The light of this sword completely shrouded the sun and moon, obscuring the poisonous mist.

It was dazzling and did not dare to look at it directly, and the disciples of the Wang Quan family who rushed to support subconsciously covered their eyes, and one after another waves of qi urged them to retreat one after another, and Zhang Zheng, the heir of the Zhang family sword who regarded himself as the second sword in the world, could only barely support his figure.

He looked at the scene sadly, his lips twitching.

"Dao Meng... "

All the begging, craving seemed to have no effect at this moment.

Some mistakes can only be made once in a lifetime.

Because the price to pay is life.


This sword fell like a heavenly punishment, covering most of the battlefield, and the Li family disciples and Wen family disciples who fled first looked terrified, and they didn't even have time to exclaim before they could be emitted in the sword light.

A sword slid down, and at least two hundred Dao Alliance disciples trapped in the poisonous mist were killed instantly, and even the corpses could not be found.


The sword light rippled on the ground, and the earth shook and undulated, opening a hole hundreds of meters long, the surrounding land cracked, and several herdsman children fell into the formation on the spot and were hit by the falling rocks, and their flesh and blood were blurred.

Miaoyu Fairy Aoki Yuan's body trembled, her expression was shocked, and she had already lost the command of her disciples.

The flustered Qing family's children used to isolate all magic weapons of Yu Ruyi immediately urged in a panic, within such a small range, the consequences can be imagined.

This is the magic weapon of the young family that comes to fall from people and treasures.

The Dao Alliance disciples, who were bent on flying up, fell to the ground like meteorites with the support of friendly troops.

At this moment, the poisonous mist had completely closed this space.

Looking up or looking around, there is a thick purple smoke.

"It's over..."

muttered Li Quxun as he stood on the battlefield where arrows were raining like a rain, and his companions fell from the sky one after another and fell to the ground.

At this moment, he finally understood the meaning of Dongfang Lonely Moon's eyes.

The elite children of all the Qi Dao Alliance came out all over the place, there were many leaders, and the Tianjiao were rampant, but when they arrived in Flying Dragon City, they were all like turtles in an urn, fish that lost water.

This is... Self-defeating also.

"Nanaku! Don't stand silly, quick! Build fortifications! Yang

sighed and supported Mu Shenqi's body, Fang Cai's sword directly cut off his wrists, and the sword rippled, causing him to suffer heavy internal injuries, blood spilling from his mouth, unable to speak.

This man, who is expected to become the next head of the Mu family, has always been known for his horizontal body, and his strength can smash the demon king, but under this sword, there is no resistance, and all the armor on his body is shattered.


"You're badly injured, don't say any more!" Nanake! What are you doing!

Yang sighed and shouted again, hoarse.

Deng Qiyue, who was already completely stupid not far away, reacted, and he hurriedly ordered the Deng family disciples who were good at civil engineering to use magic weapons, and for a while, many high walls appeared above the ground, forming an encirclement in the encirclement of the poisonous mist, wrapping all the surviving Daomeng disciples.


There are less than 100 people left in each family.

Seven hundred, more than six hundred dead, almost completely destroyed....

Many people threw their swords on the ground, raising their heads like the living dead, not knowing what they were muttering...

The wails of the seriously injured can be heard everywhere.

However, before Yang Yisigh could give instructions on the next step, an outrageous scene happened.


It was the children of the Deng family who had built impregnable fortifications in a short period of time.

Deng Qiyue's eyes widened, and he was so frightened that he sat on the ground.

"This... This..." Under

the light of Qingjia Yuruyi, the dark fortress offensive was still bright, however, the city wall formed by the children of the Deng family had a big problem!

The wall gradually turned dark purple at a speed visible to the naked eye, which was the same color as the poisonous fog outside.

Earth...... Can it also be poisoned?

"This is not an ordinary poison, it is a poisonous skill of the Southern Country!"

Yang Yi, who forcibly calmed himself down, covered his forehead with a sigh, only then in order to save the Pastoral Qi on the battlefield, the degree of using the Heavenly Eye had already far exceeded the usual load, and now his eyes had begun to ache faintly, and he didn't know how long he could support it.

The eldest brother Wang Power Hegemony is not there, he is the absolute commander of this battlefield.

"Second brother, what is the thickness range of this poisonous mist you observed?"

A figure in a white robe walked to Yang Yisi's side, it was the eldest son of the Li family in Taoyuan, Li Zizi.

Under this scene, only he is calmer than the others.

Yang Yi sighed and gritted his teeth and said, "Fang Cai, I observed, it was in the shape of a fortress, consciously contracted inside, the head was relatively weak, tens of meters thick, and there were hundreds of meters around.

Li Zizi looked around and nodded.

"Let Qiyue unravel the defenses, I will use the Chaos Purple Gold Gourd to absorb the part of the poisonous gas at the top, or break through from there."

Yang Yi sighed and shook his head: "No, according to my observation, the alliance master of that Heaven and Earth Alliance seems to have a magic weapon to replenish qi in his hand, and after he took a sip, his mana soared, at this moment, he must be waiting outside for the further penetration of the poisonous mist, if he breaks through rashly, it is difficult to ensure that he cuts out another sword." "


A throwing knife appeared at Li Zizi's feet, and he jumped up, his face expressionless.

"I still have this."

Yang sighed, his pupils dilated abruptly.

"Third brother, if you attack him with an indefinite flying knife, yourself..." Li

Zizi smiled slightly.

"Second brother, do you remember the previous agreement between the ten of us?"

Yang Yi sighed and nodded.

The world is so big that there are no secrets that their brothers have not discovered, and as the representative figures of the young generation of the Dao Alliance, their goal is to explore a wider world, to explore the legendary place.

Outside the circle.

It's a pity that before this vision is yet to be realized and realized, the incident in Flying Dragon City happened, and the head of the family died one after another, which is unprecedented in the history of the One Qi Dao Alliance, and it is also the rebellion of the Dongfang Family of the Divine Volcano Zhuang, which everyone did not expect in advance.

There is also the alliance master of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, I am afraid that there is no one in this world who is more in line with the two words of the demon head than him.

"I have always felt that Uncle Fei and what they did at the beginning was too much, but it was difficult to say clearly, closing the Dongfang family to a dead end, inviting calamity, resulting in the death of your brother's elders, the injury of injury, you and my brother privately said that they are outsiders, with great ambitions, and they can make a career without relying on the family, but now they are red eyes for revenge one by one, and they are controlled by people again, I only think now that all this will not be retribution."

Li looked up.

He remembered that his younger brother had said that he had met a person in Flying Dragon City who could use his indefinite throwing knife.

And that person is the current Lord of the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

I've always wanted to see each other, but I can't help it....

"Third brother."

"Second brother, I won't advise you to forget hatred, just as the alliance master of this Heaven and Earth Alliance will not let go of us Dao Alliance disciples who forced the Dongfang family to a corner in the first place. It's just that our side was very wrong from the beginning, now, it is one thing to avenge your father, and what you have to do is another, you and my brother's debts and revenge, I am alone, in the future, the eldest brother's side, you persuade him.

Li smiled.

A knife cut through the offensive built by the disciples of the Deng family, and the poisonous mist poured in together.

The loser is nothing more than a proud word.

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