Li Han waved his hand, signaling the people under him to remove all those banners and other things.

Saying that, he sneered and turned his gaze to Kong Qing.

"When you were in Flying Dragon City that day, you asked me for someone, and now you still ask me for someone when you come to the edge of Tu Mountain, yes, I admit, all three of them are in my hands, but, facts aside, don't you have any responsibility as the commander?"


Feng Qi originally thought that this person was the leader of the alliance and held a high position, and in front of these two army formations, there must be a high argument.

Unexpectedly, this rake hit her a rake, and this rake beat her a little numb.

What does it mean to put aside the facts?


Empty green teeth gritted slightly.

"You Tushan can't watch people, all run to me, what is the matter with me? You've seen people too, am I not letting them come back? Yes?

Li Han spread his hands and looked strong.

Righteous rhetoric.

The two were speechless.

Then he rolled his eyes, struck while the iron was hot, and walked to Kong Qing's side, revealing a bitter expression.

"Forget it... Grand Commander, I also climbed up step by step, I know that it is not easy for you to do things, your responsibility will not be pursued, let's put aside business today, you talk about it, how did your Tushan Lord Fengqi bring the child? "


Kong Qing shook unconsciously, her expression was terrified, and the whole person was clever, and she signaled Li Han with her eyes to shut up quickly.

Li Han hummed, "What are you afraid of? She can't hear it, compare her heart to her heart, you always wipe her ass, there is always a day when she can't wipe clean, what does she eat?

At this time, Li Han moved his gaze to Feng Qi on the side again, smiling.

"And this fox demon sister with a beautiful and elegant temperament, you are also working hard."

Fengqi's eyes were full of coldness, and he smiled with coldness between his teeth: "It's not hard, I even need someone else to wipe my butt, what am I working hard?"

Li Han was stunned in place.


Feng Qi stared at Li Han coldly, and the temperature around him seemed to be plummeting rapidly.

I don't know how many years have passed, this is the first time she has met the man who made her so hot.

This mouth is not an ordinary!

She can't wait to use the demon power of her whole body now and directly slap him to death!

However, the three Tushan sisters are in his hands.

She can't wait to call on all the demon power in the entire Tushan territory, the vision of heaven and earth, the demon power crisscrossing, turning the river and the sea, and killing all this piece of ship at once!

However, the three Tushan sisters are in his hands....

Ten seconds after meeting, the Lord of Tu Shan almost broke the defense.

After calming down a little, Feng Qi exhaled slightly, and a smile of unknown meaning appeared in his eyes.

"I know why you're here, but do you know what the three of them represent? Delusional to use the three of them as bargaining chips, have you ever thought about the consequences?

"Aren't the three of them a bargaining chip enough?"

Li Han glanced at Fengqi.

Feng Qi suddenly felt like he was being targeted by thieves, and took a deep breath.

"Enough is enough, but you don't understand anything, you don't know, their power is not you..."

Li Han raised his hand.

"Fengqi Niangniang is mighty! Tushan for thousands of generations! The Heaven and Earth Alliance and Tu Shan Yong are in good alliance! The

deck of the cabin spoke in unison.

Kong Qing is okay at the moment, after all... Someone took her place and took the unbearable weight.

She saw that her sister, who had always been very cultivated, her face became more and more ugly, and her body trembled slightly.

Truly...... Ordinary people can't bear it.

After Feng Qi calmed down his emotions again.

"I repeat, I advise you not to be killed by your own cleverness."

"Do you think I came to Tushan like a choice?"

Li Han smiled and winked at Fengqi.

"Or do you think that if something happens to Flying Dragon City in the future, the three of them will be able to return to Tushan unharmed in the city facing those cultivators of the One Qi Dao Alliance?"

Threat! Naked threat!

Kong Qing's face sank.

In the end, in Flying Dragon City that day, she did not dare to forcibly take people away, except for Tu Shan Honghong herself who was unwilling.

Another part of the reason is that this person's strength is not small.

Tushan Yaya's demon power is so powerful, but now he is missing, and he knows without thinking about it, nine times out of ten, he is controlled by this person, and it has not been long.

Furthermore...... In recent days, the intelligence collected by Tu Shan said that Li Han, the alliance leader of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, had a big problem, and he had killed many masters of the One Qi Dao Alliance with only his own strength, and Sister Fengqi also knew these things.

He is not a character to mess with, he really wants to break the net, and Tu Shan will suffer a loss no matter what.

Can they afford it....

In the end, the Lord of Tushan and the Grand Commander still stepped into the cabin and were willing to sit down and talk about things calmly.

Li Han didn't have much to talk about.

In addition to solving the current predicament of Flying Dragon City, his heart.

There is also a potential purpose.

After connecting with Tu Shan's side, the heavenly materials and earth treasures purchased in the black market of Flying Dragon City in the past naturally could not be caught up with this side.

At the beginning, he asked the old butler to buy some things to increase demon power for Tu Shan Honghong was actually an experiment, smashing at least tens of thousands of taels, and finally replenished a lot of demon power at one time, but what was the actual effect?

Compared with the two sips of wine that Tushan Yaya drank, it is estimated that they are far behind.

It has something to do with magic weapons, but more importantly, the treasure land of feng shui in Tushan itself contains infinite demon power, just like the medicinal herbs abundant in the Poisonous Emperor Mountain in the southern country.

Now Tushan Red Light is standing in the Tushan Demon Realm, and inside it is a demon king-level existence.

This place is priceless.

In the future, trade exchanges will naturally be indispensable for things that are abundant in Tushan, and by then, Li Han's experience progress bar will rise faster than now!


Feng Qi looked calm.

Agreed to Li Han's request for all trade.

Tu Shan can ensure the supply of Flying Dragon City, not to mention the issue of interests, it is just a city, even if they do not take anything, they will not hurt any vitality at all.

"But it's limited to trading, and if you want to use the three of them to involve the entire Tushan in the war with the Ichikido Alliance, I can't agree to this matter."

"Don't worry, I didn't expect to let your foxes from Tushan go outside to fight and kill."

Li Han nodded.

Fox demons with swollen demon power like the three sisters of Tushan are a minority in Tushan after all, and most of the other foxes do not have any combat power, just maintaining the demon realm is already very reluctant, which is why the One Air Dao Alliance always drives a boat to look for obscurity on this side of Tu Mountain.

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