Dongfang Lonely Moon was not interested in the strange powers that Li Han had mastered.

Because a fierce life does not need to be explained.

His legendary life really has to be spread out and said, how many things are difficult for ordinary people to understand? Strictly speaking, the Dongfang family cannot be regarded as an orthodox one-airway alliance family, but originated from a relatively hidden and unborn ethnic group.

Only Dongfang Lonely Moon was born with the Demon Exterminating God Fire, and in just a few decades, a Divine Volcano Village was built in the mortal world, according to the virtue of the original Qi Dao Alliance, how many awesome things did the old man have to do? None of this needs to be talked about.

He only cared about one thing, what Li Han was going to do now would have an impact on the world, and how he would deal with it.

"The Tushan Demon Domain is obviously undesirable, according to what I mean, if the generation of the Dao Alliance is not too miserable by you, it is still promising, but according to the existing system, if it is pushed back for another twenty years, sooner or later there will be chaos, what you have to consider is nothing more than the problems of several other major demon domains, the western region is a desert, the demon emperor Fan Yunfei is said to have long been unborn, the North Mountain Demon Emperor Shi Kuanzhen guards the city gate, calling the Destruction Heavenly Monarch, no one has dared to commit it all these years, and the southern country is a forbidden land, The old emperor Huandu Qingtian has been operating for tens of thousands of years, and if it continues like this, he will deal with them sooner or later in the future.

Dongfang Guyue voiced his worries, but when he turned his eyes, he found that Li Han on the side seemed to be very serious, but in fact, he was simply absent-minded.

"What are you thinking?"

"What Lord Yue Chang said is reasonable, but I am already studying opponents outside the circle."

"You study a..."

Dongfang Guyue was stunned for a moment, and almost burst out a foul sentence.

What the hell is going on in this kid's head? How do you still set your sights on the forbidden land of the entire world, that is an area that the demon emperor does not dare to set foot in, existence is indeed existence, but it is not on the map, and there is no talk about it.

I didn't worry clearly about this acre of three-point field, thinking about what those who didn't have did it?


"Yes, Tu Shan's matter is far from as simple as the predecessors thought."

Li Han smiled meaninglessly, making Dongfang Lonely Moon really a little puzzled.

Tu Mountain is the back garden of the Heaven and Earth Alliance?

This kind of words, Li Han does not dare to pack tickets now, there are still many uncertainties.

He's what really is... Focus on the present.


Yong'an City.

The defeated army of the Qi Dao Alliance returned to the city, the breath of defeat was like a dark cloud covering everyone's face, some of the seriously injured had even begun to become insane, the mouth was clouded with what heaven and earth were cracked, everywhere there were words such as poison, three out of ten of the disabled, either swept over the body by the sword light, or infected with poison and forcibly amputated to save a small life.


Li Quxun took the hot water boiled by Deng Qiyue and took a sip gently.

Inside the temporary broken shed on the side, Yang Yisigh and Qingmuyuan were still busy healing the wounds of the Mu Shenqi.

The city had been emptied of nearby residents before the war began, leaving only spare food and grass, and iron pots were steaming hot everywhere in the winter, and none of them thought that they would sleep here before they came.

Many people are already clamoring to retreat, saying that Yong'an City is too close to Flying Dragon City, in case the enemy army comes, then these people are estimated to have to account for here, once the fear arises, it is only a matter of time before the rout occurs, and it is no longer possible to expect the remaining people to form any effective combat power.

It can only be said that the withdrawal is certain to be withdrawn, but if you withdraw without a little adjustment, it will be beaten even worse by the pursuing enemy, and now at least, there are still the children of the royal family guarding the city.

"Look, it's the eldest son of the Li family!"

I don't know who shouted, everyone raised their heads one after another, and Li Quxun, who was sad, looked towards the sky with excitement for the first time.


Li Zizi fell into the city, so that the members of the mask group were basically in Yong'an City.

At the head of the city, Zhang Zheng and Wang Quanye accompanied Wang Quan Hegemony, and the three fell to the ground together, Wang Quan Hegemony burst into tears with excitement, and stepped forward to hug Li Zizi.

"Third brother."

"Big brother."

Everything is in silence.

This time, the representatives of the most outstanding families of the One Qi Dao Alliance united to attack Flying Dragon City, and when they came, they were violent, and they won such a crushing defeat in less than half a day, which everyone did not expect, but this also confirmed from the side that the Dao Alliance, which had not experienced the fire of war for too long, was actually fragile like a chicken and a dog, and it would be scattered with one blow.

Everyone who escaped after the disaster looked at the once spirited eldest brother Wang Quan Hegemony, and their hearts were all embarrassed.

At this moment, he has white hair on his head and a slight slag beard, which he has not taken care of before he comes, and he is young in the next year, but he looks like vicissitudes.

"Big brother, the Oriental seniors remembered the old feelings and deliberately let me go, we... Or retreat.

Li Zizi looked down and sighed.

Not only the Eastern Lonely Moon, even the ruthless Heaven and Earth Alliance Lord seems to be deliberately keeping his hand, although I don't know why, but this situation is already a blessing in misfortune for the One Qi Dao Alliance.

This statement came out.

The Three Senses Saint Monarch Yang sighed and did not speak, even Li Qujun, Ji Wuji and the others who were imposing before coming did not refute, but just clenched their fists, and their faces were full of unwillingness.

The wind and snow are like goose feathers constantly falling between heaven and earth, telling a sense of desolation and withering.

In the huge Yong'an City, all the disciples of the One Qi Dao Alliance are looking at the hegemony of the king, longing, frustration, and loss, this emotion is very complicated, this is the victory of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, but why is it not the victory of the Divine Volcano Zhuang?

Everyone felt that Dongfang Lonely Moon was old and faint, and made the most stupid decision in his life, and actually wanted to join forces with a group of rabble to fight against the behemoth of the One Airway Alliance, but what was the truth? This time, they didn't even hit the walls of Flying Dragon City.

"Well, withdraw."

Wang Power Hegemony nodded.

The disciples of the One Kido Alliance present were relieved, but the members of the Mask Troupe did not relax because of this.

Because there was no retreat in the eyes of Wang Power Hegemony, on the contrary, he was unusually firm.

"Big brother..."

"This time, the crime is in my royal power hegemony, one will be incompetent to exhaust the three armies, how is the judgment between the One Qi Dao Alliance and the Flying Dragon City, so far, the rest is a private matter between me and him, and I hope that you will be fulfilled."

The members of the mask group were shocked, but the king power hegemony was very calm, and even smiled with relief.

On that day, all the ordinary disciples of the One Qi Dao Alliance left Flying Dragon City.

The members of the Mask Troupe stayed in the city except for the Faun Qi, and one of them stood at the head of the city.

Heaven and earth are a sword, is there a reason to retreat without a fight?

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