are high and the water is long, the vision is high, take a step back, so step by step, lifelong mediocrity, it depends on how you yourself survive."


The golden light disappeared into the mind of the king's hegemony.

At that moment, the entire cave trembled, and the clouds between heaven and earth gradually changed, rolling and roaring.

Wang Power Hegemony raised his head, his hair was frenzied, and a strand of silver and white was mixed.

He raised his right hand, and the golden light gradually condensed into the appearance of a sword body.

A sword in hand, staring at the crowd.

The sword intent was awe-inspiring, swallowing the heavens and the earth.

"Not bad, boy, you are much more talented than I thought, this is the real sword of heaven and earth, the sword intent of kingly power." The

little golden man couldn't help but marvel.

This time it is far better than the original king's power.

This is also because this kid's obsession with the sword is too deep, in order to promote good things, otherwise it will be directly abolished, and then comprehend what the sword intent of the king's power, I am afraid that if you lose your pride, you will also lose the fierceness that the sword of royal power should have.


Time flies, and ten days pass in the blink of an eye.

Shrouded in shadows, the voice of dissatisfaction became more and more intense, like magma hidden in a volcano, constantly climbing and surging, ready to gush out.

In terms of the entire human territory, Flying Dragon City is just an inconspicuous corner.

And it is such a worthless place that actually came out of a Heaven and Earth Alliance that openly wants to fight with the One Qi Dao Alliance, which makes how can the children of each family who are usually above the top accept it?

What is even more unacceptable is that the heads of the family are involved in danger and go to the banquet.

The other party actually dared to make a move during the banquet, causing the old people in these major families to die and be injured heavily, this is like when you go out and travel far away, and the hometown letter says that someone hacked your parents and elders to death, how can this be silent?

"Your royal family is afraid of my Xue family, and all my disciples have petitioned, and this time they will definitely attack Flying Dragon City and destroy the so-called Heaven and Earth Alliance."

"The blood sea has a deep hatred, do not share the sky, my Sun family's children are crisscrossing Huaidong, slaying demons and eliminating demons without fear, how can they let that little Heaven and Earth Alliance joke that no one is in one breath?"

"If Director Xiao hadn't been seriously injured in bed, how could he have been so arrogant and extinguish his own prestige?"


The conference hall of the One Air Dao Alliance was in the sky and on the ground, and as far as the eye could see, all the children of all families came out, not to mention thousands of people, and there were a sea of people, all dressed in vegetarian clothes, and they were angry.

The white jade steps go up and down the ladder to enter the most venerable parliament hall, which is also the headquarters of the Obsidian Inspectorate, the most high-end legislative body of the Ichikido Alliance.

In the lobby.


Steward Fei coughed twice, staining his handkerchief red.

The royal lord on the side patted the back of his hand.

"I also hope that the family master knows that a thousand armies are easy to seek, one will be rare, my one-qi Dao alliance continues to this day, the reason why it has not conquered the major demon domains, the reason is that the power of the demon emperor is too terrifying, often one person is worth thousands of troops, this time the same is true of Flying Dragon City, the master's skills of the alliance of the heaven and earth alliance are subtle, the depth of mana, rare in the world."

The rest of the householders, those who were injured and those who had not been injured, were silent.

In the past, there were many people, but now there are only a few people left.

Although it was claimed to be a treachery and ambush, but in fact, what was the situation in the city that day, they had more than anyone else, and how many people would die if the sword went down?

Wang Quan Shou was also sick and could not stay for a long time, he signaled the attendants on the side to retreat, and a look of embarrassment appeared on his dry face.

"I know very well what you mean and what all the heads of the family mean, these young people used to enjoy great respect in the family, and they didn't know that the sky was high and the earth was thick, but... Young people are inevitably vigorous, we old guys now only have so many people left, I am afraid that it is difficult to suppress, it is not good to fight with their own children, there is a way ... Ahem, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. When

all the heads of the family heard this, they all lowered their heads with sad eyes.

It is said that the children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, to put it bluntly, it is not that the children grow up and can't control it, which family's old people do not have such helplessness ....

"It's a day to be pressed, you don't have to be too pessimistic, now that we have implemented a complete blockade of Flying Dragon City, the surplus food in the city is getting less and less day by day, and there will be chaos for a long time, so we just need to stabilize the defense."

Steward Fei looked pale and nodded.

Under this heavy blow, his cultivation had broken at least seven or eight, and it was impossible to use the sword technique of royal power.

However, the Wang Quan family is still the most important family in one qi Dao Alliance, and he always said a word, and the family masters below also nodded in agreement.

And at this moment, a sound suddenly came to mind outside the door.

"The council hall is heavy, no trespassing!"

"Get up!"

Ten figures walked into the hall one after another.

The leader was dressed in a green robe, his face was indifferent as if he had lost the breath of a living person, and he just waved his sleeve and knocked the children who were besieging on both sides to the ground.

The masters in the hall looked at each other and showed shocked expressions.

Steward Fei was shocked and said, "Hegemonic son..." Not

the king power hegemony alone, there are also the two sons of the Li family behind him, the descendants of the second sword in the world, the Zhang family sword, the Yang family, the Mu family, the Qing family...

These young people can be said to be the strongest force of the One Air Dao Alliance.

Wang Quan Shou frowned and coughed: "Hegemony, don't concentrate on cultivation, why bring them here to mess around?" "

Under the gaze of everyone.

Wang Quan Hegemony took a step forward, clasped his hands into fists and saluted, and raised his head slightly.

"Here, ask the head of the family for the sword of royal power."

Inside the hall.

Suddenly silent.

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