
Tushan bitter giant tree.

The petals are beautiful and beautiful.

Tu Shan Honghong sat quietly on the ground, her eyes tightly closed.

Feng Qi, on the other hand, stared at her expression and walked past her.

"Miss Honghong, have you experienced all kinds of sorrows and joys between the worlds on this trip down?"

Tu Shan Honghong nodded.

At this moment, what came to mind was not something particularly noisy, but silence, and the snowflakes in the sky seemed to have all stood still at some point.

Passing body temperature, hands that can no longer be held.

Human life is so fragile.

She couldn't tell what that feeling was, just sad... Really sad.

A smile appeared in Fengqi's eyes.

She waved her hand, and wisps of black aura swirled out from the petals at the bottom of the bitter giant tree, and these breaths went straight into Tu Shan's red body.

"That's right, Miss Honghong, all encounters and bonds will only bring painful memories, you must learn to let go in time."

Cold sweat oozed from Tu Shan's red forehead.

Consciousness in the mind.

Spring blossoms, as if back to the time when she was young, when Fengqi took her carefree play.

Until one day, she said she wanted to go down.

Feng Qi was not angry or happy, but tears slipped silently from his face, and that expression was really sad.

Clusters of black aura went in and out from Tu Shan's red body, until at a certain moment, they converged into a dozen light masses and rushed towards her chest.


The black light mass was bounced off at the same time, and Tu Shan's red robe danced wildly, and the demon power seemed to explode directly at this moment.

Feng Qi looked shocked.

How so?

"No... That's not true.

Tu Shan muttered, an expression of extreme pain on his face.

In her opinion, even if those humans in Flying Dragon City have a short lifespan, they still try very hard to survive, even if those monsters know that this is just a short encounter in a long life, they can only leave grief, or moths fight fire and do not choose to give up.

The most important thing is... That man's wish is very noble, and if there really is a day, there will definitely be a real peace in this world.

"This can't be... How can you really see the light in humans? Feng

Qi was shocked and retreated again and again.

At this moment, none of those black light masses could continue to immerse themselves into Tu Shan Honghong's body, but turned into the bitter giant tree.

At this moment, Fengqi's gaze focused on the bitter giant tree, and a look of hatred appeared in his eyes.

"Is that your will? Let's repeat the tragedy of generation after generation, what reincarnation and continuation, it sounds so good, in the end it is not a different container? "

No one would want it.

The current Lord of Tu Mountain, Fengqi, actually held such a big grudge against the bitter giant tree.

As early as a few years ago, she met a marriage between mortal dust, which was very short.

On the day of the death of the human being, she carried his body to the giant tree of bitterness, and what she asked for was not some kind of reincarnation continuation, but a real resurrection, and the so-called reincarnation continuation was just a joke in her opinion.

The soul has been erased from memory, even the body has been replaced, what does such a guy have to do with the person she loved in the first place?

In order to implant her idea of truly resurrecting human beings into the Bitter Giant Tree, she put a lot of effort into cultivating Tu Shan Honghong in order to change her mind and then affect the Bitter Giant Tree that gave birth to her.

However, this is all coming to an end today.

"I have been working hard for so long, but I still can't change you, she just went to the human world and began to follow your philosophy, so long time, I have all worked in vain!"

Fengqi's face became more and more hideous.

After all, nothing can be changed, is this a bitter giant tree?

At this moment, the black aura that wandered in the bitter giant tree rushed towards Fengqi and disappeared into her body.

The current Lord of Tushan was black all over his body at this moment, with wisps of scarlet swimming between his eyes.

She stretched out her hand towards Tu Shan's red head.

"Since there is no way to subtly change, then I have to take tough measures."


At this moment, a figure came from outside, Feng Qi hurriedly withdrew his hand, and the black aura on his body disappeared without a trace in an instant, and a trace of embarrassment appeared in his eyes.

The one who came was Kong Qing.

"What are you doing here?"


Kong Qing glanced at Tu Shan Honghong, next to him.

"It's okay, she's already in a state of deep meditation, and she can't hear anything you say."

"Sister, that's it..."

Immediately afterwards, Kong Qing said the matter of the back mountain, of course, there was no mention about a certain Silver Moon Guard Grand Commander almost dangling in front of people naked, after all, it was somewhat insulting to Sven.

"Hmph! I have heard about the good things you did, Miss Hong Hong was there that day, but after that, she didn't go once, why should you? "

Huh? Why? "

Empty Qing was caught off guard.

She looked terrified, and from Fengqi's meaningful eyes, she wasn't quite sure how much the other party knew.

Moreover, Tu Shan Honghong has actually been there?

"Out of sight, out of mind, I also figured it out later, that human being may not be the image of a decent gentleman in the heart of Miss Hong Hong in the first place."


"That's the weirdness."

Feng Qi stared at Tu Shan's red face and frowned slightly.

She felt the need to find out what the relationship between Tu Shan Honghong and that human was.

"But, sister, that human being was imprisoned in our

Tushan by the people of the Aolai Country..." "I'm not dead yet, when did Tushan become the back garden of his Aolai Country, and he brought people over if he wanted to?" I never agreed to this, it was just wishful thinking.

Feng Qi sneered.

Kong Qing didn't dare to speak when he heard this... If this is Fengqi's will, no matter how irrational it seems, these people can only obey.

Tu Shan Honghong, who was sitting under the tree, seemed to be in deep meditation, and the expression on his face did not change at all.

Feng Qi's eyes rolled around.

"Let me see if your heart becomes messy when the things you care about are broken, and after all, you still have a personal will there, don't you?"

This is Tu Shan, her territory.

A human being, is it not like slaughtering pigs and dogs?

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