Immediately afterwards, Feng Qi showed Kong Qing what the power of a demon emperor was.

The entire back mountain was surrounded by layers of golden barriers, which gradually collapsed under the impact of demon power like a cocoon, no matter how outrageous the forbidden spell was, it was as fragile as a thin piece of paper in front of the laws of heaven and earth.

This is the true strength of the Demon Emperor in his own field.

Li Han sat in place, staring at this scene blankly, and spit out rabbit bones in his mouth.

Didn't figure it out... What is this for?


At this moment, thousands of miles away, the country of Aolai.

"What are you planning to do over there?"

"Who knows? Maybe the woman is finally crazy. The

three young masters of the Aolai Kingdom levitated to the side, holding the back of his head with both hands.

He didn't notice how complicated his second sister's expression was at the moment.

After all...... He was very busy with business, and the main task of monitoring Li Han during this time was still done by Liu'er, who also said that she was very interested in Li Han and originally planned to cultivate him.

The heaven and earth on the other side of the picture were dark, and the three young masters of the Aolai Kingdom frowned.

"This... It's not good, second sister, if we really let Feng Qi do this, I'm afraid we won't even see that kid's hair when we go to Tushan again. The

fire stood out in the eyes of the six ears.

"yes... Yes, you have to go quickly. Her

worst fears finally happened.

I have thought about it before, between the Ruyi stick and the secret fire eye, whether to pick one to practice for this kid first.

But considering that the former is simple to get started and proficient is difficult, the latter is difficult to get started, and there is no general trick to mastery, just keep practicing. Of course, it was because he was afraid of disturbing Li Han's enthusiasm for cultivating the exercises that would be so matched.

The worst secret technique fire eye can't be trained, there is also a wishful stick to practice a little, how can it not discourage enthusiasm, right?

However, what she never expected was that this kid actually cultivated the secret art Fire Eye in a short period of time, and although I don't know what level he has reached, but with this outrageous rate of progress that even monsters can't understand...

What did Feng Qi think, wouldn't she think about why this human being could be specially imprisoned in the Tu Mountain Realm by her Ao Lai Country?

There's no point in talking about this now....

Went late.

Tu Shan is afraid that he will not be able to keep it....


Tu Shan.

The changes between heaven and earth have not stopped, and the huge demon power coercion is getting stronger and stronger.

However, a scene that both Feng Qi and Kong Qing did not expect happened, and a long stick actually grew stronger and stronger, stabbing towards them from the ground under them.

"Sister be careful!"

Kong Qing was shocked.

"Hmph! Insect tricks! Feng

Qi was quite disdainful, and with a slight wave of his sleeve, the stick was cut off from the middle into countless pieces, and scattered from the sky to the ground.

"What other means do you have, you can use them all, don't you have the sword of royal power and the endless wine jug in hand?"

Li Han looked puzzled.

"What do you mean?"

He can't figure it out, he really can't figure it out, could it be that there is no explanation at all on the side of Ao Lai Country?

Why is this a fight? What other means can be used to use them all?

He didn't come to Tushan to fight, isn't this a neuropathy?

"Don't worry about it, you can treat this place as Flying Dragon City, try all the tricks, today so that you can die to understand, die and be convinced."

Feng Qi smiled coldly.

Kong Qing on the side couldn't help but shiver.

Because she noticed that the expression on the human face under her sister had completely changed when she said that she understood that sentence, if she had completely held an attitude of not knowing why she was playing.

Right now...... He did not show fear or panic, but the coldness that penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

Li Han squatted in front of the pit.

"You heard it, someone came to avenge you, and said they wanted to kill me!"

"Woo hoo... Ahem, shut up the old lady's! The old lady's revenge is not yet the turn of others to repay, you bastard to the old lady wait, we Tushan fox demon to take revenge, fifty years is not too late! Sooner or later, you will not be able to move one day! When the time comes, you wait, the old lady must overturn your wheelchair! Knock over your spittoon! Hang your night pot around your neck again! You bastard......

"Punching the old and the young, bullying the weak." Good ambition, with the style of my year.

Li Han shook his head helplessly.

No way, isn't this strong can't be beaten?

Otherwise, he can't find Liu'er and Aolai Guo San to fight?

It's one thing for a person to have to bow his head under the eaves, and he's not a joker.

But some things can't go too far, can't they? He has a bottom line there, casually define him, say that what your life should be decided by him, your life and death are just this kind of words....

It's easy to think of a lot of bad memories.

"Are you finished? Do you want to give you some more time to write a suicide note to leave to your relatives in Flying Dragon City, I can give you this time, don't expect that the people from the Aolai Kingdom will come to rescue you." "

You treat me like a weak chicken?"

The moment Li Han got up and turned around.

Feng Qi only saw the flashing fire between his eyes, but it was only for a split second that the Wang Quan sword was inserted into her chest.


"Get out!"

Li Han's expression was cold, and he kicked Kong Qing's chest, just like in Flying Dragon City that day, the Great Commander once again flew down from mid-air like a leather ball.

This is certainly not because of too heavy athlete's foot ... The main thing is that this kind of physical technique containing demon power is very lethal, and even if it can be carried, it will inevitably hurt and be injured.

Feng Qi looked at his chest in amazement.

Fast! Too fast!

Her demon power hadn't even caught the trace of this human, and just now his eyes were on fire... What's going on?

Without having time to think about it, she turned into a mass of demon power in time and flew into the distance, reorganizing again.

At this time, a cloud of black mist also quickly condensed around her body, turning into a mass of demon power projectiles, and for a moment the sky was filled with such things, as if countless searchlights were turned on at the same time.

Li Han's body was bathed in this light.


The demon power projectile shot out in a volley, and the light wrapped the entire back mountain, but Feng Qi did not have any reservations, and did not have to worry about whether it would hurt Tushan Yaya, most of the sources of this power belong to the bitter giant tree, the particularity of the three sisters of Tushan needless to say, how can it be injured by the power of the origin?

"In this way..."

However, in the light, there were suddenly several different kinds of light, crimson, like sharp arrows burning throughout.


Feng Qi was dumbfounded.


As soon as that cluster of fire touched the demon power group, not only did it not stop, but it also went straight through, without changing the trajectory of progress in the slightest.

Immediately afterwards, they fell into the ground and splattered smoky earth, and in the middle of the pit, it was like magma embedded in the ground and burned.

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