"I understand that your previous actions were all for self-preservation, but I still hope you know that it is not easy for Your Majesty to achieve such a step."

The poisonous master sighed.

If it weren't for the princess, Mo said that it was the emperor Huandu Qingtian, and they couldn't pass the five-poison taibao, Li Han's crimes in the southern country were too deep, first robbing the princess, and then killing the demon.

Which one can be tolerated by everyone as a human being, and the reason why he retreated before was because the princess had an unresolved affair in her body.

Li Han nodded.

"What are you here for?"

"Naturally, for the emperor's oracle, kill you."

The poisonous master raised his head.

The autumn breeze blew, the courtyard was silent, and the girl stood under the eaves, her smile frozen on her delicate little face.

"Father... Did Father really say that? "



the poisonous master slowly closed his eyes.

"The emperor's meaning, to give an explanation to the people below, no matter what, Li Han can't continue to stay in my southern country, I take a compromise method, just this trip I want to go to the human realm, so I will take him, if he can return to the human realm in the future to continue living, then it will be better."

"Back to the human realm, isn't it still watching my eldest brother go to die?"

Huandu Luolan reacted at once.

I had heard them say earlier that it was difficult for the enslaves who had robbed their southern country to return to the realm of the One Ki Dao Alliance, and the common people did not need to say more.

The poisonous master was embarrassed: "Princess, this is also the only way I can think of, if you go, you have a way to live, if you don't go, from the saint down, the five poisonous taipo except me, mainly the imperial uncle poisonous Laozi and the imperial princess poisonous mother-in-law, all want to kill him." "

Huandu Luolan face is like dead ashes.

If it were someone else, she was confident that she could press down now, but Uncle Huang's words...

However, what he did not expect was that the boy walked up to the princess, smiled and touched her head.

"Luo Lan, you have done well enough, so you don't need to continue to help me with this matter."

"Big brother..."

Speaking of this, although Li Han has no feeling for the royal family of the Southern Kingdom, but these days, the little princess is not thin on him.

Many things in the world are like this, and they come true in the end.

He is not a hard-hearted heart, he has repeatedly seen Huandu Luolan with little hands full of scars in order to collect medicine, a princess of a country, full of embarrassment for his affairs, and still laughing silly there, such a silly girl, people can't get up.

The grievances are clearly distinguished, and besides, on the southern side, he was arrested for three months, and now he has borrowed people's territory to cultivate for so long, and has lived a life without worries about food and clothing for more than a month, which has long been considered two clear.

"Luo Lan, okay, okay, don't be too sad."

Li Han took out a handkerchief to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes for the little princess, the tip of her crying nose was red, and she hugged Li Han's waist with both hands.

"Big brother, don't you go, okay... I every day... Every day, the palace lives in such a big house, there is no one, no one tells me stories, no one tells me what is right and what is wrong, I don't want to waste time like before, I want to be like my eldest brother, understand so many truths, know what I should do in the future..."

The little princess seems to have many people around her, who loves her father and powerful subordinates, but in fact, the poisonous emperor is often busy with government affairs and neglects to discipline the princess, and those under her are all conniving at her willfulness.

Huandu Luolan is actually not bad, she just... Would love to find someone to talk to her.

The September wind blew through the ends of the little girl's hair, and the strands of hair stained the cripping little face.

Gently skimmed by a hand, the handkerchief caressed the tears in the corners of her eyes.

The young man took up his bag, looked firm, held the ashes of the past, walked through the courtyard, and gradually disappeared at the end of time.

Huandu Luolan raised his head, it was his smile between the dappled light and shadow, in this small courtyard in the past, on the stove in the kitchen, on the tables and chairs in the hall... Picking lights to tell stories, flying kites outside the courtyard... Those trivial things seem to be remembered now, and the eldest brother listens to her heart, plays with her, and teaches her not to be difficult with subordinates.

The thousands of mountains outside the door gradually enter late autumn, red as the setting sun.

The sound of the wind seemed to engulf his words, but Huandu Luolan could hear it.

"Eat well, Lo Lan."


A small town on the southern border.

This place is only a few mountains away from the demon realm, and as far as the eye can see, the houses are all bamboo buildings, and the people coming and going are Miaojiang costumes, and the number of people is not boiling, shuttling on the street, quite deserted.

A carriage drove down the street, and the whipped maid was brightly dressed, with his head held high, and he looked proud.

Stop at the entrance of an inn.

"Hmm, Gongzi, you are so bad... Stop playing tricks on slaves. "


Yingying Yanyan's voice from inside the carriage made the maid's face turn red.

"Ximen official, here."

"Got it, you go to the store to find a place to stay, and then come and inform me later."


At this time, many residents have stopped and gazed, this carriage is a magnificent look, the whole body is made of carved wood, the corners are decorated with gold, covered with gold silk satin, the bead curtain is round and shiny, at a glance it is indescribably valuable, such a poor and remote place, even if there are some country tyrants, they can't take out such a family background.

Moreover, under this broad daylight, such a wind, this sound coming out... It's a little bloated.

Who is the owner of this carriage?

After the whipping boy outside entered the inn to report, he returned to the carriage.

Finally, the car door was opened, and a man in a white robe walked out, wearing a Kong Ming hat and holding a feather fan, looking extremely elegant.

"Isn't this Ximen Blowing Sand, known as the Jade Face Wind Monarch in the rivers and lakes, Ximen Daxia?"

"Really, you're not mistaken, are you?"

"How can I admit my mistake! The snow mist imperial fan he held in his hand is said to be that the wind passes without leaving his head, and can give birth to the vision of heaven and earth, who else in this river and lake will be such an elegant scholar dressed up, and such a distinguished car passenger, who else can there be if it is not Ximen Daxia? "

There are also passing warriors in the town, one by one, sabers, as for why they are here, everyone's purpose is the same.

"Unexpectedly, even Ximen Daxia heard the wind, knowing that the southern demon would make chaos in the near future, and specially came to this place to get rid of the demon, now there is Ximen Daxia here, we are not afraid of the southern demon at all."

"Fortunately, Ximen Chuisha has worshiped here."

Ximen Chuisha stood on the carriage, the smug look in his eyes flashed, and he held the feather fan in his hands and smiled and bowed to everyone.

At this time, a figure in a gown holding a jar slowly disappeared into the corner of the alley next to it.

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